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Thread: Cycle opinions

  1. #1
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    Cycle opinions

    Well im looking for some feedback on a cycle I want to run for a powerlifting competition.

    age 37
    wght 270
    ht 6 2
    bf? who cares ima powerlifter so im kinda fat compared to you BBers

    Wks 1-12
    Test prop 500mg a wk

    wks 3-12
    tren ace 500mg wk

    Wks 7-12
    test suspension 100mg ed

    last 3wks halo 30mg ed

    no pct back to maintenence dose of test

  2. #2
    CMB's Avatar
    CMB is offline Senior Member
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    Just throwing this out there I had better strength gains with anavar then halo.

  3. #3
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    Just throwing this out there I had better strength gains with anavar then halo.

    I have never run it, but ive heard mixed reviews on it. I think either alot of bad halo around or some ppl just dont respond well to it?

    BTW what dose ofr halo did you run?

  4. #4
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    Bump: Surely someone has run large doses of testosterone with tren and halo? What were your experiances? I am concerned with tren and halo together I might turn green and start flipping cars over in trafic or something LOL I dont get overly aggressive from tren really, atleast I dont think so. What happens when halo and suspension is added to the mix? Thats what I wanna know?

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I would swap a few things around, I would definitely start the tren and suspension all on week one along side your prop, personally get those compounds in doing there job straight away. Not sure about mixing halo and tren could cause you serious aggression issues so I would do the above and drop the tren on wk 9 and introduce halo for the last 3 wks.

  6. #6
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    tren and halo together you start to see little blue people and a mean wizard and....sorry i got no help for you.
    good luck

  7. #7
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I would swap a few things around, I would definitely start the tren and suspension all on week one along side your prop, personally get those compounds in doing there job straight away. Not sure about mixing halo and tren could cause you serious aggression issues so I would do the above and drop the tren on wk 9 and introduce halo for the last 3 wks.

    OK sounds good. Only reason I did that was to slowly ramp up and peak at the competition at the end. We are on a long training cycle now and it will gradually increase in intensity as to hopefully avoid injuries.

    I could actually skip the halo, I wasnt looking to gain much in the last 3 wks really I would have all my lifts figured out shortly after starting the halo I just want it to help me smoke the living shit of those lifts lol and not miss any.

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