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  1. #1
    benbean77 is offline Junior Member
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    arimidex. yes or no ?

    when running a test-e cycle for a first time and you fear sides is it reccomended to use and AI (arimidex ) from day 1 ?
    i dont mind if it slightly hinders my gains. but are their any possible sides to running arimidex at lets say 0.25mg eod ? and will running it make it very unlikely for side effects like gyno etc ?

  2. #2
    Brewster's Avatar
    Brewster is offline Member
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    Have you done any cycles in the past?
    List them?
    What sides did you feel?

    Your current stats......

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    I never really suffer sides from test only so imo it would be better to start your test and see how it goes, if you see any signs of gyno or excessive water retention then by all means start an ai....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    stevo123's Avatar
    stevo123 is offline Junior Member
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    need some stats and what does your cycle look like. using that much wouldnt completely shut down your gains, you could start out with .25mg e3d for a bit and adjust from there, if there isnt a NEED for AI's then you dont need to be taking them, you wont wake up one morning with gyno there will be tell tale signs that you can counteract with the AI's, its all up to you but you can get alot better gains if you start out small and listen to your body if your starting to notice signs of gyno or estrogen build up you up the dose but if not then just go through your proposed cycle with them on hand and pay attention to your body during the cycle, i started taking too much arimidex in the middle of a cycle and really noticed the gains slowing and coming to a halt so everyone reacts differently

  5. #5
    benbean77 is offline Junior Member
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    yes this will be a first cycle ever and i want to run test-e @ 500mg (10 weeks) and d-bol@30mg (first 4 weeks)
    i think i might try that running arimidex @ 0.25mg eod then.
    any more input ?
    also i you dont use an AI from day one and you start getting gyno symptons then start using one can it sometimes be too late and the gyno gets worse ?
    thank you so far

  6. #6
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    Depending on how stout your D-bol is, it may warrant the use of the dex right off the bat. You will know within the first five days.
    Irreversible gyno is not going to attack you like that. Very minor early stages of gyno is usually completely reversible with AIs and serms.

  7. #7
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Only use it if you feel estrogen side effects. Don`t forget you need estrogen to grow.

  8. #8
    Brewster's Avatar
    Brewster is offline Member
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  9. #9
    benbean77 is offline Junior Member
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    so early stages of gyno are easily reversable then yea thats my main concern.
    thanks so far

  10. #10
    awesome1's Avatar
    awesome1 is offline Associate Member
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    Quite a few have said not to take them unless you see side effects. However, I am of the opinion that one should take an AI from the beginning for several reasons.
    If gyno develops, there is not a 100% guarantee that it can be reversed without surgery. This is where I feel running and AI would be very proactive preventing gyno rather than reacting to it after it already starts. Quite a few threads have passed through the Q&A about people who weren't having success treating their gyno with letro or tamox. You are also going to be using both dbol , which aromatases at a moderate rate, and 500mg of test, which you can count on to aromatase. I dont see any reason not to take a mild AI like Adex or Ldex at a moderate to low dose from the get go. I think that the majority of the gains people say you lose out on by taking an AI is simply a reduction in bloat. If you are using that much test I would recommend .25 Adex EOD or E3D.
    Last edited by awesome1; 12-17-2010 at 08:20 PM.

  11. #11
    tintinnabulatio is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry for thread hijacking, but for 300 mg TEST-E/week , would .25 Adex E3D be too much? I need AI on cycle because i'm predisposed to acne.

  12. #12
    kleaver's Avatar
    kleaver is offline Associate Member
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    i wouldn't use ai if you're using dbol . the water retention is part of why the compound increases strength so much. test only... then wait for sides to start, to do 1/4 eod... increase as necessary. jmho

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