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  1. #1
    GymHero's Avatar
    GymHero is offline Senior Member
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    Can Testosterone cause anxiety?

    I have had anxiety issues in the past but have been great for awhile and havn't had any problems until I started my cycle of Test prop at 70 mg ed. I just stopped my cycle after 18 days and will be starting my pct on tuesday. Anyone else get anxiety just off of test?

  2. #2
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    i beleive it is in your head if anything more test would make you feel on top of the world . im anxiety prone to. went over seas to iraq// came back never felt the same . tried all sort of drugs like cymbalta/depakote/lexapro/even had to go to va hosp. they said ptsd. anxiety is scarry s---. mind is powerfull .

  3. #3
    wmaousley's Avatar
    wmaousley is offline American Bedoo
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    I had this type of anxiety towards the end of my first cycle. I believe it stems from the unknown unknowns of pct, i.e. asking yourself how will I keep my gains, will I develop gyno, also the your confidence level will dip a little thus causing a little insecurity.
    I have found this anxiety to be normal the first few cycles but.

    Not sure how many cycles you have done, but this was my experience 10 years ago.

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