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Thread: help

  1. #1
    brett7777 is offline New Member
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    After long thought ive decided im probs going too take steroids , can sumone tell me wat to start on? My goals are to become bigger muscles and i dont want too put on alot of fat, n i am only wantin too take them for 1 or 2 cycles n then cum off them foreva so i want ones thatl allow me too keep most of my gains forever, n i dont want my face to put on alot of weight, (the only reason i say that is cus one lad that i seen on them got great gains but also put alot of weight on in his face, duno if that was due to water retention or sumet? But obvs i dont want too put lots of weight on in my face lol) im nearly 23 im 14 stone n been naturally training for about 2years in feb, this will be my first ever try of gear

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brett7777 View Post
    After long thought ive decided im probs going too take steroids , can sumone tell me wat to start on? My goals are to become bigger muscles and i dont want too put on alot of fat, n i am only wantin too take them for 1 or 2 cycles n then cum off them foreva so i want ones thatl allow me too keep most of my gains forever, n i dont want my face to put on alot of weight, (the only reason i say that is cus one lad that i seen on them got great gains but also put alot of weight on in his face, duno if that was due to water retention or sumet? But obvs i dont want too put lots of weight on in my face lol) im nearly 23 im 14 stone n been naturally training for about 2years in feb, this will be my first ever try of gear
    Brett7777, I thought perhaps you were going to join the challenge? Please think about it if you have not signed up. Believe me, it will do wonders for you to max out your natural hormones first. You will go much further once you decide to turn to other ways.

  3. #3
    brett7777 is offline New Member
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    I dont no if ive alredy got too my natural max tho :-( do u think i can keep growin after i turn 23 natutally?

  4. #4
    brett7777 is offline New Member
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    Naturally* i meen, cus sumone told me wen u turn 23 ur body stops growing or sumet? :-(

  5. #5
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    You can keep growing naturally for a few more years. This is why I suggested the challenge. I bet and I just bet, that if you do the challenge you will be AMAZED at how much you transform in 12 weeks. Hey...give it a go. The guys over there are waiting for you. They know their stuff and have been down the street so take their experience and take advantage of it and get the professional support you need now. I promise you will thank me later.

  6. #6
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by brett7777 View Post
    Naturally* i meen, cus sumone told me wen u turn 23 ur body stops growing or sumet? :-(
    You must have misunderstood that person as that's not entirely true.
    Your bones stop growing at around that age yes, so you won't get any taller. Muscle hypertrophy is completely different. You could have never touched a weight in your life, then at the age of say 50 for example, you could start to train with weights and your muscles will grow naturally. This has nothing to do with the natural growth a person goes through in the first 20 years of life.
    During weight lifting, what you are basically doing is tearing your muscle fibres, then during the rest period your muscles are repairing themselves and adapting to the weights you are using by growing larger, which also makes you stronger. This of course is all dependent on 3 main factors, which are: Correct training, sufficient consumption of food (protien) to support muscle growth and rest. Once you have reached your maximum natural potential, an aas cycle can be considered, but not until then. If you use steroids before you reach you natural best is a bad idea and a waste imo.

  7. #7
    brett7777 is offline New Member
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    Kk thanks ppl. Slimmer could u post the site wer i culd go in for that comp please mate? Thanks n i dont reely understand how it works, will they be telling me wat exercises n that to do.n wat diet? Thanks

  8. #8
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    You don't need steroids , you need an English/writing composition class.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-08-2010 at 04:32 AM.

  9. #9
    eGGz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brett7777 View Post
    After long thought ive decided im probs going too take steroids, can sumone tell me wat to start on? My goals are to become bigger muscles and i dont want too put on alot of fat, n i am only wantin too take them for 1 or 2 cycles n then cum off them foreva so i want ones thatl allow me too keep most of my gains forever, n i dont want my face to put on alot of weight, (the only reason i say that is cus one lad that i seen on them got great gains but also put alot of weight on in his face, duno if that was due to water retention or sumet? But obvs i dont want too put lots of weight on in my face lol) im nearly 23 im 14 stone n been naturally training for about 2years in feb, this will be my first ever try of gear
    Read the stickies chief. Your questions are already answered.

  10. #10
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brett7777 View Post
    Kk thanks ppl. Slimmer could u post the site wer i culd go in for that comp please mate? Thanks n i dont reely understand how it works, will they be telling me wat exercises n that to do.n wat diet? Thanks
    you can request a trainer or go solo. The challenge is open to anyone who wants to join. All you have to do is go to the last post and announce you want to join, and then the closer the challenge gets, a moderator will assign you a trainer if you requested for one. The trainer will guide you (thru PMs) with food and workout to reach your goal.
    Like I said before, this will help you tremendously. And I HOPE TO SEE YOUR NAME ON THE LIST!

  11. #11
    Newyorkrockstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brett7777 View Post
    Naturally* i meen, cus sumone told me wen u turn 23 ur body stops growing or sumet? :-(
    i have a question for you... WTF is a "sumet"?????

  12. #12
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newyorkrockstar View Post
    i have a question for you... WTF is a "sumet"?????
    I think its chav for "something" lol
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-08-2010 at 07:45 PM.

  13. #13
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    You don't need steroids, you need an English/writing composition class.
    I'm hoping English isn't his first language. I felt like a 17 year old valley girl was talking about doing steroids .

  14. #14
    Newyorkrockstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    I think its Chav for "something" lol
    Oh... I think i need to go take a shower now

  15. #15
    cro's Avatar
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    not true your body can grow fine into your fortys and higher with out any juice. as you get older your testosterone declines ,my dad is 58 and stacked ,im tring to catch up 2 him

  16. #16
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    thank you, cro! this is so true.....

  17. #17
    BigJuice777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    You don't need steroids, you need an English/writing composition class.
    Holy crap.... Even though he has legitimate questions, I feel dumber having read it. This site even has spell check!!!

  18. #18
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I agree with the "read the stickies" comment. I have been a member since 2003 and only now started posting because I went on TRT and wanted to share my experiences.

    All these years I have found answers by using the "search" box and never had to post a question.

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