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  1. #1
    TestAce is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2010

    1st AAS Cycle - Feedback Appreciated

    Hey everyone. Thought I would put this out there as I am new to the AAS world and have my first ever cycle coming up in the beginning of January.

    Little background first. I started at 125 pounds 4 years ago. I was weak as hell and easily the smallest guy in the gym. I persisted though and put on about 50 pounds naturally during this time. I have ran 2 PH cycles (1-T Tren /Turinabol /AndroHard) but unfortunately lost most of my gains due to a heavy onset of non-related depression that lasted for about a year. I'm still here however and have overcome it without medication.

    I am currently 185 pounds @ ~13% bf. I am now more determined than ever to get as big and lean as I can. My ultimate goal is 230-240 pounds @ 6-8% bodyfat, I am 5'10".

    As for my first cycle, here she is:

    Weeks 1-10 - 500 mg Test Enanth 250 per week
    Weeks 1-10 - 250 mg Deca250 per week
    Weeks 1-6 - 40 mg Dianabol per day pre-workout
    Weeks 1-10 .5 mg Anastrozole per day (continued for 10 days after cycle)
    Weeks 3-10 - HCG @ 250iu every 4 days

    PCT (4 weeks, start 2 weeks after last pin):
    Nolvadex 20/20/10/10
    Primordial Performance Sustain Alpha, Toco-8, EndoAmp Max, and TCF-1

    Support (pre-loading 2 weeks prior to cycle start):
    Animal Pak
    Hawthorn Extract: 1000mg daily
    Celery Seed Extract: 500mg daily
    Red Yeast Extract: 1200mg daily
    NAC: 1200mg daily
    Milk Thistle: 1200mg daily
    Policosanol: 40mg daily
    CoQ10: 100mg daily
    Nettle Root: 300mg daily
    Quercetin: 500mg daily
    Taurine: 1000mg daily

    I'm getting blood work done in a couple of weeks to confirm everything is on point. I am super excited to get this underway, I am literally counting down the days.

    Feedback appreciated! Glad to be here.
    Last edited by TestAce; 12-01-2010 at 04:13 PM.

  2. #2
    lassie is offline New Member
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    Nov 2010
    .5 anastrozle per day seems a little high to me. Are you gyno prone?

  3. #3
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    Why so much gear for your first cycle?
    You should grow plenty on just test alone.
    Suggest you just do the testosterone and save the deca and dbol for future cycles.

    Besides running too much gear for your 1st cycle here is what is wrong with that cycle.
    Decanoate is a much longer ester than Enanthate , meaning the test would need to be ran for at least a week longer than the deca and PCT would start 3 weeks after your last pin.
    6 weeks of dbol is pretty long. 4 weeks should be plenty, 40mg of dbol would be better used by spreading the dose out through the day rather than all at once.

  4. #4
    TestAce is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2010
    Sounds good, thanks. I'll drop the Deca and put the Dbol down to 4 weeks, I mainly wanted the Deca for joint support. What would you recommend for an AI dosage?
    Last edited by TestAce; 12-01-2010 at 05:37 PM.

  5. #5
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    what is your age?

  6. #6
    awesome1's Avatar
    awesome1 is offline Associate Member
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    in the kitchen
    If you want to run an AI I would start out with .25 every other day.

  7. #7
    TestAce is offline Junior Member
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    I am 24.

  8. #8
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    Quote Originally Posted by TestAce View Post
    Sounds good, thanks. I'll drop the Deca and put the Dbol down to 4 weeks, I mainly wanted the Deca for joint support. What would you recommend for an AI dosage?
    For joint support, I have ran deca @ 100mg per week, you won't get much anabolic effect but your joints will be happy.
    If you go with the dbol , be careful, dbol gives me gyno symptoms line none other. Be sure to have some nolva on hand incase of puffy itchy nips.
    Also dbol can add a lot of water weight. I would use the adex @ .25 per day during the dbol phase and drop it down to .25 eod for the remainder of the cycle.

  9. #9
    TestAce is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by eGGz View Post
    For joint support, I have ran deca @ 100mg per week, you won't get much anabolic effect but your joints will be happy.
    If you go with the dbol , be careful, dbol gives me gyno symptoms line none other. Be sure to have some nolva on hand incase of puffy itchy nips.
    Also dbol can add a lot of water weight. I would use the adex @ .25 per day during the dbol phase and drop it down to .25 eod for the remainder of the cycle.
    Ok, I think I'll just run Test E and Dbol and save the Deca for another time. Thanks again for your help.

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