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Thread: pct question

  1. #1
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2010

    pct question

    lrighty well im just finishing up my second cycle
    Im 22, 230lb training 7 years, 3 years hard.
    Did one cycle of test e 500mg week for 8 weeks tapered down to 250, 250,125, 125. 3 weeks after last injection ran chlomid first day 150mg, day 2-7 100mg, day 7-21 50 mg.

    Took a 12 week break then started a 750mg a week test for about 8 weeks, tapered 500,500,250,250. But added propinate 300mg/w from weeks 8 all the way until the day before i start pct, 5 weeks after last enanthate injection/5 days after last prop injection. i have 2 weeks or so of prop left, enanthate sides wore off, cut down alot, but still feel strong from the propinate. Wondering what kind of pct should i run? i have chlomid that is all. should i do 4 weeks chlomid? 150/100/100/50 or with the tapering and the propinate would a smalled pct be fine?

    I know alot of people will ask why 2 tests? Well i initially added it because my guy couldnt find hcg at the time and i already payed him so he gave me propinate, then i didnt want to start pct a week before christmas, miss 5 days of it when i fly down south then come pick up pct again, so i got more, and i now will always wun prop with test e cause the cut i got from a lower calorie diet and tapering down to finish its like i bulked and cut in the same cycle.

  2. #2
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2010
    oh yeah i ran arimidex every other day 1mg after week 3-4 and should half enough to run during pct.

  3. #3
    SG2009 is offline Member
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    letro did miracle 4 many ppple.

  4. #4
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    A few points of interest:

    Quote Originally Posted by sharpedo05 View Post
    lrighty well im just finishing up my second cycle
    Im 22, 230lb training 7 years, 3 years hard.
    Did one cycle of test e 500mg week for 8 weeks tapered down to 250, 250,125, 125. 3 weeks after last injection ran chlomid first day 150mg, day 2-7 100mg, day 7-21 50 mg.

    1. 8wks is too short for long esters 12wks is far better.
    2. Tapering steroids is unnecessary.
    3. PCT begins 2wks after last long ester shot.

    Took a 12 week break then started a 750mg a week test for about 8 weeks, tapered 500,500,250,250. But added propinate 300mg/w from weeks 8 all the way until the day before i start pct, 5 weeks after last enanthate injection/5 days after last prop injection. i have 2 weeks or so of prop left, enanthate sides wore off, cut down alot, but still feel strong from the propinate. Wondering what kind of pct should i run? i have chlomid that is all. should i do 4 weeks chlomid? 150/100/100/50 or with the tapering and the propinate would a smalled pct be fine?

    1. Both #1 & #2 above.
    2. That’s a serious drop from Enth 750mgs to Prop 300mgs, why?
    3. Prop PCT can begin when next shot is scheduled.
    4. 4wks of Clomid is fine.
    5. Don’t taper Prop, don’t run PCT with Prop.

    I know alot of people will ask why 2 tests? Well i initially added it because my guy couldnt find hcg at the time and i already payed him so he gave me propinate,

    then i didnt want to start pct a week before christmas, miss 5 days of it when i fly down south then come pick up pct again, so i got more,

    and i now will always wun prop with test e cause the cut i got from a lower calorie diet and tapering down to finish its like i bulked and cut in the same cycle.
    Or you could just run Prop exclusively, but that's your call.
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  5. #5
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    my first cycle was 12 weeks just 8 before i started tapering, and tapering steriods can be beneficial lowers your test gradually rather then going from 500mg to 250 after 14 days from my last show it goes from 125 to 62.5. and the 750mg to 300 prop wasnt an instantaneous drop i ran prop during the last 3 weeks of my enanthate all the way through until the end and i tapered the enathate so by about week 15 my enathate wore off from 250mg, plus the prop i was running to just prop. The christmas thign i was talking about, my post cycle was scheduled to start somewhere around 2-3 days ago and i would have had to miss 3-5 days of chlomid cause i was going down south for christmas so im running prop until the dayi leave. but thanks for the tips, what should be my chlmoid pct be 150,100,100, 50?

  6. #6
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    tren and test cycle questions

    so im planning on my third cycle now
    age 22
    5 foot 9
    chest 49
    quads 28
    waste 36
    arms 17.5
    bench 355
    squat 535
    deadlift 475

    first cycle was 500mg of test for 12 weeks tapering the last 4, ran chlomid 2 weeks after last injection 150mg, first day, 100 days 2-7, 50mg days 8-21.

    got huge gains off this cycle

    second cycle was 750mg test 250 enanthate for 12 weeks
    250deca for 10
    propinate thrown in at week 8-16
    arimidea 1mg every other day during
    chlomid after last prop injection 100 100 50 50

    now im planning my third cycle
    1-3 propinate 100mg eod
    1-12/15 test enanthate 500mg/week
    weeks 1-5 tren enanthate 300-400mg/week
    propinate weeks 12-15

    wondering what you guys think of this cycle, ive gotten a lot of mix suggestions for tren and not really sure what type of ais to run during was thinking just 1mg arim eod during, nolva and chlomid post. hcg starting a week after my last enathate injection running all the way through pct. any suggestions to chlomid/nolva/hcg doses or other ais/serms i should throw in the avoid side effects of tren

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