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  1. #1
    hyper-gain is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010

    Are AAS my answer?

    Hello Everyone!

    This is going to seem strange but anyways hear it goes. For the last six years I’ve suffered from burring chapped sticky peeling lips, and because of this I find it difficult to speak and almost impossible to laugh, which is a bitch! Anyways back in 2007 I went on cycle of sus and deca for just six weeks, (I was right idiot I mostly just listened to my mate for guidance, who I now realize is thick as pig shit ha). And during the cycle my lips healed and stayed healed for several months after the cycle , but then they reverted back to their previous state.

    My question is does anybody have any sort of idea of how the cycle of sus and deca healed my lips? Or as anybody ever had any experience with their ailments being healed from AAS? My condition is defiantly I believe some sort of a digestive issue as during one of the many medical tests I’ve had done over the years, one was for testing for celiac disease which resulted negative, but inflammation of stomach and duodenum was seen. Also when I tend to eat crappy junk food my condition worsens.

    The reason I’m trying to find any information out is because I’m debating to whether to go on a proper 10 week cycle of sus and deca ( with doing the appropriate research first) and good diet ( as before I was living off weight gain shakes during and after my previous cycle and think this could of contributed or re-caused my condtion ) to see if I can heal my condition. As I’m now coming to end of my tether as have tried countless treatments without any success and the various docs, consultants are unable to diagnose me, my last doc I seen even said I will just have to live with it.
    I’ve even tried a Candida diet which I don’t know if anyone knows about but its a crap restrictive diet I ended up losing like 3 stone because of it Which was all the gains I had made over the years and even more nice! ha
    I know this is quite long winded but I’m trying give you best possible picture of my situation. I greatly appreciate any body help with this.

  2. #2
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    No Sources Given
    This is a really bad idea, if it does cause cessation of the lip problem while on what do you plan to do stay on for the rest of your life? You will have a lot more to worry about than chapped lips.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
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    dose things like chap stix help any?....

  4. #4
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Sounds like a collagen synthesis issue...
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-07-2010 at 07:20 PM.

  5. #5
    hyper-gain is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010
    I was thinking along the lines of maybe just doing one full cycle with an healthy diet, excluding the chocolate flavoured weight gains which I had with the previous cycle and I suspect could of re-caused my condition (that just speculation tho) and see if that would cure me permanently, if it didn’t I wouldn’t do a 2nd cycle. The reason I suspect that the weight gain and poor diet could of re-caused my condtion is because when the inflammation was discovered in my stomach, my doc thought maybe my stomach acid was causing it or was not allowing it to heal and prescribed me a stomach acid suppresser and recommend a diet similar to that of peptic ulcer diet excluding foods which increase acid production like caffine, alcohol, chocolate, etc. I’ve tried this and didn’t work ha, but I thinkinh or probably more wishing that maybe somehow the sus and deca nearly fully cured my stomach inflammation but not quite, and the acidic diet I was on prevented it from fully curing and subsequently reverted the stomach inflammation.

    I’ve tried all sorts of lips balms, topical steroids cream, lanolin, virgin coconut oil, all kinds of different moisturizes. All of them make my lips look more normal for the period which they’re on, but the burning sticky feeling is still there.

    I know steroids are not something to play around with, and to be honest I prefer not to go on them but I’m getting desperate I literally quite laugh because of this which as you probably can imagine is depressing as ****. And I’ve tried everything I can think of trying I’ve seen countless specialists, tried Chinese herbs, special diets, ayurveda herbs. And none of the shit works, apart from maybe aloe vera juice which alleviates the pain slightly, but nothing as the same affect as the course of steroids did.

    I’ve you ever heard of AAS curing digestive issues, maybe like gastritis or peptic ulcer. I’ve done some research on the web and only info I can find is about AAS causing digestive problems. Sorry about being long winded again!

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