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  1. #1
    kbm12345 is offline Junior Member
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    Vit b 12 injections

    So i got some vit b 12 injections to practise on 23 gauge 1.25inch.

    I injected into my bottom, however i am not sure if i got it into the muscle of fat, i have quite a lot of fat on my butt, thats the body part i am fattest. How do i know if i got it into the muscle or fat.

    And also bloody forgot to pull back on the plunger, another beginners mistake. Lucky i am practicing first.

  2. #2
    Littleirishman's Avatar
    Littleirishman is offline Junior Member
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    If ye didnt pull th plunger with the real stuff it would have been a waste . .

    I'm not sure myself, some one will answer you soon though

  3. #3
    kbm12345 is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah, forgot to check if i hit a vein or not, next time i will bend my leg, which will strech the fat out on my arse, if i stand straight there is to much fat i think.

  4. #4
    Littleirishman's Avatar
    Littleirishman is offline Junior Member
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    make sure to relax the muscle as best you can, gently massage it maybe?
    Then stretch it with your thumb and index finger for a better injection.

  5. #5
    kbm12345 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Littleirishman View Post
    make sure to relax the muscle as best you can, gently massage it maybe?
    Then stretch it with your thumb and index finger for a better injection.
    Yeah thanks, next time il give that a shot, it was much much easier then i imagined.

    Felt bad tho going into the needle exchange program to pick up the needles.

  6. #6
    Littleirishman's Avatar
    Littleirishman is offline Junior Member
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    Don't get the jitters lol. .. plenty of videos on the Internet anyway that show you the procedures

  7. #7
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    If your getting that whole pin buried your most likely getting IM,,,unless your overly obese.

  8. #8
    nwjt's Avatar
    nwjt is offline Associate Member
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    Practice for what? If you have a lot a fat on your butt then I hope you are not practicing for a cycle.. no offense.

    Edit: YOu won't have much fat on your butt when you are ready.. Go to the education section.

  9. #9
    sixoner is offline Member
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    If ye didnt pull th plunger with the real stuff it would have been a waste . .
    what are you talking about bud??..please elaborate

  10. #10
    kbm12345 is offline Junior Member
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    FYI i am at about 12%bf now was at around 10% 2 months ago. All my fat on entire body goes to my arse and hips dono why, its been that way since i was a kid. I record everything i eat on fitday, no matter how lean i get that fat wont go!@@.

    Plus i dont want to get to lean if it is going to reduce my strength. I could easily go lower overall but id prob lose a lot of strength and dont want to take that risk.

    Edit: if that is you in that pic, my body is much leaner then you and i have got more muscle before starting a cycle
    Last edited by kbm12345; 12-09-2010 at 10:47 PM.

  11. #11
    nwjt's Avatar
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    I smell BS but i'm just trying to help. If you ass has that much fat you don't know if a 1.25" needle made it into muscle, you should seriously have your body fat measured and see if it it what you think, because what you say is irregular for a man. THe point is, if you try to cycle at a high bodyfat sides will be high and you have a good risk of gyno.

    Yes that is me in my avatar, pic is 6 months old, but I've never done any cycles, but will be gearing up for one in January. I'm down from 30% bf this time last year.

    It sounds like you got offended, however, just do some research and make sure your body fat is low(er) before you cycle. I think its reasonable to think if you think you may have more than 1.25" of fat on your butt there is an issue there with body fat.

    BTW, as is typical with men, I have nearly no fat anywhere except my stomach and sides. That is where fat typically goes first, once you get a certain point ( a high bodyfat for example), it spreads to your ass and other areas. So thats why I was concerned with bf% but its your body you know it not me.
    Last edited by nwjt; 12-10-2010 at 08:50 AM.

  12. #12
    laveycraft's Avatar
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    lol..its not personal hes just giving advise buddy,high body fat u will get gyno and other stuff. i do b12 shots and use an insilin 29 g needle and usually do quads and when the needle hits the muscle u can kind of feel the difference.i did anyway. then another time i didnt go far enough and i had a lump there all day.

  13. #13
    kbm12345 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    I smell BS but i'm just trying to help. If you ass has that much fat you don't know if a 1.25" needle made it into muscle, you should seriously have your body fat measured and see if it it what you think, because what you say is irregular for a man. THe point is, if you try to cycle at a high bodyfat sides will be high and you have a good risk of gyno.

    Yes that is me in my avatar, pic is 6 months old, but I've never done any cycles, but will be gearing up for one in January. I'm down from 30% bf this time last year.

    It sounds like you got offended, however, just do some research and make sure your body fat is low(er) before you cycle. I think its reasonable to think if you think you may have more than 1.25" of fat on your butt there is an issue there with body fat.

    BTW, as is typical with men, I have nearly no fat anywhere except my stomach and sides. That is where fat typically goes first, once you get a certain point ( a high bodyfat for example), it spreads to your ass and other areas. So thats why I was concerned with bf% but its your body you know it not me.
    FFS, I am no more than 12% fat I can easily see outline of all abs. As i said before you prob wern;t listening my fat goes to my arse and hips, mostly my hips. I guess that is just genetics.

