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Thread: aspirating

  1. #1
    papa-g's Avatar
    papa-g is offline Member
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    So I have a quick and hopefully simple question. I have looked all over and have not found a complete answer. When injecting intermuscular, if you aspirate and do happen to get a little blood meaning you might be in a vein, where do you go from here?

    Do you just pull the whole thing out, push out the blood, replace the needle and shoot again? or just leave the blood in and change needles and shoot again? or something else??

  2. #2
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    Quote Originally Posted by papa-g View Post
    So I have a quick and hopefully simple question. I have looked all over and have not found a complete answer. When injecting intermuscular, if you aspirate and do happen to get a little blood meaning you might be in a vein, where do you go from here?

    Do you just pull the whole thing out, push out the blood, replace the needle and shoot again? or just leave the blood in and change needles and shoot again? or something else??
    Pull out, replace the needle and shoot again.... no need to clear the blood out.

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    papa-g's Avatar
    papa-g is offline Member
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    Great thanX for the straight answer. thats what I was looking for.//

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