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Thread: First cycle.

  1. #1
    Mayb02 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    First cycle.

    Hey fellas. I'm thinkin about starting a cycle for the first time and I was thinking of using the strength stack (D-bol 25, tren 75 and var10) with the billstarrs 5x5 routine. Just wondering what thought's were on this?

    Also the Anabolic menu links on steroids .com isn't working, any other way I can get some eating guidelines?

  2. #2
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    Mar 2010
    do some more research...
    try the search function

  3. #3
    tinyGuy's Avatar
    tinyGuy is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mayb02 View Post
    Hey fellas. I'm thinkin about starting a cycle for the first time and I was thinking of using the strength stack (D-bol 25, tren 75 and var10) with the billstarrs 5x5 routine. Just wondering what thought's were on this?

    Also the Anabolic menu links on isn't working, any other way I can get some eating guidelines?
    Don't buy from there.... and first of all, you need to introduce yourself, stats(age,height,body fat.., goals).Even without stats, it looks like you are not ready for AAS, but post your stats, and mabe a vet will give you an answer...but I know already which one you'll get..

    Best Regards,

    PS: go to the diet section

  4. #4
    TopDogUK's Avatar
    TopDogUK is offline Junior Member
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    If you followed the banner on here thinking they are steroids they arent. Its not that easy to find an online source.

    Defiantly need to do some more reading and learning, but thats what this forum and the forum vets are here for. Just remember to use the search function before posting a topic, chances are a topic has already been made and answered.

  5. #5
    Mayb02 is offline New Member
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    Ah k. Well I did some research. I'm 19yo, 6"2" and 90kg. I want to use test suspension, dianabol and trenbologne (injectable). Since it's my first cycle I don't wanna take chances and think I should run 'letro' 2 weeks before/during my cycle to prevent gyno and start an HCG during cycle as well. Keep the HCG and letro through PCT and add on clomid as well. What are your thoughts? And is there anything else I can use for PCT to keep gains?

  6. #6
    Pkk is offline Junior Member
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    To young mate, not worth messing with test levels so young. Research it a bit it'll turn you off cycling.

  7. #7
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Too young. Do not use AAS at your age. Hopefully you listen and do not f*ck yourself up.

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