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  1. #1
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    What happens if you take Anavar every day forever and ever and ever?

    What would happen if you took 60mg of Anavar every day for 2 years straight?

    Will it eventually shut your Testosterone production down completely, or will it keep you steadily producing about 65% of your normal Testosterone amount?

    What about liver? Will your liver eventually or will it just adapt to the Anavar intake? (I know that the liver adapts to alcohol intake).

    Right now I've got a 12-week cycle of Anavar planned at 60 mg per day. After 12 weeks I'm gonna get my liver tested.

    If my liver test comes out fine after 12 weeks, is it safe to continue? (assuming my balls haven't shrunk and my libido isn't fcked!)

  2. #2
    cyounger100's Avatar
    cyounger100 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    im not sure but it would fck your liver up i would think i think 6 weeks on it is enough alot of stress on your liver bud

  3. #3
    Vullfromsc's Avatar
    Vullfromsc is offline Associate Member
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    honestly, not sure.. the health effects would not be that bad probably (aside from the slight liver damage).. but the diminishing returns of use for that long would be very evident. it would be a huge waste of money imo. cycle on and off

  4. #4
    kleaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErectileTissue View Post
    What would happen if you took 60mg of Anavar every day for 2 years straight?

    Will it eventually shut your Testosterone production down completely, or will it keep you steadily producing about 65% of your normal Testosterone amount?

    What about liver? Will your liver eventually or will it just adapt to the Anavar intake? (I know that the liver adapts to alcohol intake).

    Right now I've got a 12-week cycle of Anavar planned at 60 mg per day. After 12 weeks I'm gonna get my liver tested.

    If my liver test comes out fine after 12 weeks, is it safe to continue? (assuming my balls haven't shrunk and my libido isn't fcked!)
    you'd run out of money

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleaver View Post
    you'd run out of money
    €3 a day isn't breaking the bank. Some people spend that on coffee.

  6. #6
    kleaver's Avatar
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    test/tren cycle

    Last edited by kleaver; 12-12-2010 at 12:33 PM.

  7. #7
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    That would do terrible things to you man. Var is prob the worst steroid on your lipids there is. Its does shut you down, and it is liver toxic. It may not be as harsh as anadrol or something like that but it is not good for you and running it for 2 yrs straight is just a terrible idea.

  8. #8
    Jonathan11's Avatar
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    Like gymnerd said, Var messes with both your good and bad cholesterol, although people say that it dsnt shut down your natty test, I had very mild side effect at 100mg's a day for 10wks. Toward my last week my sperm started getting a bit light. My balls felt smaller, but other than that I rly didn't have any other sides. Var is a great mild roid and like all orals roids with the exception of one or two, its is C17-AA so yeah its liver toxic. In order for var to really take effect you would need between 60-100mg's. So if you plan to nvr come off I presume you'd be doing it in low doses bc/such a high dose longer than 12wk's is just asking for a liver X-fer. Take milk thisel wk1-12 and you should be good, remember to drink a gallon of water a day and try your best not to take in any alcohol (dont make it any harder on liver than it alrdy is). Other than that you should see minor gains in strength and vascularity depending on your body type, and pretty insane pumps. And one more thing Var takes about 1-2weeks to kick in. By week 4 var is in full effect.

    -happy lifting

  9. #9
    Jonathan11's Avatar
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    Like gymnerd said, Var messes with both your good and bad cholesterol, although people say that it dsnt shut down your natty test, I had very mild side effect at 100mg's a day for 10wks. Toward my last week my sperm started getting a bit light. My balls felt smaller, but other than that I rly didn't have any other sides. Var is a great mild roid and like all orals roids with the exception of one or two, its is C17-AA so yeah its liver toxic. In order for var to really take effect you would need between 60-100mg's. So if you plan to nvr come off I presume you'd be doing it in low doses bc/such a high dose longer than 12wk's is just asking for a liver X-fer. Take milk thisel wk1-12 and you should be good, remember to drink a gallon of water a day and try your best not to take in any alcohol (dont make it any harder on liver than it alrdy is). Other than that you should see minor gains in strength and vascularity depending on your body type, and pretty insane pumps. And one more thing Var takes about 1-2weeks to kick in. By week 4 var is in full effect.

    -happy lifting

  10. #10
    littleriverman is offline Junior Member
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    ya 3 euros a day nothing but your liver is priceless. also it would be a complete waste because your body will adjust to it and you will just platuea so it will be a big waste of time, money, and possible your liver

    but if you feel the need go for it. it's just another 200,000 euros for a transplant hopefully one of your siblings will allow you to have half of their liver.
    Last edited by littleriverman; 12-11-2010 at 09:27 PM.

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleaver View Post
    not sure if tren is for me, as the loss of cardiac output worries me a bit.

    but how would this look

    8 or 10 week cycle of test enth
    2.5 weeks pin 75mg/eod tren (i chose 2.5 weeks b'c the vial that i'm looking at will last that long)

    do you think it's worth using tren (fat burning with lean muscle gains) for only that short period of time

    i'm trying to be cost-effective, and not screw up my heart. and i probably won't run the tren right away anyways, but hang onto it for a summer cycle. depending on my size at the time, i'll either do that lean bulk cycle or use it with winny to cut down
    hmm, start your own thread

  12. #12
    dec11's Avatar
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    OP, taking var for that length of time is a waste of everything

  13. #13
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    If you love your liver don't do it.

  14. #14
    cro's Avatar
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    bro ive read 6 weeks at 60/70 mg was good r you nutz taking a oral 4 years that will kill your liver. i thought 8 weeks was max on var.

  15. #15
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    If you intend on running it for years then we may need to delete the T out of your second name
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  16. #16
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    ^^^^ ROFL!

    You'd have shitty lipid values and would likely die young of heart problems. Lipids should be your largest concern with Anavar . You'd also have shitty liver values (though probably manageable) and 0 testosterone .

  17. #17
    Rag1ngBull is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    If you intend on running it for years then we may need to delete the T out of your second name

  18. #18
    FunkLord is offline Junior Member
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    People say "anavar doesn't shut you down, only supresses you"
    but that doesn't mean 65%, I don't know where you got that number. If you get your testosterone checked halfway through an anavar only cycle, you'll come back with a 2 decimal number, so you are looking at more like 10%

    People with aids have been prescribed anavar, but the doses were in the 5-10mg range, just enough to combat wasting away. For someone who is sick, the advantages may outweigh the disadvantages, but for a healthy person it's just dumb. If absolutely have to go on something all year long, make it test, and put it at "high normal" levels. For example, someone who is at around 300, could go on TRT and bring their levels up to 900, tripling their test, but staying in the normal range.

  19. #19
    Jonathan11's Avatar
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    Ill give you a perfect example. A normal adult male between 18-25 produces 70-100mg's of test a week. If you start taking var for too long it eventually begins to starting shuting down your test. So you weekly output of test will begin to drop. So at some point you are defeating the positive effects of the Anavar bc/your body is not producing enough test to promote/sustain muscle growth. For me I pretty much peaked at 8weeks, after that my strength didnt increase any. And towards the last week of my cycle minor sides started to kick in. So even at low doses you will get to a point were your body peaks, and you cant go any further with VAR. BTW how old are you ERECTILE TISSUE?

  20. #20
    kleaver's Avatar
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    somehow my new thread post got added to this thread. sorry guys. i'm removing it,

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