Hey guys,
I'm in the process of redoing a PCT after a 10 week cycle of tren and sust I did several months ago. Right now I've been taking 25 mg of clomid daily at night but I'm not positive it is strong enough. I figured I could go through it for 40 days and see how my body responds.
The reason I'm posting for advice is because I want to know if I should up the dosage to 50 mgs a day for 30 days or if I need to take like two hundred mgs for a couple days then taper off to 50 mgs to 25 etc. Any advice or past experience would be greatly appreciated. Possibly add in nolva, arimidex or HCG ?
I'd like to mention that I don't feel too bad but I'm not 100%. I don't wake up with wood about every other day and it's not 100% firm.