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  1. #1
    8pointer is offline New Member
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    Been off a long time!!

    Hi and thanks for a GREAT site!
    I am considering going back on the gear after being completly off for 13 years. Used in college for about 3 years, and what a 3 years it was!! I used Sustanon 250 for most of my cycles topping out at 500mg's a week. Stacked the 250 w/ some Deca on 2 cycles and Tes En on 2 others. Did a total of 6 cycles. Went from 145# starting... and on the last cycle topped out at 217#. After cutting up and losing what I was going to lose I maintained my weight at 192# w/ about 12% BF. I'm 5'9" and currently weigh 170. Have been off and on lifting the last 3 years and recently got very serious again. I'm in my mid 30's. My question is since I've been off the gear so long can expect results as if I never used before? And what would you all recommend starting back with?

  2. #2
    jfletcher's Avatar
    jfletcher is offline Junior Member
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    Depends what you have available mate, and what are you hoping to achieve here?

  3. #3
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    All the luck to you when you decide what to do.

  4. #4
    8pointer is offline New Member
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    Well, as far as what I have available to me.... I'm unsure at this point. Still trying to find a legit mail order inside the US.
    As far as what I'm hoping to accomplish I would like something that will not bloat me up w/water, that works fairly well on a somewhat restricted calorie (2,500-3,000) diet but yet will allow me to gain 5# or more of muscle. My overall goal is to lose the 5# spare tire around my belly but gain about 5# of muscle in the process. Thanks for asking!

  5. #5
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    Can we get some pics...just by the sound of things you seem like your looking for a quick fix. Get back into lifting properly and you should be up and running where you were before

  6. #6
    8pointer is offline New Member
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    Nope, not a quick fix. Just would like to get back to where I was a few years ago. I have been back to weight lifting hard for about a year now and have just hit that "wall" where I'm not really seeing much results w/strength or size. Changing my routine about every 8 weeks,taking some time off (couple weeks) between routine changes. Eating a clean diet. Just ready for that "shot in arm" to get things progressing again.

  7. #7
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    While reading I noticed you started at 145 pounds and around 22(or younger) in age due to you saying your in your mid 30's now and have been off for 13 years...that might have been your first problem(diet and work ethic). Can we get some kind of diet up in the diet part of the forum just to narrow it down to make sure I know it isn't a problem now? Also some pics if possible to know the base we are working off of?

  8. #8
    jfletcher's Avatar
    jfletcher is offline Junior Member
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    sus and deca are massive bloaters, i'd stick to a cleaner test like test P or E if your worried about that kind of thing... As for stacks, maybe try tren or winni?!?! Up to you...

  9. #9
    8pointer is offline New Member
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    Necrosaro Your above comment about diet and work ethic is rate on. At least the diet part. I will say in college I had more time than i knew what to do with..... So I lifted 2-2.5 hours 5 days a week. Worked my tail off!! My idea of a good diet while using the gear was eat as much as possible and eat as much protein as I could stomach. My diet was probably a problem. Sure my body never lacked the Aminos or calories but I did gain a bunch of water and fat. It appears that if I really get my diet in line and return to the focused lifting I can make pretty good gains over the next year or two before leveling off. I may try this route for a while and see how I do. Thanks for all the replies. This may not belong here, but what are the top 2 or 3 supplements you guys recommend for lean muscle gains..... That really work. I have had good luck w/creatine, but what else. Sorry if this is the wrong area to ask this question.

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