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  1. #1
    Ramaudio_inc is offline New Member
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    mid way through cycle 1... may have gyno... not sure... wanna help?

    OK.. 1st cycle
    -50mg/day dbol 4wks
    -250/2x per wk test E
    about 18% now (started at 16% via air displacement)
    225(started at 206ish)
    I'm 4.5wks in.. been sides yet.. big strength and size gains.. holding some water... but all in all.. A+.. thx for all your help!!

    OK... now the question.. done with my DBOL now...
    since then
    -have got some acne on my back(NEVER had acne..... EVER in my life)
    -my nipples kinda burn.. or feel chaffed.. well they did for a day or so... not now.. no change in shape or lumps... but randomly my nipples burn
    should I run something to be safe?? I do not want gyno...

    what i have at my house:
    Letro and Nolva.. I was well prepared..

  2. #2
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    i think i would jump on nolva 2 days at 40 mg//then 10 mg per day for the remainder of cycle . or you could use the letro as ai through out rest of cycle. but i think i would hold on to letro for reversal if needed , try nolva 1rst ,or get some exemastane(aromasin )

  3. #3
    dieselmuscle80 is offline New Member
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    Cro is right if that is all u have save the letro. If u do have enough run it till the itch is gone. Burning is a first. Do u mean tender or sore? Either way run something even the nolva. I hate saying nolva because I feel it brings estrogen down too much but I guess it's better than having that lump removed. Been there done that. Lol

  4. #4
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have used L-Dex while on cycle to combat sensitive nipples with good success, some may say L-Dex is weak etc. but for me its free of sides and is the perfect strength to use without crushing gains on cycle, when I feel the first hint ( for me the very center (1/8th ") part of my nipple starts to protrude about 1/8th" and become slightly sensitive when showering etc. at that point I use a.5 ml. for a day or two then reduce the dosage to .25 ml. after that. That seems to be sufficient to control the problem without causing any noticable loss of gains.

    Just my 2 cents,


  5. #5
    Ramaudio_inc is offline New Member
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    thx guys.. gonna jump on nolva tomorrow...

  6. #6
    PistolStarta's Avatar
    PistolStarta is offline Senior Member
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    IMO its chaffed nipples, you can get it from working out in plain cotton tees and not something that whicks sweat away. You would have an itchy/sensative sensation and some lump formation if it was gyno. Still agree nolva 10-20mg a day would be okay.

  7. #7
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    Does not sound like gyno to me, especially now that you are off the dbol .
    Typically you would look for, Itchy, Puffy, Lumps underneath etc.
    Low dose nolva can't hurt anything just to be safe.

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