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Thread: Anavar cycle

  1. #1
    JimmyBT is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010

    Anavar cycle

    Can someone please tell me if this is a good anavar only cycle:
    My stats are 21, 5'6, 170 pounds and 17%BF.

    Weeks 1-2: 20mg var ED
    Weeks 3-7: 30mg var ED
    Weels 8: 20mg var ED

    Week 9-11 PCT: Nolvadex and Trib, although not sure how much? Can someone recommend a relevant dosage?

    Im looking for lean muscle gains.


  2. #2
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    North East England
    I'm imagining you've found out about Var, saw the bit about possible fat loss and keeping the gains and jumped on the wagon

    What's your cycle history?

    No need to start on such a low dose.
    Try for about 40-50 all the way through.
    Split your dose between morn and night.

    Try to get 25mg or proviron in your cycle from week three to keep your cock working

    PCT Should be say three weeks of Nolva 40mg/ay first 2 then drop to 20mg
    trib as you use it. I never have

    maybe Clomid. i don't like it though.

    All my own opinion

    Research a good bit pal.

  3. #3
    DeniZen's Avatar
    DeniZen is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty_4 View Post
    I'm imagining you've found out about Var, saw the bit about possible fat loss and keeping the gains and jumped on the wagon

    What's your cycle history?

    No need to start on such a low dose.
    Try for about 40-50 all the way through.
    Split your dose between morn and night.

    Try to get 25mg or proviron in your cycle from week three to keep your cock working

    PCT Should be say three weeks of Nolva 40mg/ay first 2 then drop to 20mg
    trib as you use it. I never have

    maybe Clomid. i don't like it though.

    All my own opinion

    Research a good bit pal.
    What he said.....consider some liver protection as well

    btw ur gonna get flamed for being too young. this should be your first research subject
    Last edited by DeniZen; 12-09-2010 at 07:21 AM.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You dont need steroids , forget them and concentrate on your diet and training, what var can do for you at your age you can do it naturally without any of the negative sides.

  5. #5
    PistolStarta's Avatar
    PistolStarta is offline Senior Member
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    get to 5'6 170 and 12% bf and id say youre gtg. Youre dosing is worthless anyway.

  6. #6
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    yeah if you do go ahead at a young age (didnt notice) liver protection!!! at a min about 1g of milk thistle a day. and flax. mate when i was your age (and i dont want to seem like im talking down to you) but i didnt listen and wasted money and health. i can honestly say i wished id made the most of my youth, metabolism and natural test. a good post work out shake/nutrition. will work wonders. will taste like shit but will work. be well mate

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