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  1. #1
    theratchman is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Experienced Personnel ONLY!!!Need help asap!!

    Just got word today that i leave the end of december and get back the end of june. I need some experienced people to come up with a complex stack to take while im gone to get MAX results. I need to know everything from the protein and supplements to take, all the way to the steroids to use(no injections), and a VERY effective PCT to make sure i make a full recovery. I got the diet covered. MONEY IS NO ISSUE. Make sure that whatever it is DOESNT CAUSE HAIRLOSS, and the pct has to be good enough to make sure everything goes back to normal and there is no bloating and bitchtittedness. Thanks for the help guys, and make sure its hardcore

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Welcome to the board.
    Just got word that you leave where at the end of december?
    How bout we start with some stats?
    training experience?

    Not many people here would recommend an oral only cycle.

  3. #3
    theratchman is offline New Member
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    i cant really say where im going, but where im going i can take anything except injections. Im 20, 510, 160, hardly any body fat, on and off lifting weights for 5 years, experienced athlete, and my diet is good. I know how to lift and can make huge gains in these 6 months but unless i get on something really good and can see fast results ill have no motivation. So please come up with something good for me that will create rapid results.

  4. #4
    sixoner is offline Member
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    LMFAO... you want somebody to come lift the weights for you too .. your attitude towards weightlifting is very poor at best

    there are no rapid results, there is no magic,there is just hard dedicated work and dicipline to achieve quality gains

    mommy will not be holding your hand for this ok

  5. #5
    theratchman is offline New Member
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    Im not asking for majic you pessimistic child....i just want something to help me make gains faster im willing to put in the hard work..please dont come on my post and just be negative

  6. #6
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Ok where to begin here,
    -At 20 years old your bodys endochrine system hasn't fully matured. Taking AAS now without time for your horomones to stabalize could result in permanant damage, meaning you could have low testosterone levels for the rest of your life.

    -if you're 5'10 and 160lbs and you're trying to get bigger and you say your diet is right then i can guarantee you're diet isn't on point to put on mass.

    -When you say unless you get fast results you wont' have motivation that tells me that you're not ready for steroids . I've said it a lot and I'll say it again "THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS!"

    -What will create rapid results is food. Lots of healthy food. Lots of protien and complex carbs spread over 6-8 meals per day. Add that to a solid training regiment and you will have results. Try a safe supplement program like creatine, and some sort of NO2 type supplement.

    -Spend some time in the diet and training forum you've got some time to come up with an effective diet and training program before you start. You should easily be able to put on 10-15lbs of muscle in those 6 months with just the diet and training!

  7. #7
    sixoner is offline Member
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    i'm not being negative at all just pointing out the obvious flaws in your mentality.

  8. #8
    kleaver's Avatar
    kleaver is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by theratchman View Post
    Just got word today that i leave the end of december and get back the end of june. I need some experienced people to come up with a complex stack to take while im gone to get MAX results. I need to know everything from the protein and supplements to take, all the way to the steroids to use(no injections), and a VERY effective PCT to make sure i make a full recovery. I got the diet covered. MONEY IS NO ISSUE. Make sure that whatever it is DOESNT CAUSE HAIRLOSS, and the pct has to be good enough to make sure everything goes back to normal and there is no bloating and bitchtittedness. Thanks for the help guys, and make sure its hardcore
    wow... i think you meant to post this to the "we're here to be your bitch" forum... because as far as i know, it's not a bunch of people sitting around WAITING to change your lifestyle for you. hire a trainer who specializes in the use of aas... they exist... and for the right price, will take care of your diet, training, aas use, supplements, etc

    how experienced of an athlete can you actually be at 20? are you a gymnast??? only sport i know of where it's an advantage to be young- otherwise, the elites will always be mid-twenties or older- if being an athlete is important to you, why are you taking gear? are you trying to be a BB'r? or do you want a performance enhancing substance like eq or something?

    any info you can supply will help to make recommendations... but they will all be the same- your attitude is not conducive to the type of patience and diligence needed to use aas... you're too young... and you didn't ask nicely

    taking aas at your age and skill level will result in NOTHING going "back to normal" ... even with a good pct possibly

    bitchtiedness... i like that one

    i know you cant say where you are going (are you fbi... special ops? lol) but why can you ONLY take injections... would seem to be the other way around, only be able to take orals... only injections confuses me... although i'm an advocate for pinning because of the toxicity on the liver with most orals

    hairloss will the be least of your troubles dude-

    if you know how to lift and make HUGE GAINS... why haven't you already? just do that, if you know how... and then use gear in a few years
    Last edited by kleaver; 11-19-2010 at 09:43 PM.

  9. #9
    sixoner is offline Member
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    he doesn't have to ask is no issue

    money isn't gonna lift the weights or digest the food for you kid....its time to put out if you want some muscle

    abra cadabra you're big.....did it work

  10. #10
    MrGreen's Avatar
    MrGreen is offline Member
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    Your willing to put in the work to lift and eat but not willing to figure out on your own what you need to take? Plus you don't want to inject? You are tiny guy just eat and train rather then destroy your natrual ability to make the hormones you need to fuction like you should at 20 yeas old.

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    OP post up your current diet and training and lets get you pointed in the right direction

  13. #13
    sixoner is offline Member
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    yeah bro don't get discouraged stick around. there are some genuinely good dudes on here that can help you out, and even keep you from making a huge mistake. with the proper knowledge you can accomplish your goals.

  14. #14
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    ...Just when I thought people couldn't be any more ridiculous...

  15. #15
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    This guy could help lead you in the right direction.

  16. #16
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    hes a troll

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