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    equipoise opinions

    What does everyone think of equipoise as a compound and how did you get on with it, had mixed opinions and not sure about it!

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
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    My opinion is its a useless compound for building muscle, your better oiling a squeaky door with the oil imho, you did ask!

  3. #3
    carp123 is offline Banned
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    this guy cycled eq with test ,seems to have had great results ,remeber diet is a key part ..

  4. #4
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Eq is def not a mass builder and is probably useless for guys like marcus.
    But for your everyday endurance athlete who needs some additional strength and endurance and could benefit from the protective aspects of eq, its great.

  5. #5
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carp123 View Post
    this guy cycled eq with test ,seems to have had great results ,remeber diet is a key part ..
    He did a great job transforming himself..... but i'm almost willing to bet my life he could have done it without EQ.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  6. #6
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    Im starting to think its not the right choice for me, being a fairly skinny guy naturally, I have put some muscle from natural training and a past course, I think I need to put on some mass, to make a difference. So glad I started these few threads before I started. Thinking maybe tren a might be a better option for me, 250 test pw with tren 50mg eod?

    With decent pct I should be able to keep decent amount of gains?

  7. #7
    amcon's Avatar
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    eq is not really a great choice... for the money you need to take a lot of eq 400-800 mgs a week and for a long time ... (that is why ppl who are experenced say it is usless - i agree 100 persent)

    eq lets say for entertainment purposes is 110 patato chips, if you were to ad dbal that could cost 80-100 patato chips the dbal would add much more strength faster and better.

    eq vrs adding more test and adding estrogen blocker because of the higher levels of test taken thus more bad side effects... eq could cost 110 cheese puffs, and test e or c could cost 90 - 110 cheese puffs and add in the estrogen blocker for two doses of letro totalling 120 cheese puffs... you will see noticable results in size shape of muscle by week 3 ... with the eq you would be lucky to see any thing noticable by week 6

    i could go on but you get the point add a small amount of deca or phynial propinate to get better results with out spending so much you could youse on cheese puffs and patato chips

  8. #8
    carp123 is offline Banned
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    eq seems to have a bad rep with many people am not sure if its people just repeating what other say ,you know what the internet is like ,anyway i have never tryed eq myself but i may just may give it ago this summer at 800mgs per week ,sitting at 8% body fat i doubt it will useless,hmmmm ,shall i lol

  9. #9
    amcon's Avatar
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    good go use it...document the money you spend and then make a comparison with ohter products that you could of used... you will notice a frustrating feel over whelming you body when you spend twice what you could have to get same results or any results at all....

    let us know when you do

  10. #10
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carp123 View Post
    eq seems to have a bad rep with many people am not sure if its people just repeating what other say ,you know what the internet is like ,anyway i have never tryed eq myself but i may just may give it ago this summer at 800mgs per week ,sitting at 8% body fat i doubt it will useless,hmmmm ,shall i lol
    I have used it and don't recomend it to anyone for any purpose.

  11. #11
    gtgb's Avatar
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    Loving this forum!

    Ok do you guys think i would see better results with 250mg sus PW and say 50mg Tren A EOD for say 8-10 weeks instead of the eq 21-14 weeks. Gone off the Eq now.

    PCT - 1000 IU's HCG for 2 weeks Mon/Wed/Fri
    Nolva 20mg per day 4 weeks.

  12. #12
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    12-14 weeks! NOT 21-14!

  13. #13
    carp123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon;552***6
    good go use it...document the money you spend and then make a comparison with ohter products that you could of used... you will notice a frustrating feel over whelming you body when you spend twice what you could have to get same results or any results at all....

    let us know when you do
    ill brew my own buddy so 10ml @ 400mgs/mlwill cost around the same as pack of 20 smokes ,no frustrating feelings or over whelming of my body will be felt ...

