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  1. #1
    xxcobra is offline New Member
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    How Does my H-drol Cycle Look?

    5'11 205 12%
    Age 20 (turning 21 in less then a month)

    This will be my first cycle, just researching for now, just want to make sure i get everything right, heard that hdrol would be hard to find in a couple of months so want to buy it now. Not expecting to use it until oct-nov of next year. Living in my parents house for now, so no pins, but will obviously make the change once i move out. I figured i would start it all off with a mild PH.

    This is what my research brought me to:

    Milk-Thistle: 2 weeks

    50/50/75/75/75 (should i start 75 the second week if no sides arise the first week?)

    PCT 4 weeks:
    Clomid (ar-r )
    100/50/50/50 (should i drop down the dose on the first week?)

    Just had a physical done and everything looks good, never messed with alcohol or drugs, so my body is in good condition.
    Last edited by xxcobra; 12-10-2010 at 09:08 AM.

  2. #2
    xxcobra is offline New Member
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    Purchased the hdrol already, and the clomid is on sale right now, should i order it, or get tamox instead?

    Last question is concerning an AI, most people say that if your PCT is on par, you should have no problem, is this correct, or am i risking gyno by not having one on hand?

  3. #3
    Addictive's Avatar
    Addictive is offline Associate Member
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    Don't take the stuff unless you have PCT on hand.
    I would order both clomid, and tamox just to be safe. ATLEAST HAVE TAMOX(40/40/20/20, or even 20/20/20/20)

    The cycle looks good, if you can handle 75 in the second week, you can do it. Since it's your first cycle, I would stick to what you have now.
    Also, add in some fish oil.

  4. #4
    xxcobra is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Addictive View Post
    Don't take the stuff unless you have PCT on hand.
    I would order both clomid, and tamox just to be safe. ATLEAST HAVE TAMOX(40/40/20/20, or even 20/20/20/20)

    The cycle looks good, if you can handle 75 in the second week, you can do it. Since it's your first cycle, I would stick to what you have now.
    Also, add in some fish oil.
    You think i need both for such a mild PH? I was thinking i would go with one or the other.

    And like i said, wont be doing the cycle anytime soon, just there was a sale going, and they were going for 20$ a bottle so i picked them up already.

  5. #5
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    by the looks of your stats your doing great natural , why not push yourself for a couple more years so you dont regret it .

  6. #6
    Addictive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxcobra View Post
    You think i need both for such a mild PH? I was thinking i would go with one or the other.

    And like i said, wont be doing the cycle anytime soon, just there was a sale going, and they were going for 20$ a bottle so i picked them up already.
    No, you wouldn't necessarily need both. Just saying to have them in stock for "Just In Case".
    Over-Prepare, then go with the flow.
    Last edited by Addictive; 12-11-2010 at 01:28 PM.

  7. #7
    BOBfromfightclub is offline Associate Member
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    People recommend preloading on Cycle support for 2weeks before and running it all the way through pct.
    Nolvadex by it self will be fine if you want run it 40/40/20/20, or perhaps 40/20/20/20.
    There is allot of debate on BB web sites on how bad methylated PH actually are on your liver.
    Personally I dont see the need to preload liver support.
    The fact that its "mild" personally I think is more toward the gains and side effect aspect, as in you wont get heavy acne or anger, or hair loose or any thing like that. But it will shut you down and a SERM is needed. Go with Nolvadex.
    Last edited by BOBfromfightclub; 12-11-2010 at 03:22 PM.

  8. #8
    xxcobra is offline New Member
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    Alright I'm going with Tamox (nolva) at 40/40/20/20 to be safe.

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