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  1. #1
    Sam15 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2010

    Anavar / Creatine

    Hello all,

    First I would like to say thank you all in advance!

    I am about to run an Anavar / Creatine cycle. I chose this because I already have a decent body I just wanted to spice things up by adding some Anavar in the mix. I know it is a MILD steroid , this is why I chose it. I am going to be running 30mg a day for about 4 weeks or a little longer. Here is my question:

    People keep saying "don't expect much" or "you won't see much from this" can I not expect much from a steroid but I supposedly can from "NO XPLODE!!"? I guess what I am trying to ask is...Anavar may not give me the best gains compared to other steroids , but it will beat the hell out of any supplement right?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Anavar is the mildest oral steroid . But it does affect your liver. Take some milk thistle along with anavar for liver support. A short anavar cycle is aobut 6 weeks. A normal cycle is 8 weeks. Most people cycle about 60mg/ed. I did 100mg/ed for 8 weeks. Nice tight muscles. It's good stuff. You should also stack with Test Prop to balance your natural endogenous level of Testosterone . 200mg/wk should be enough.

  3. #3
    lil_herc81's Avatar
    lil_herc81 is offline Member
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    Anavar will add hardness to the muscle or as scothguard mentioned tight muscles. if your looking for a mild difference this may work for you. Also, as advised consider liver support

  4. #4
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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    Anavar should help burn fat at the same time as putting on some muscle. Between that and the creatine induced water weight it becomes difficult to see you progress using a scale. Keep track of your progress by your body measurements & body fat %. I would suggest starting at atleast 40mg per day if not a bit more.

  5. #5
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam15 View Post
    Hello all,

    First I would like to say thank you all in advance!

    I am about to run an Anavar / Creatine cycle. I chose this because I already have a decent body I just wanted to spice things up by adding some Anavar in the mix. I know it is a MILD steroid , this is why I chose it. I am going to be running 30mg a day for about 4 weeks or a little longer. Here is my question:

    People keep saying "don't expect much" or "you won't see much from this" can I not expect much from a steroid but I supposedly can from "NO XPLODE!!"? I guess what I am trying to ask is...Anavar may not give me the best gains compared to other steroids, but it will beat the hell out of any supplement right?
    Let's get some stats before everyone gives you cycle advice.

    Body fat%
    Years training?
    Planned PCT?

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