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Thread: Opinions wanted

  1. #1
    jason8455's Avatar
    jason8455 is offline Junior Member
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    Opinions wanted

    Ok everyone so we all know that every ones body reacts differently to anabolics. You and a training partner can take the same product Eat an train the same and get completely different results.

    Well I am the guy that can take whatever and get average results but in the end always look the same. Have done cycles of all sort and have really learned dieting over the last few years.

    My question is that I have been reading a little more lately about different products like proviron and others that help free more testosterone and work with the AR receptors in since being more productive and getting results.

    My question is something like this good to make a different for someone of my "tolerance" with taking test. Or is it so insignificant that it will not change anything and I will always get average results?

    Any ideas would be great. Just trying to find a better mix for my goals

    Thanks guys
    Last edited by jason8455; 12-28-2010 at 01:50 PM.

  2. #2
    lil_herc81's Avatar
    lil_herc81 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jason8455 View Post

    My question is something like this good to make a different for someone of my "tolerance" with taking test. Or is it so insignificant that it will not change anything and I will always get average results?
    We dont know your tolerance, you need to post your full stats for us to be able to help. Some of us have ESP I have yet to develop mine tho. Thanks

  3. #3
    jason8455's Avatar
    jason8455 is offline Junior Member
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    I was generally speaking when I said tolerance. Just the fact that I get little results on my cycles. Anywhere from 400-1100 mg of enanthate dbol some cycles. Have used tren deca and even did 5 iu ugh for 6 months with insulin . It was chineese generic so who knows with that. But I'm 6' 225 with some fat to lose around my stomach. Maybe 10lbs. It's hard to gain bad weight for me.

    Food depending on what I'm doing average is 350 p 300-400 carbs and 50-110 fats

    Train 4-5 days a week each body part trained once a week

    25 yr old

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