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  1. #1
    Double v is offline New Member
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    Dianabol question(s)

    Hey what's up everybody? First time poster here, and I got aquestion for anyone who could answer. I've been working out since the age of 14 or 15, When I started I was 5'6" and was roughly 220lbs. I began by doin nothing but cardio so I dropped from 220 to 170 within a 2-3 month period. After I Lost all that weight I decided to lift some weight to make up for allthe weight I dropped (just in a healthy way.) I didn't want to waste all my time as a kid in the gym so I made myself a schedule where I worked out 3 days a week on school days. Long story short I took the gym more serious at age 16, I was goin in and out of the gym 6-7 days out of the week. At age 19 I took it even more serious by making myself a diet which I stay on since. Now Im 6'1" and weight 210lbs (not fat). I'm now about to be 21 and I'm THINKING about going on dianabol . I did research on it, the history of it and everything but I know for a fact there is alot more to it then I think or read. So I'm coming to you guys (or ladies) to help me out. I have no idea as to how to take them. I know it's in pill form so how many mgs do I take? I read 25-50 mgs is safe? Please help me out. Also i read I need something like clomid or something like that...thanks a ton.
    Last edited by Double v; 12-28-2010 at 11:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Using aas at such an early age can cause serious long term health issue in the future...

    I would advise that you spend the next 4/5 years training and dieting hard to build a solid foundation.....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Double v is offline New Member
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    What's the difference between the age 20 and 25? I know that the body gets oldier and what not and the testosterone gets lower etc but what's the difference in the way that something might happen now and not when I'm 25?

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    This link should help you understand it better.....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #5
    Ruffiancino's Avatar
    Ruffiancino is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Double v View Post
    Hey what's up everybody? First time poster here, and I got aquestion for anyone who could answer. I've been working out since the age of 14 or 15, When I started I was 5'6" and was roughly 220lbs. I began by doin nothing but cardio so I dropped from 220 to 170 within a 2-3 month period. After I Lost all that weight I decided to lift some weight to make up for allthe weight I dropped (just in a healthy way.) I didn't want to waste all my time as a kid in the gym so I made myself a schedule where I worked out 3 days a week on school days. Long story short I took the gym more serious at age 16, I was goin in and out of the gym 6-7 days out of the week. At age 19 I took it even more serious by making myself a diet which I stay on since. Now Im 6'1" and weight 210lbs (not fat). I'm now about to be 21 and I'm THINKING about going on dianabol. I did research on it, the history of it and everything but I know for a fact there is alot more to it then I think or read. So I'm coming to you guys (or ladies) to help me out. I have no idea as to how to take them. I know it's in pill form so how many mgs do I take? I read 25-50 mgs is safe? Please help me out. Also i read I need something like clomid or something like that...thanks a ton.
    You definitely need to do some research before you take anything, and like Matt said, you are really too young to start taking gear. If I could go back to when I was 21, with what I know now, about diet and how to actually put on weight, and how to work out correctly, I would be a monster right now. It's amazing what youth can offer you. Here are some tips on things you need to research

    -Diet: This is your most important element in any kind of workout regimine, gear usage or not. If your diet is not on point, you won't get nearly the results you would if you were eating right. You have to eat to grow.

    -Research all the different gear and how they work, and why they do what they do. These are serious things you are putting into your body. You said you've done a lot of research, but it sounds like you need to do more. The questions you asked about Dbol are ones that can easily be answered with some research

    -PCT- Post cycle therapy .....I can't stress this enough. I don't go into a cycle, or even purchase any gear, without having the stuff I need for when I come off. You may enjoy the 12 weeks you feel like a God, while you are on cycle, but if you come off without the right medication, you will hate your life.

    This board is great. Tons of info, and a gigantic pool of people that are willing to help. Just be patient. I know, easier said than done, right Good luck!

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