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  1. #1
    ZaphodBeeblebrox is offline New Member
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    New here... Hi everyone!

    Hello all.

    Just wanted to introduce myself.

    I'm in my early 40's and I've been a trainer for over 20 years. I tried a few cycles in my early 20's and had massive shoulder problems that have haunted me ever since. To this day I have no idea why I thought benching over 315 was so damn important to me. It's just an arbitrary number but at the time it seemed to be the only important thing.

    I also had some issues with post-cycle. Being broke as most young'uns are, I never could afford post cycle therapy , so I went through depression, mild gyno, etc. I did Sustanon a few times, and also did Deca . If I knew then what I know now about training (I know, very cliche), I would have avoided all the injuries and still gotten a fantastic physique. I am very fortunate to have good genetics. I can still see abs at 20% bodyfat, not that I want to hang around at that level!

    Right now I weight about 190. At my peak in my 20's I was about 210 with about 7% bf. I have NO interest in achieving that again. In fact, I really don't want to gain weight. My bf is around 16%. I gained a little weight this year after moving in with my girlfriend who cooks for me all the time. When she moved in I was pretty happy with my body at 175 and about 8-10% bf. My pants went from 30" to 34"... Not acceptable. 34" is my standard turn-around point through my moderate ups and downs.

    My workouts aren't as frequent as they used to be. My work is VERY physically demanding though, so I do manage to get in a lot of activity in spite of myself. When I do workout I am very good at doing what I can to work around my injuries. I would just KILL to have my shoulders back! I miss having nice delts! The nice thing is that I'm very naturally mesomorphic, was an athlete for a long time (track, wrestling, gymnastics, martial arts, mt bike racer, etc), so I maintain my shape very well. My proportions are pretty even and symmetrical. Very moderate effort and half-assed discipline with my diet and I usually cut down pretty well.

    My goal is only a little different. I just want to get ripped back down. I don't care so much about my weight. The thing that has changed on my body is chest fat. I have minimal love handles and can still see my abs clearly, but I seem to have lost that nice deep line from my delt that swept to the middle of my chest. My skin actually dimples a little on my side! My ribs and lats also have a thick layer. So this time I'm on a mission to lose it once and for all! I have some nagging tendinitis that I want to have cleared up too. If I put on a little extra muscle in the process I won't mind, but my days of worrying about my arm girth are behind me. I just want to look dense and lean, along with having nice even proportions.

    So, it's been about 15 years since my last cycle. Now I'm going to do a light cycle, mostly to help with some minor injuries and also to drop some body fat. I have Oxandrolone (generic Anavar --100 10 mg tabs). I'm not sure how much I should take and how to space it out. It is the first oral I have ever tried. Today I took 20mg when I woke up, and I took 10mg about 4 hours later. I was thinking that I should probably take up to 50mg daily.

    I also have 50 tabs of clebuterol. Again, dosage is a question for me. Another thing to consider is that I take Adderal and Celexa, and I'm not sure if there are any contraindicating side-effects that I should be aware of. Obviously main stream docs and med literature cannot help me. They just give the ass-covering advice to NOT take anything else.

    Being older, wiser, and having better means, I can now afford proper post therapy. I know that I supposedly don't need it for something as mild as anavar, but I don't want to take any chances so I stocked up on Tamoxofin, and Clomid. Again, so exactly sure when to start either, or how much. I'm not sure at what level I start to effect FSH, LH and my natural T production, so knowledgeable advice on that would be great.

    I have 50 Tamox and 30 Clomids. In my limited knowledge I know that I should probably be doing something DURING the cycle. So, when do I start each, and what dosage?

    Hope this lengthy debut post is well-received. Your help would be so deeply appreciated.


  2. #2
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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    Most anavar users take a dosages of 40-100mg per day. I'd say start at 40 and bump up each week if your not seeing any results. Split the dosages half in the morning and half in the evening.

  3. #3
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy,
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  4. #4
    ZaphodBeeblebrox is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post

    Most anavar users take a dosages of 40-100mg per day. I'd say start at 40 and bump up each week if your not seeing any results. Split the dosages half in the morning and half in the evening.
    Thanks SC. Should I take them one at a time spaced out throughout the day? Say I start with 40mg, that would be 4 tabs. Should I take them spaced out till my last dose is in the evening?

  5. #5
    ZaphodBeeblebrox is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy,
    Improbability mode, GO!
    LOL. Wondered if anyone in here would get that.

  6. #6
    ZaphodBeeblebrox is offline New Member
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    Edit** Double post

  7. #7
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Welcome, long winded friend.

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    100 tabs is hardly enough to run a var only cycle..Even at the dose of 50 mg which is low for a var only cycle IMO, that would only last you 20 days..Hardly worth your time..You do not need to run Nolva as var does not aromatize..

  9. #9
    Tigershark's Avatar
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  10. #10
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  11. #11
    ZaphodBeeblebrox is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    Welcome, long winded friend.

    Too true!

  12. #12
    ZaphodBeeblebrox is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post

    100 tabs is hardly enough to run a var only cycle..Even at the dose of 50 mg which is low for a var only cycle IMO, that would only last you 20 days..Hardly worth your time..You do not need to run Nolva as var does not aromatize..
    Thanks! So.... Does that apply to Clomid as well?

    I can stack something I suppose, but just keep in mind that mass gain is not my goal. If I want to cut ONLY will a var cycle alone suffice? I was thinking about getting some winstrol too. What is a good injectable oil based that I can take where I won't retain water, puff up, get zits, etc? I got pretty good results on it when I did it way back when, but my face swells like a freakin' toad. This cycle is all about vanity and trying to shed chest (and face) fat so as NOT to look 40-something.

    Lastly, how should I dose that out throughout the day?

  13. #13
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    IMO you should not even mess with it right now.You will not get what you think you will from it.

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