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  1. #1
    Timmo90 is offline New Member
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    First cycle - test e

    Almost ready to order the first cycle just wanna get the amounts all double checked and stuff before i go ahead.

    Looking at running test e for 10 weeks at 500mg/wk injecting twice weakly at 250mg per injection.
    PCT looking at nolva at 20mg/day for 3 weeks and clomid at 50mg/day for 3 weeks.

    Couple of questions i have, i should leave the pct until about week 12 or 13 when the test is out of my blood is this correct or start it straight after the last injection? Ive read that its good to have L-dex aswell to help with water retention and such. if this occurs during the cycle will starting nolva early for it fix that problem? and are sides like hair loss and stuff worth worrying about on a moderate dose of a single compound like this?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Ever think Test prop instead? The faster ester will minimize the possible sides, (hairloss, gyno) And you will see size/strength gains faster. As soon as the 3rd week, as compared to 6-7th week with enth. Downside is more frequent and possible painful injections.

    I was set on enth but may go w prop instead.

  3. #3
    Timmo90 is offline New Member
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    Yeah ive read up about that and got put off by the sound of how painful the injections can get. The less possibility of sides is very appealing though for a first cycle so its definately a possibility. I heard the gains are usually not as big as u get on test e though?

  4. #4
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    yrs training
    planned pct
    goals from this cycle

  5. #5
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    There's a guy on here who says the injection pain is blown way out of proportion. I hear that diff labs produce slightly diff prop and depending upon the lab, and the chemical make-up of the prop the, injections could be less painful. I think I'm going to go w prop.

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    What puts most off test p isn't so much the injection pain its the number of shots, ed/eod.....

    And we do need those stats before we go any further...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  7. #7
    Timmo90 is offline New Member
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    I thought that test p was 2 shots a week just like test e?
    Stats are
    age : 22 (on the low side i know but i feel that if i have everything in check and do this the right way with a propper pct i should be ok)
    weight : 185
    height : 5'10
    bf : around 10 to 12 % (havnt checked in a while)
    4-5 years training
    goals : put on muscle mass
    PCT : as stated in my original post nolvadex and clomid (but i had a few questions)

  8. #8
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Sounds like you could use more natural size. I can already imagine your response being something about "can't get any bigger naturally" so lets just skip that and ask what your diet and training is like?

  9. #9
    Timmo90 is offline New Member
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    Hahaha. well after coming from 130 to 185 its been quite a big change already and over the last year ive really had to get the diet thing down to push out the weight. Im sure if i put in every second of my day into eating and training yeah sure i could grow a bit more but it would take a long time and with work and stuff i dont have the time to be eating 8 meals a day. My diet consists of 3500-4000 calories a day, about 350-400g protein, 200-300g carbs and roughly 100g fat daily. training i do a 4 day split of monday:chest, tuesday:back, Wednesday:rest, thursday:bi's and tri's, friday:legs and shoulders, sat and sun: rest

  10. #10
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Fair enough. I agree, that is a big change. I just didn't want to hear that you started out at 165, have put on 20lbs, now want AAS and don't have any sort of diet lined up.
    You shouldn't have to worry about too many sides with this cycle. As far as when to start PCT, I would say two weeks after your last injection. There shouldn't be too much water retention either. If there is a bit, its nothing that some more cardio can't fix.

  11. #11
    Timmo90 is offline New Member
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    Yeah thanks for the concern anyway.
    ok so if i go 2 x 250mg injections 3.5 days apart for 10 weeks
    then in the 12th week i start nolva 20mg/day and clomid 50mg/day for 3 weeks.
    ive read on some other peoples logs about them getting face swelling after a few weeks? will nolva help with this? i also have a small amount of natural extra breast tissue (ive seen a dr and its not gyno) its not that bad at all but will this make me more likely to get gyno? if it sets in can i continue my cycle and just start using nolva early?

  12. #12
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I think you are smart only running 1 compound on your first cycle. I did a test e only cycle for 12 weeks my first time out and you have to have your diet in check or it's a wayste of your hard earned money. I was consuming up to 4000 calories a day to increase my size, plus the test e made me hungry as hell. Chicken breasts became my best friend real quick as well as egg whites. Just remember your diet needs to be in check or it does you no good. Good luck with your cycle.

  13. #13
    Timmo90 is offline New Member
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    Alright thanks for the advice. Is it still really important to keep the diet really clean or will the test e help with breaking down the fat? how did u go on the cycle? keep many gains post cycle?

  14. #14
    lil_herc81's Avatar
    lil_herc81 is offline Member
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    Keep a clean diet just increase the amount of intake. Post cycle you will lose gains, proper PCT is imperative and a clean diet. Im not clear on the posts if you are still talking about test p 2x week. If you are... NO! Test P is an EOD injection test E is once per week. This is the best I can advise at this time. You may not have much success here since you are only 22. Skyler mentioned natural size, you still have 2 years of natural growth until you peak

  15. #15
    a_bower's Avatar
    a_bower is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lil_herc81 View Post
    Test P is an EOD injection test E is once per week.
    Sorry to nark: Test e is twice per week. In this case 2 shots @ 250/week

  16. #16
    lil_herc81's Avatar
    lil_herc81 is offline Member
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    Very often users will shoot this drug once or twice a week, but blood levels are still above baseline with this drug at around day eight (16)

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