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  1. #1
    bbh90 is offline Junior Member
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    going to see an endocrinologist about aas

    i decided that before making any plans with aas it would be best to see a endo before and talk everything over and what the endo's beliefs are as to how dangerous or risky aas really are

    iv done a lot of research on this forum and other forums iv been looking into this stuff since i was 17 so thats 3 years of it and i know a pretty good amount so im not neccassarly going to ask how to run anything i just think 1 on 1 help would be a good idea

    i think what i really want to ask him about is age related issues and if he can determine through tests how mature my body is at the moment i think what im really trying to do here though is get his take on what he thinks of me wanting to use aas and how much he thinks im risking or how dangerous he thinks it would really be for me

    what do you guys think about going to and endo for this?

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    if you are 20 now, then certainly your endo will advise you to stay away from steroids . The members of this board would advise you to stay away from steroids too.

    You already have a TON of hormones now. So it is a good idea to keep researching. Take your edge naturally while you can. Many here would love to have what you have!

  3. #3
    cro's Avatar
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    bud no one is going reasure you on here that its a good idea to do aas at 20 yrs old and risk jepordising your sex life forever. i dont no about you, but that would be an easy decision to wait .and if youve been on this forum youve seen people post over and over about risks running cycle under 25. your a young man though and you will make your own decisions so i hope you make the smart choice stick to the whey protein and creatine you will do fine .(diet). good luck. i suck at typing this took forever . you better think hard

  4. #4
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I agree with what everyone has posted, that is that the endo will tell your your body is not yet finished developing yet and that the risk of steroids will be greatly increased. Do you really think that all the people on this board with all this combined experience somehow have this wrong and that really all you need to do is see an Endo to get some bloodwork done so you can get a green light on AAS usage? if that was the case why in the world would these knowlegable people (Not me I just listen to what they say) who have been down the road before you not mention this option.

    The only reason I can see for going to an endocrinologist at this point is that he will probably realize that getting a full panel from you would be a good idea, that way he will know exactly what damages have occured if you do decide to cycle and come back in for follow up work.

    Its really not a good idea at all you have tons of natural hormones (anabolic and sexual) already available to you take advantage of them (anabolic and sexual) and go out and enjoy the best sexual years of you life and diet lift and build a base and then consider AAS.

  5. #5
    bbh90 is offline Junior Member
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    well im getting my hormone levels checked as well just to see whats up with them no reason they should be off since iv never cycled anything just curious

    not going to try and argue that it isnt the smartest decision to wait to cycle i mean honestly i really want to cycle but at the same time im not keen or risking my sex life

    idk i mean like i said im going to the endo to try and make the best decision i can based off more than just wait till your 25 because being truthful its like not 25 is a magic age its just the safest age that most young men's endocrine system will be fully developed none the less i dont view myself as the exception to that rule not like i think im the lucky guy that happens to be fully developed at 20 thats why i want to see the endo and ask if theres anyway he might be able to determine my maturity

    who the fukc knows but bottom line is theres a lot of stuff that doesnt really add up to me that i will be asking the endo for example im in college attending asu and theres a massive number of guys who have or are using aas and i find it hard to believe that later in life were going to have hundreds of thousands or even millions of men all having issues from aas maybe there will be and im wrong just cuz im saying that doesnt mean im the one willing to be the test dummy for our generation im just trying to be as educated as possible so i know im not either passing up an opportunity or screwing myself over

    but i am aware that many pro athletes did not wait till 25 to use just as tons of gym goers didnt wait till 25 just as lots of people on this sight that say to wait till 25 did not wait till 25

    but as you said CRO i better think hard and thats why im trying to use every possible resource available to me to make the decision so that you dont think im simply arrogant i want to make sure its clear that im not forsure doing anything

    iv considered either ph's or aas since i was 17 and havnt ended up doing them this whole time i even bought extreme tren and nolva at one point but decided against it last minute and never used any of it

    as well im aware that i have multiple other things going on right now that are making me want to use aas more than i may have previously as well such as having a big injury for my first time in 7 years lifting a bulged disc that has taken me out of the gym for 3 months im only 1 month in with 2 left to go which of course as im sure you can relate is terrible rather depressing having to watch yourself lose gains and progress so that you can heal an injury but even after i wait the 3 months out i would not cycle then i would work back to where i was before the injury and then cycle if i do

    as well iv decided against doing either back squats or deadlifts ever again its not worth the risk to my back and fukcing up another disc just to have to take another huge period of time off again but that being said im somewhat nervous that gaining will become much more difficult not doing squats or deads as i have seen them make a significant difference in my progress this far

    so i am aware that this is a moment that i may feel more desperate to do something and i wont make any decisions while in that state but i will not try and say im not interested in cycling but im not looking to be a pro bodybuilder even if i do love the sport and devote a very large amount of time to rest diet routine ect and realize that at a certain point the risks are not worth the reward which is a lot of the reason im going to see the endo to varify how great this risks are

    like if were talking yes doing aas at my age can cause problems with the endocrine system long term but its extremely unlikly maybe its worth it but if its that yes doing aas at my age will very likly cause these problems then its not worth it

    but i do appreciate both of your input and take it to heart as well as i think its excellent to enforce these rules because a lot of people coming on here are uninformed and are basically looking for someone to set them up with a cycle real quick without really learning anything and then they dont ever understand how powerful these hormones are as well as how bad things can go if you dont do everything right as well as the how crucial each step and chemical is and i think thats really where a lot of the problems come in personally iv never seen a person do a cycle and do everything correct and come out with a bunch of issues but im sure its happened so what im saying is i think what you guys say is of a lot of value and im not trying to discredit anything im sure its very likly the endo is going to tell me just as you guys have i just want to get a medical opinion

