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  1. #1
    StedEd is offline New Member
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    Gyno over a year after cycle

    I have only done 1 cycle which was about 15 months ago and was test E for 12 weeks at 500mg/w. I got gyno towards the end of the cycle but got it under control by the end of my PCT. Ran tamoxifen and clomid as pct for 4/5 weeks. About 3/4 months after PCT i got signs of gyno again and am now getting tamoxifen prescribed by the doctor but have been on it for about 12 months now which i know is not good and all it is doing is stoping it binding because if i stop for about a 5 days it comes back. Doctors dont want to know and im unsure of what to do. Should i run another PCT maybe with some HCG ?

    Any help much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Hcg wont do anything, you need to see another doctor, have you had bloodworks done???
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    StedEd is offline New Member
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    Had it taken once and then they lost it! When i got booked in for them to take it again it got cancelled and i got that fed up with it i have just tried to ignore it an hoping it would just go in time but obviously not! Would you suggest anything else other than goin back to the doctors? I must have been about 8-9 times just to be fed a load of bullshit.

  4. #4
    SMcB is offline Associate Member
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    I just can't seem to figure out how so many users now days get delayed gyno. Have any of you spoken to any old school steroid users? If I'm not mistaken, back then guys use to use the taper down method and no one ever heard of using drugs like AIs and SERMs. Today guys seem to be popping AIs and SERMs like candy, even though these drugs were designed for women. By the percentage of people getting gyno/delayed gyno today it almost seems like AIs and SERMs are the cause of this.

  5. #5
    AZGOLDSMEMBER86's Avatar
    AZGOLDSMEMBER86 is offline Senior Member
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    some good gyno reversal info, please read it all. i followed it and i had great sucess, letro man, it sucks but it works..

  6. #6
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Back in the day guys did all kinds of things as there was no knowlege available for them to incorporate. Fortunately for us we are able to take advantage of all their research. As far as why it seems like more people are getting gyno now for one you hear about it a lot more now, number two back in the day most guys juicing were 23-28 7-15% bodyfat and totally dedicated to bodybuilding. Now we have idiots who are 55 yrs old and 18% body fat cycling ( like me 6 months ago LOL) in addition we have kids who started using pro-hormones and other OTC stuff at 16 yrs old and began AAS at 17-20 meantime they are eating junk food and consuming lots of dairy and using tea tree shampoos and soy protein...the list goes on.

    Too disregard all these factors and blame AI's and Serms for the gyno is bad science in my opinion.

    As far as the taper down method, I had an old school guy who just did a cycle suggest tapering off his cycle even though he had Torem for PCT, he would not use an AI because he said no one did back in the day...anyway he did a short 4 wk cycle of prop and was going to taper the last week, I asked him how much exogenous test it took to shut down natural production of test..seems like you would just be giving up a week of gains for a very minimal change in recovery, since the system would still be shut down almost completly most of the week while you were tapering off. Curious to hear what some of the vets like Matt / Marcus might have to say about this.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 12-16-2010 at 07:29 PM.

  7. #7
    AZGOLDSMEMBER86's Avatar
    AZGOLDSMEMBER86 is offline Senior Member
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    some good gyno reversal info, please read it all. i followed it and i had great sucess, letro man, it sucks but it works..

  8. #8
    StedEd is offline New Member
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    Why would HCG be no good. I have been thinking im getting this problem because my natural test is low and i need to get it back up? Is this wrong?

    Anybody else any ideas or help?

  9. #9
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Get another blood work and check either your estrogenic and androgenic values.
    Do not go to see another doctor without those info.
    If you can afford it, I would suggest you to check also pregnenolone.

    Have you ever taken any AI?
    As already said, you do not need HCG to cure your gyno issue.

  10. #10
    StedEd is offline New Member
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    Last time they sent me for bloods i didnt get a say in what they were checking for. Can anybody help me with whythis may have happened an how to get it to stop because all the tamoxifen is doing is stopping it getting worse and not fixing the problem.


  11. #11
    PistolStarta's Avatar
    PistolStarta is offline Senior Member
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    just a word of thought here, if you havent been consistent with your training as of late, decreased chest muscle and increased fat will make possible gyno more apparent. If you arent presenting any hard spots or tenderness, Id say its merely decreased size.

  12. #12
    StedEd is offline New Member
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    No defo gyno, i find them itchy alot and if i stop taking the tamoxifen they get really sore. Any one have any ideas to why it has happened and how i can fix it?
    Would running a big PCT be a good idea?


  13. #13
    StedEd is offline New Member
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    Anyone any more light on this situation. Really getting me down!

  14. #14
    OGBossman is offline New Member
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    Read the thread AZ sent you...go get your blood work done very soon and get them to sit down and explain to you what your results mean, they're doctors for a reason. If your doctor isn't working try another.

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