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  1. #1
    Irockblondechicks is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010

    Test e/EQ question

    I'm 20 years old, 5' 8", and weigh about 165. Ive been the same size since middle school and now I'm a sophomore in college and have been plateauing in the gym. I've played baseball all my life year round and have never been big, but have always been a little more muscular than my friends as well as tone. My father is a bodybuilder and has educated me on eating habits and workout plans at a young age so Ive been eating well and have been in the gym consistently for about 4 years now. My dad is hardcore against AAS for some reason so I have never taken them despite the fact that every other one of my friends in my fraternity are on them. I work out all the f'n time and eat healthy and don't drink and my friends are jacked and eat pizza and drink beer everyday. Ive taken oral pro hormones regrettably and realize that injections are actually safer now so I've done a lot of research and have decided to take AAS just one time and then stay to a strict diet and workout plan after, and stay off them forever.

    Let's just imagine if Iwould happen to get a hold of some test e(10ml[250mg/ml]) and EQ(10ml[200mg/ml]) and do a little something like this with it

    (running novadex xt the whole time)
    Test e: 200 mg
    Eq: 200mg

    Test e: 300mg
    Eq: 300mg

    Test e: 300mg
    Eq: 300mg

    Test e: 500mg
    Eq: 400mg

    Test e:500mg
    Eq: 400mg

    Test e: 400mg
    Eq:400 mg

    Test e:300mg

    Start clomid and nolvadex 2 weeks after last injection
    I am an educated person and will not inject myself with something I dont know anything about about so remember I am not doing this yet but just researching and hoping to learn so please, educate

  2. #2
    Irockblondechicks is offline New Member
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    I was told to start off low and ease off to keep my body from being shocked..

  3. #3
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    No Sources Given

  4. #4
    robofish is offline Associate Member
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    to young and need to research a lot more.

  5. #5
    smalltime7 is offline Member
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    to young and your lying to yourself saying "just one time"

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    You are the same size as you were in middle school,....... you have been working out for 4 years but you have hit a plateau in the gym So you are saying you have made ZERO gains naturally

  7. #7
    onehundredk's Avatar
    onehundredk is offline Member
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    listen to your pops.

  8. #8
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    wait it out you dont want to hurt yourself

  9. #9
    Chev's Avatar
    Chev is offline Associate Member
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    Not a good cycle... you know nothing about what your getting in to. You need to do 8 weeks of reading not 8 weeks of EQ. Plus EQ is for oiling bike chains..

  10. #10
    Irockblondechicks is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010
    You are the same size as you were in middle school,....... you have been working out for 4 years but you have hit a plateau in the gym So you are saying you have made ZERO gains naturally

    No ive made gains for sure but I was simply saying that I haven't gotten any taller and although I have put on muscle, it was just cutting with no real mass. I've tried multiple techniques of putting on muscle that my father has taught me but I am almost positively sure I'm done growing. My dad is 5' 8" my sister is 5' 1" and my mom is 5' 0". Noone in my extended family is talker than 6 ft. I've been the same height for years. The cycle I posted was just to see the response because I honestly don't want everyone to know that I'm obviously on AAS so I was seeing what people would say if I were do a shorter cycle but stack. I'm actually thinking of 10 weeks just straight enanthate and drop the EQ, but as it being my first cycle, in going to get huge and love it and want to try others. I just want that one extra push before I turn 21 and bedore i Know my growth plates are for sure closed.

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