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  1. #1
    matt_wahoo is offline New Member
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    Help/advice with first cycle

    After a little over a year of hitting the gym hard, eating right, and suppliments I am ready to try some gear. In the past year Ive gained a wopping 8lbs.

    My stats:
    Age 27
    Height 6'
    Weight 155lbs
    Body Fat +/-13%
    First Cycle

    Training History
    I have been working out for the past 4 years but have really stepped it up for the past little over a year. 5-6 days a week at 90 mins a day.

    The past year has been nothing but a proper bulking diet.

    Multi Vitamins

    Help needed
    What would be the best cycle for me? I have been doing lots of research and see That Test E is what some are using. Any info or help would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Please post your daily diet in full...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    matt_wahoo is offline New Member
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    I will post my diet in full tomorrow during the day when I have more time. But for now this is what I was thinking about:
    Test E 500mg a week- 250mg tuesday am and 250mg friday pm for 8 weeks
    dbol 40mg a day- 20mg in am and 20mg in pm for the first 4 weeks
    Clomid 50mg 1 week after last injection everyday for 3 weeks

    What do you guys think? Any critiquing would be great

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
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    Imo its more important to concentrate on your diet, lets get that right first and then look at your cycle......
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Matt's right. In my 1st cycle I did a lot of AAS but poor diet. I got huge, 25lbs in 4 weeks. When I went on PCT I lost most of my gains and even gained a little fat. It was still a good experience. I learned that diet's really important.

  6. #6
    matt_wahoo is offline New Member
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    meal 1: 5 eggs, oatmeal and milk
    meal 2: 2 chicken breasts, broccolli, nuts
    meal 3: beef, brown rice, broccilli
    meal 4: itra workout drink 36oz water and a scoop of sizeon
    meal 5: post workout protien shake 65g protien in 24oz of whole milk, peanutbutter on whole wheat toast
    meal 6: fish with high oils like salmon, broccolli, and brown rice
    meal 7: beef, brown rice, bananna

    Every day is a liitle different but on the same bases of protien and calories.
    Every other Sunday is a cheat day.

    Any help is greatly apprecaited

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Do you know how many calories this adds up to????
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  8. #8
    Brewster's Avatar
    Brewster is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt_wahoo View Post
    meal 1: 5 eggs, oatmeal and milk
    meal 2: 2 chicken breasts, broccolli, nuts
    meal 3: beef, brown rice, broccilli
    meal 4: itra workout drink 36oz water and a scoop of sizeon
    meal 5: post workout protien shake 65g protien in 24oz of whole milk, peanutbutter on whole wheat toast
    meal 6: fish with high oils like salmon, broccolli, and brown rice
    meal 7: beef, brown rice, bananna

    Every day is a liitle different but on the same bases of protien and calories.
    Every other Sunday is a cheat day.

    Any help is greatly apprecaited
    You are not eating this.
    If you were you would be at least 180 lbs... you need to re evaluate your diet honestly, or your age

  9. #9
    Rizdizzle is offline Junior Member
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    At 6ft 155lbs you have ALOT of natural potential that you arent unlocking. You have no solid base from which to build upon. IMO diet and better training for at least 2 years until you are minimum 190-200 pounds. 6ft 155 is like a skelleton put some natural mass on you will be glad you did in the future.

    Why dont you jump into the diet section those gurus will have you growing in no time. You can easily add 20lbs of lean muscle in a year with proper diet and training

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brewster View Post
    You are not eating this.
    If you were you would be at least 180 lbs... you need to re evaluate your diet honestly, or your age
    I agree ^^

    You need food rather than steroids at this stage, you need to at least build some kind of foundation to work from, sort your diet out and start eating to grow.

  11. #11
    matt_wahoo is offline New Member
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    Yes this is what I am eating. I have hyperthyroidism, which makes its super hard for me to put any weight on. Thanks for the advice. This diet is what my doctor came up with to try to help me add weight and gain muscle. I have had an ongoing battle with this.

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