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  1. #1
    biggerisbetter1827 is offline Junior Member
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    There also genetic factors along with your age you have to consider as well....I mean just because a guy is over the age of 25 doesn't give a 100% guarantee that his test levels will bounce back to normal no matter how aggressive the PCT was. He could just be one of the few that doesn't fully recover. Its simply chance, for example some people can smoke all their life, live till their 80 and end up dying in a car crash. Then there are other people who smoked for five years of their life and ended up dying of lung cancer at 40. Everybody's body is different and we all respond to things differently.

    With regards to steroids if your under the age of 25 you have an even greater chance of not fully recovering. Your body has so much sh!t going on right now the last thing it wants to do is trying to pump your test levels back up. If there is already a risked involved why add more? So you can get marginally bigger for a few months? Then loose it all, have limp dick, acne scars, depression, and ton of other problems associated with low test. O and on top of that you will be at least $500 poorer from wasting your money on the gear. Do you know how many chicken breasts and egg whites $500 can buy? If you were to eat all that food you would probably make and sustain better gains then you would get from taking the gear.

    FYI: Just because you said you were educated and are at a top UK university doesn't change your thread from the rest of the guys. Whom think since they have read a little about steroids and have been 'lifting weights' not seriously bodybuilding for a few years that it makes it OK for them to do steroids when there 19.

    Sorry if I came across as a bit of an ass at the end. But its true.

  2. #2
    biggerisbetter1827 is offline Junior Member
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    Double Post
    Last edited by biggerisbetter1827; 12-16-2010 at 03:48 PM. Reason: Double Post

  3. #3
    dj4 is offline New Member
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    19 but what harm can be done?

    When you see the title you will think here we go again. BUT im a very educated body builder, at a top UK university and have been researching steroids and training for almost 4 years.
    So i was wondering what the effects of an 75mg/6week cycle of anavar would be if i PCTd as well as i would. I would do nolva 60 40 20 20 , clomid 100 50 25 25 plus use a natty otc test booster.
    Then for my liver use pro lover and milk thistle, and then use products for cholestrol.
    Im not bothered about stunted groth as im already 6 2 and dont wont to grow anymore. So with a PCT such as mine, how could i suffer long term from low test etc if my pct is so aggressive like mine. I would get bloodwork done like 2 months after PCT to re check everything, so can someone tell me what the harm of me doing this would be?

  4. #4
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Research the endocrine system

  5. #5
    dj4 is offline New Member
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    I have, With a PCT such as that your testosterone levels would recover... Am i right or wrong?

  6. #6
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    you seem to have the basics down but their is far too much for you too lose than gain nothings a sure thing and at 19 not only are u going to grow taller but wider for atleast 3 more years so doing this now could be the biggest mistake u make you only get 1 body!

  7. #7
    stack_it's Avatar
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  8. #8
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj4 View Post
    When you see the title you will think here we go again. BUT im a very educated body builder, at a top UK university and have been researching steroids and training for almost 4 years.
    So i was wondering what the effects of an 75mg/6week cycle of anavar would be if i PCTd as well as i would. I would do nolva 60 40 20 20 , clomid 100 50 25 25 plus use a natty otc test booster.
    Then for my liver use pro lover and milk thistle, and then use products for cholestrol.
    Im not bothered about stunted groth as im already 6 2 and dont wont to grow anymore. So with a PCT such as mine, how could i suffer long term from low test etc if my pct is so aggressive like mine. I would get bloodwork done like 2 months after PCT to re check everything, so can someone tell me what the harm of me doing this would be?
    then you should know the answer to your question.

  9. #9
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    You will screw yourself up.

  10. #10
    cro's Avatar
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    x-2 im with u
    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    then you should know the answer to your question.

  11. #11
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    My nut's actually a the size of marbles. I have seen todlers with a bigger package. I didn't finish puberty, I'm effeminate, my voice didn't finish changing, both my parrents are over 6 feet tall, I'm 5-10 and that's what just I tell people, more like 5-9.5

  12. #12
    Fetch is offline Member
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    The standard risks of steroids include--

    -fused growth plates
    -permanent damage of HPTA, risking low test for life
    -liver damage (particularly for orals)

    With these come secondary effects, such as no libido, inability to maintain erection, depression, etc. What was once a healthy appetite and longing to hit the gym turns into a general malaise.

    When you take steroids before your body is done growing, these risks are compounded. While your endocrine system is developing, you are flooding it with foreign chemicals. You are telling your body that it doesn't need to develop these functions any more, because you already have plenty of hormones. That, my friend, ****ing sucks. You do NOT want to be the guy that can't get his dick up at 20 years old. This isn't a mostly obscure chance that only a few people risk, this is a very real threat that a large percentage of not yet matured users will face.

    Don't be that guy. At 19, you already have more hormones pumping through your body than you are taking advantage of naturally, I'll guarantee it. Eat properly, work hard, and enjoy your dick while you still can.

  13. #13
    Kdub's Avatar
    Kdub is offline Associate Member
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    So you are letting us know that you have justified the fact that you have talked yourself into it?

  14. #14
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj4 View Post
    When you see the title you will think here we go again. BUT im a very educated body builder, at a top UK university and have been researching steroids and training for almost 4 years.
    So i was wondering what the effects of an 75mg/6week cycle of anavar would be if i PCTd as well as i would. I would do nolva 60 40 20 20 , clomid 100 50 25 25 plus use a natty otc test booster.
    Then for my liver use pro lover and milk thistle, and then use products for cholestrol.
    Im not bothered about stunted groth as im already 6 2 and dont wont to grow anymore. So with a PCT such as mine, how could i suffer long term from low test etc if my pct is so aggressive like mine. I would get bloodwork done like 2 months after PCT to re check everything, so can someone tell me what the harm of me doing this would be?

  15. #15
    Public Enemy's Avatar
    Public Enemy is offline Associate Member
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    Mate I'm 19 too and if I were to do steroids now and had just one of those major consequences happen to me, I would probably be scarred for life. You cannot say you know more then the guys here who actually use these drugs and have experience with them first hand. Nobody is trying to keep you down, but ppl are trying to help you avoid ****ing yourself up.

  16. #16
    Scabtree's Avatar
    Scabtree is offline Associate Member
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    Here is a great book on the endocrine system :

    But ultimately the choice is up to you; and for the most part it seems that your mind is made up. But please consider what everyone is saying here before you jump right in.

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