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbh90 View Post
    i decided that before making any plans with aas it would be best to see a endo before and talk everything over and what the endo's beliefs are as to how dangerous or risky aas really are

    iv done a lot of research on this forum and other forums iv been looking into this stuff since i was 17 so thats 3 years of it and i know a pretty good amount so im not neccassarly going to ask how to run anything i just think 1 on 1 help would be a good idea

    i think what i really want to ask him about is age related issues and if he can determine through tests how mature my body is at the moment i think what im really trying to do here though is get his take on what he thinks of me wanting to use aas and how much he thinks im risking or how dangerous he thinks it would really be for me

    what do you guys think about going to and endo for this?
    Don't waste your time or money.

    Honestly WTF do you even think he's going to say to you? "it's a good idea?" ahhahahaha!

  7. #7
    bbh90 is offline Junior Member
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    far from massive thanks for the input i agree with you its a good point that if it was as simple as seeing an endo why wouldnt we all do it i think i addressed most of what you were saying in my above post and i want to make sure that im still being clear that this is not like a forsure thing its actually less likly to happen than for me to actually go through with it

    on the other hand i would like to make the point that im not one of the dick teens on here that never put any effort in and just wants to get big fast iv put a lot of effort and years of training as well as diet and routine sleep ect
    im 5 9 in a half 170-173 8-10% bf
    my bench is 315
    squat 345x4
    deadlift 440
    all of this before my injury of course and im 20 years old but i think thats a pretty good accomplishment for a 20 year old here is a progress pic of me just before having to stop lifting for 3 months

    not trying to use my stats to justify use i realize that none of that matters as far as hormones just trying to make sure ppl on here dont think im just looking for the easy way out or something

  8. #8
    bbh90 is offline Junior Member
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    true he will probably just tell me what has been said before but i still want to get my hormone levels checked anyway and it couldnt hurt incase i decided to use a few years from now instead

  9. #9
    testo1986's Avatar
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    dude, i would wait my friend. I juice from 19 to 21 on and off w/ PCT and now i'm 24 and on TRT....never bounced back. I don't even know if i can have kids dude. TOO YOUNG! TRUST ME!

  10. #10
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    you have a good base. honestly all you need is food and about 10-15lbs and you will be brolic, dont risk it like testo1986 and be on trt at 24, its real bro he ain't playin.
    you have a low % of body fat, don't be afraid to eat choose the right food and you will grow, keep fat in check with cardio, it's not for old people and ladies ya know.
    Last edited by MBMETC; 12-11-2010 at 10:31 AM.

  11. #11
    carbo's Avatar
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    I bet this kid has already done more roids then myself

  12. #12
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    Thanks for your well thought out reply and taking the time to consider everyones input. I feel your pain on the back deal, I had 3 herniated discs two of which were severly ruptured back in my late 20s and know what a set back it can be, on that note your decision to stay away from squats and deads for anytime in the near future is very wise, a bulged disc can often return to near original condition if allowed enough time to heal properly if stressed further distension or complete rupture is a given.

    In light of your post and your open mind on all that is involved I feel it would probably be a good move for you to see an endo for one as said already to get a baseline incase you go forward, and in addition in light of your (good) attitude, also to get more input on the situation as well as gauge where you are ( although I really don't have any knowlege in this field or how much information can be gained to compare your endocrine systems development to others in your age group) in terms of the development of your endocrine system.

    Best luck with your back and continued success on meeting your goals.


  13. #13
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    Here's an idea. There is a challenge coming up. You could enter and take your body to another level. Read this thread and at the end, I hope to see your name on the list. This might be PREFECT timing since you seem ready to push forward by transforming your body with some good lean mass, You already look great. But this challenge could make you look A+!

  14. #14
    bbh90 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for all the replies guys testo thanks for sharing your story and i hope that TRT works well for you

    thanks for sharing about your discs as well FFM im glad to hear you were able to recover from that and continue on with your goals it definetly is a pretty devistating injury but through the healing process its always nice to hear of other people that have overcome it and come back just as strong im glad to here your doing well now and yes it will be interesting to see what the endo says or if he would be able to make any judgement on my bodies endocrine development but im pretty sure this is going to turn out to be more of a learning experience for the future since i dont necassarly think he will be any more supportive of use at this age than anyone else would

    thank you everyone for your input though and ill report back about any particularly interesting information the endo might give me thanks again

  15. #15
    manveer1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testo1986 View Post
    dude, i would wait my friend. I juice from 19 to 21 on and off w/ PCT and now i'm 24 and on TRT....never bounced back. I don't even know if i can have kids dude. TOO YOUNG! TRUST ME!
    What PCT did you do ? and what AAS did you take?

  16. #16
    cro's Avatar
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    bro you have a great build . trust me your going to blow up naturally. i see it there. dont under estimate your own test ,and bro i see guys in the gym that wrecked themselves doing it to young .good luck you have heard the truth .it will always be there in a few more years. i understand your thought process though i was there 2.
    Last edited by cro; 12-11-2010 at 06:53 PM.

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