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Thread: real or fake?

  1. #1
    prestone is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010

    real or fake?

    Last edited by prestone; 12-24-2010 at 11:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What an epic fail for a first post.

    Please read the rules you are not supposed to post lab names.
    There is a preview feature that will let you know if your posted pictures are not working..PS you can not post the email address of the pictures, since we are not logged into your email account we won't be able to see them.
    If you had just followed directions and posted in the anabolic steroids pictures forum with the name blacked out I would have replied with the answer on how to find out if you gear is real or it their properly and I am sure you will find the help you need.

    Oh last but not least so you know I am a nice guy here is how to post a picture (don't forget to cross out the lab name)

    How to post a picture 101 by FFM
    1 Publish the picture to the web, Use a service like photobucket to publish your picture to the web
    2 Go to the picture in photobucket that you want to post and open it to the size you would like to see it on Steroid .com usually around 70% is good.
    3 Now right click the photo and on the menu select properties, this is the web address of your photo.
    4 Copy the web address to the clipboard on your computer.
    5 Now go to the thread where you want to post your picture and select the post picture icon ( the 4th one from the right on the bottom column.
    6 Now paste the web address from your clipboard into the space provided.
    7 That’s it as complicated as it sounds it’s really not it’s just a lot of typing, once you know how to do it the whole procedure of taking a photo from your computer publishing to photobucket and inserting the web address (URL) into the insert photo dialogue box takes less than a minute.

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