Thread: Liquid clen/T3
02-03-2011, 02:34 PM #1
Liquid clen/T3
Would it be advisable to ever combine Liquid clen & T3????
Also would you ever take any of the above on a bulking cycle??
02-03-2011, 03:23 PM #2
Clen and t3 is a very common stack and it's very effective.
If I was bulking I would definitely stay away from the t3 seeings how it burns muscle tissue.
02-04-2011, 07:09 AM #3
I ran t3 awhile back in my lean bulk cycle and wouldn't recommend it in an all out bulk cycle. T3 is said to increase protein synthesis so I thought I would run a low dose (25mcg) throughout my test and deca cycle. Needless to say I was eating 1000 cals over maintenance and still not gaining weight. I ended up dropping the t3 and my weight began to increase.
02-04-2011, 01:21 PM #4
I think i may stay away from T3 totally then, at 6ft 4 i can't afford to loose any muscle really lol. Think i will just do a carb drop with HMB. Is there any other good supps to preserve muscle tissue????
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