  14. #14
    kbm12345 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by laveycraft View Post
    lol..its not personal hes just giving advise buddy,high body fat u will get gyno and other stuff. i do b12 shots and use an insilin 29 g needle and usually do quads and when the needle hits the muscle u can kind of feel the difference.i did anyway. then another time i didnt go far enough and i had a lump there all day.
    Eitherweay when i do a real one, il just bend my leg a bit and then there is basically no fat on my butt.

    Its sort of like ALL the fat that should be near the front of my waist V taper, is at the back. That area is ridiculously ripped, while the other side is comletely opposite.

  15. #15
    swol_je's Avatar
    swol_je is offline Senior Member
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    Yep yep

  16. #16
    FTLdude is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    I smell BS but i'm just trying to help. If you ass has that much fat you don't know if a 1.25" needle made it into muscle... because what you say is irregular for a man. .
    Most men naturally have a narrower pelvis and hips than women do, but not all. As you correctly said, additional fat layers will begin to show up everywhere in both genders (the neck and chin, cheeks, chest, arms, hips, butt, abdomen, and thighs). And some people (in both genders) may have a tendency to accumulate more of it in certain areas than in others.

    In this particular case, the individual (according to what he said) is not fat since his BF is 12%. So he's one of the exceptions who's in fairly decent shape overall but just has a very large amount of fat in the hips and glutes. Spot reducing with lipo might be a good solution for him.

  17. #17
    kbm12345 is offline Junior Member
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    Lol no lypo, i had teenage gyno, and the doctor did lypo on my chest when he shouldnt have and he fd it.

    If i really worked hard at my diet i could lose that fat fairly easily on my hips, but it will most likely mean sacrificing alot of strength and muscle. And with basketball training 1.5 hours 3x a week, on a calorie deficit i can see the muscle just falling off with the fat.

    Anyway before i start this cycle I am going to do a 1-2 week pretty aggressive cut, i have enough clen for 2 weeks also which should help a bit. Last time i used clen it really helped preserve muscle, I even got a little bit bigger. So this will help when i cut calories quite a bit. Thinking of doing lyle mcdonalds rapid weight loss for a week....

    Im going to try get to 10% before i cycle b/c it will give me a little wiggle room to gain a little fat. If i am at 12% now after cycle and heavy bulking i don't want to end up at 15%. Then have to diet back down to 10-12 and lose alot of muscle. i lose heaps of fat in the first 2 weeks of a diet then it slows heaps, so this shouldnt be a problem.

    I should of just fn stayed at 10%, basically wasted a 7 week cut, with 1 month of eating shitt to get where i am now. Yes, bad genetics. And not get back into that stupid mentality of that im bulking i can eat what i want.
    Last edited by kbm12345; 12-11-2010 at 11:37 PM.

  18. #18
    Bull_Nuts's Avatar
    Bull_Nuts is offline Junior Member
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    Just figured this out..... and it worked great for me

    1-Lay on your side...

    2-if its your left side then put your right knee more forward than your left knee...

    3-reach with your left hand and place your thumb on your hip bone (with your hand in the 'L' loser sign where your thumb is parallel with your leg and your index finger perpindicular to your leg) pointing kinda towards your butthole

    4-pin in the middle between your thumb and your index finger.

    I tried it this way out of curiosity and absolutely no pain....eventhouogh my musle was pulled tight by positioning my leg this way, the muscle it self was not contracted and it was pronounced more and the injection infused more easily.

    May or may not work for you...worked for me...will be doing it this way from now on

  19. #19
    Bull_Nuts's Avatar
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    when you aspirate (pull back on the plunger(what you should do every injection)) if blood comes in the syringe you are not in the muscle, you are in a vein or possibly an artery...

    YOU DO NOT WANT TO INJECT YOUR AAS INTO A VESSEL....You could end up with an OIL EMBOLISM in your lungs, brain, or heart....which would cause a pulmonary embolism, stroke or heart attack.

  20. #20
    kbm12345 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bull_Nuts View Post
    when you aspirate (pull back on the plunger(what you should do every injection)) if blood comes in the syringe you are not in the muscle, you are in a vein or possibly an artery...

    YOU DO NOT WANT TO INJECT YOUR AAS INTO A VESSEL....You could end up with an OIL EMBOLISM in your lungs, brain, or heart....which would cause a pulmonary embolism, stroke or heart attack.
    Thanks for all the advice, i was thinking of injecting lieing down, the fat will be more stretched that way.

    Also if i am not in an artery and i pull back should there be no blood at all? Not a single drop?

  21. #21
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I pin glutes by laying on my belly on the bed.
    Raise one leg and twist to that side. This should expose your glute nicely and also allows you to use the air-bubble method (since you're pinning downward).

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