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Thread: just wondering

  1. #1
    brett7777 is offline New Member
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    just wondering

    ive never took any steroid before, and ive heard from certain people that taking orals can screw up your liver and make you develop hepatitis and other diseases? i was wondering if the hepatitis that oral steroids can make you develop is one of the kinds that u can pass on through blood or if it just affects yourself? and do taking any oral steroids make you develop any disease that you can pass on too anyone else through blood or sex or anything? and ive heard about people that get "limp dick" is this common? i no it sounds abit of a stupid question but im seriously considering going on them and i want to equip myself with knowledge of them. if any1 can awnser i greatly appreciate it thanks.

  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    if there was a possibility any of that was true, why would you take them. not saying its true or not just wondering

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    No, you're thinking of viral hepatitis. Hepatitis is just when your liver becomes inflamed.
    And hepatitis or any other condition is extremely rare and only happens in cases of extreme abuse (and they are non-communicable).
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-04-2010 at 08:34 AM.

  4. #4
    brett7777 is offline New Member
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    thats why im asking lol cus id imagine if that were true i dont think any1 would be on them, but then on the other side ive been told by a few people n that which is just worrying me cus im considering bout starting them

  5. #5
    brett7777 is offline New Member
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    ah rite so does that meen it wouldnt meen it wouldnt be contagous by blood or sex n things then bonaparte?

  6. #6
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    not contageous, oral only cycles are not wise my friend. post some stats along with your proposed cycle and lets see what can be done
    yrs training
    planned pct
    cycle exp
    goals for the cycle

  7. #7
    papa-g's Avatar
    papa-g is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    not contageous, oral only cycles are not wise my friend. post some stats along with your proposed cycle and lets see what can be done
    yrs training
    planned pct
    cycle exp
    goals for the cycle
    I agree, put up some info and I think people will be willing to help. However I can say you need to do some more research in all areas of this forum and any where else you can because when it come to your body and your lively hood you should be as informed as you can be before jumping in. Good Luck.

  8. #8
    brett7777 is offline New Member
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    Oh yeah sorry erm well im age22, weight 14stone, bf not sure about bt i can see my six pack stil quite well so im gessin its quite low, been training for about 1 n a half years now n have made good quite gains but have stopped makin gains recently n wanna get bigger, erm my aims are too get bigger probs a stone bigger of muscle n not get alot of fat along wit it like my mate did anadrol n he got gains from it but his face went fat duno if thats cus of water retention or sumit? Lol so basically want to put on loads of muscle without gettin a fat face haha. Erm duno anythin bout steroids n pct or anything reely:-\ lol need a bit of help bout it if im bein honest lol thats y i came on this site n that jus to get advise n stuff about them. O ye if i go on them for a month or two months n then quit them forever will i keep most of the gains or will they all go?

  9. #9
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You're a bit young and you don't have nearly enough weight training experience. Keep doing it naturally for a few years and do your research.

  10. #10
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by brett7777 View Post
    Oh yeah sorry erm well im age22, weight 14stone, bf not sure about bt i can see my six pack stil quite well so im gessin its quite low, been training for about 1 n a half years now n have made good quite gains but have stopped makin gains recently n wanna get bigger, erm my aims are too get bigger probs a stone bigger of muscle n not get alot of fat along wit it like my mate did anadrol n he got gains from it but his face went fat duno if thats cus of water retention or sumit? Lol so basically want to put on loads of muscle without gettin a fat face haha. Erm duno anythin bout steroids n pct or anything reely:-\ lol need a bit of help bout it if im bein honest lol thats y i came on this site n that jus to get advise n stuff about them. O ye if i go on them for a month or two months n then quit them forever will i keep most of the gains or will they all go?
    This is why hanging here for awhile will help you learn. This is serious business. And the pros here will advise you to eat right and train correctly before doing any steroids . You have TONS of HORMONES at 22.

    Building a natural foundation will take you further actually. The science behind this is: use you natural hormones to the max. And I mean max. And then turn to additional help later on to move to another level.

    Please keep hanging and learning. You are in the right place! Welcome.

  11. #11
    brett7777 is offline New Member
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    Thanks mate. N im propa frustrated cus ive stopped makin gains thats y i wanna get on the gear. Plus i work on the doors n all the doorman i work wit r on them n they growin like **** so dont wana be seen as the skinny one lol

  12. #12
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    You are welcome. is a question: are you 100% committed to making gains? and not looking like the skinny guy? If so, then below, check out this link. There is a challenge coming up. All you have to do is tell them you want to join and you will be assigned a personal trainer who will train you thru PM's. This is the first ever here!
    I would love to see your name on the list!

  13. #13
    brett7777 is offline New Member
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    Il have a look into it mate thanks

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