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  1. #1
    smfo00's Avatar
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    Exclamation Someone review my Gynecomastia case please.... Need advice

    Hello all,

    Here are my stats:
    - 26 years old
    - 6 feet tall

    Cycle stats:
    - Total Duration: 16 weeks
    - 500mg Test-Enanthate for 10 weeks; followed by 6 weeks of Test-Cyp.
    - 20mg of Anavar was used WITH Test-Enanthate for the initial 4 weeks.
    - 0.5mg a day of Finasteride

    PCT stats:
    - Last injection was mid July
    - 2 Weeks of Nolvadex at 40mg a day; followed by 2 weeks at 20mg a day; followed by 2 weeks at 20mg EOD.

    I noticed a hard little lump under my left nipple, about the size of a grape, two weeks after I finished my PCT. Once I noticed it I went back on Nolvadex, at 40 mg, for another 3 weeks - which changed nothing. I went to 5 different General Practitioners who all said it would go away in time..... I am going to see a Endocrinologist on January the 26th but I would like to get an idea of what to expect.

    Gynecomastia conditions:
    - Size of a Grape
    - Hard when contracted; squishy when dilated
    - Discharge when squeezed hard
    - Soreness ( some days it hurts some days it doesn't)
    - No size change in 5 months

  2. #2
    fig's Avatar
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    I had to go on letro for 3 months to get rid of mine. I had all the same conditions as well...same size, soreness, discharge, etc. I'm sure someone who knows better can give you good advise but this is what worked for me.

  3. #3
    freshkid25 is offline New Member
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    Hey. This is still a symptom, so it can be reversed. i had this same situation and i bought proviron for world-pharma. It actually went away in exactly 4 days. Ever since then, i've been getting my products from there. it's great. if you buy it, on comment tell them abiola referred u
    Last edited by freshkid25; 12-23-2010 at 03:46 PM.

  4. #4
    smfo00's Avatar
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    Letro is an option..... Shouldn't I wait to see an Endocrinologist before I start using something like that though ?

    I realize now that I was on cycle for far too long. Also, Finasteride apparently has a half life of 6 months which means my DHT levels could still be out of whack.

  5. #5
    smfo00's Avatar
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    Hello ?

  6. #6
    AZGOLDSMEMBER86's Avatar
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    yes letro can help with reverseinmg gyno, but threre are no promises, it leaks when u squeeze?

  7. #7
    voidofRoids is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by freshkid25 View Post
    Hey. This is still a symptom, so it can be reversed. i had this same situation and i bought proviron for world-pharma. It actually went away in exactly 4 days. Ever since then, i've been getting my products from there. it's great. if you buy it, on comment tell them abiola referred u
    This ****in' guy is everywhere.

  8. #8
    smfo00's Avatar
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    Not much but it does leak when I squeeze it. I have to squeeze it with a fair bit to make anything come out of it though.

  9. #9
    AZGOLDSMEMBER86's Avatar
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    yea, id get it looked at asap, what is comming out?

  10. #10
    smfo00's Avatar
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    I am pretty much stuck waiting until my appointment with the Endocrinologist on the 26th...... I have exhausted the limits of what GP Doctors are able to do - or even aware of for that matter. The discharge is clear, mostly, with a tinge of white. Breast milk probably. lol.

  11. #11
    AZGOLDSMEMBER86's Avatar
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    lol, taste it! haha. well letro makes u feel lilke crap, but i used it once for my symptoms and am now golden... think about it and good luck bro

  12. #12
    fig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smfo00 View Post
    Letro is an option..... Shouldn't I wait to see an Endocrinologist before I start using something like that though ?

    I realize now that I was on cycle for far too long. Also, Finasteride apparently has a half life of 6 months which means my DHT levels could still be out of whack.
    Yea since you already have the appointment I'd see what he says but 5 already gave you bad advise. Also, Finasteride's half-life is 6 hours. Go to the Excretion section here:

    That's good news. Test converts to DHT and Estro...Finasteride prevents the conversion to DHT so you're left with an abundance of estrogen. Also, it is most likely milk coming out.

  13. #13
    fig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AZGOLDSMEMBER86 View Post
    lol, taste it! haha. well letro makes u feel lilke crap, but i used it once for my symptoms and am now golden... think about it and good luck bro
    Definitely will feel like crap but I noticed it got better month 2 and month 3 I felt normal.

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