  14. #14
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    primo seems a better choice as a mild aas, expensive though and need to be run at 800mgs + pw for at least 16wks

  15. #15
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    EQ makes me hungry and veiny. I use it only with cycles with a heavy oral oral element. The oral steroids tend to kill me hunger after 4 weeks. eq keeps me eating. the veins are a plus but not worth it on its own. I have found GHRP-6 seems to work just as well as EQ for the hunger. Its very low on my aas spectrum

  16. #16
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    om gosh ... then take it, and as you brewing it up take the 20 smokes and light them up too...

    what a dumb ass really - under stand the point, i will say it again.


    your going to brew you own !!!!!???? save you money and make tren a - way better and you will look like a real bad ass with the "SMOKES" and a bottle of tren rolled up in your sleve

  17. #17
    carp123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    om gosh ... then take it, and as you brewing it up take the 20 smokes and light them up too...

    what a dumb ass really - under stand the point, i will say it again.


    your going to brew you own !!!!!???? save you money and make tren a - way better and you will look like a real bad ass with the "SMOKES" and a bottle of tren rolled up in your sleve
    whats your probem? yes thats right am going to brew my own ,cant you read?? and as for tren a i dont want to use that as i dont like the sides at all,I WANT TO USE EQ FOR MY OWN PERSONAL PREF TO SEE FOR MYSELF ,NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO AN INTERNET BUM LIKE YOURSELF JUST BECASUE YOU SAY ITS NOT WORTH IT ,HAHA AMCON SAYS DONT USE SO YOU BETTER NOT USE OR YOUR A DUMB ASS ,LMFAO ,REALLY MAN GO GROW A PAIR....

  18. #18
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Damn never seen a thread with cheese puffs, potato chips, ciggarettes, and tren in a teashirt sleeve.

    PS I heard Ponyboy used equipose to get jacked and vascular for the movie the outsiders....

  19. #19
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Eq is not useless at all! in fact its a great compound to use if you suffer from joint problems or tendonitis because it increases collagen production by 200-300%...were as test actually decrease collagen production.

    I think the problem is that most people either dont take a high enouph dose or they do not run it long doesnt kick in until about week 9 or 10. Also the gains are all solid with very light water so no you wont throw on 25lbs in a month but you will keep alot more of your gains once you come off of eq.

    I will be honest I have never used eq before but I think for people running longer cycles who are worried about side effects or joint problems it is a great compound! or perhaps a compound somone could use pre contest instead of test to keep bloat down since it is very anabolic !

  20. #20
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    I was thinking of running 600mg of eq with 250mg of test for 16 weeks because I have a horrible elbow that has been bothering me for a while! Im afraid test alone might make it worse.

  21. #21
    lil_herc81's Avatar
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    Im half way through a cycle with Test and EQ and so far im not impressed. But!!!! It may be I need to eat more still. Hard to tell

  22. #22
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    awms, sorry to but on on your conversation but do you think eq would help me? I am a distance runner and i got hit by a car while running nearly a year ago and i am looking for somthing to help rebuild the muscle i lost and help my joints.

    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    Eq is not useless at all! in fact its a great compound to use if you suffer from joint problems or tendonitis because it increases collagen production by 200-300%...were as test actually decrease collagen production.

    I think the problem is that most people either dont take a high enouph dose or they do not run it long doesnt kick in until about week 9 or 10. Also the gains are all solid with very light water so no you wont throw on 25lbs in a month but you will keep alot more of your gains once you come off of eq.

    I will be honest I have never used eq before but I think for people running longer cycles who are worried about side effects or joint problems it is a great compound! or perhaps a compound somone could use pre contest instead of test to keep bloat down since it is very anabolic!

  23. #23
    redz's Avatar
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    Eq is the weakest steroid I have ever tried, wouldn`t bother using it again.

  24. #24
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Eq is the weakest steroid I have ever tried, wouldn`t bother using it again.
    Sorry to hijack but Redz what are your stats in that avi? I ask because we have a very similar frame.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    Eq is not useless at all! in fact its a great compound to use if you suffer from joint problems or tendonitis because it increases collagen production by 200-300%...were as test actually decrease collagen production.

    I think the problem is that most people either dont take a high enouph dose or they do not run it long doesnt kick in until about week 9 or 10. Also the gains are all solid with very light water so no you wont throw on 25lbs in a month but you will keep alot more of your gains once you come off of eq.

    Nope..... I've done 1000mg's/wk for 12+ weeks and it was worthless. Maybe not for everyone..... but for me..... it's worthless.

    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    I will be honest I have never used eq before but I think for people running longer cycles who are worried about side effects or joint problems it is a great compound! or perhaps a compound somone could use pre contest instead of test to keep bloat down since it is very anabolic!
    There's your problem..... You have ZERO personal experience with something that you are trying to talk about. If you want to post studies..... post em. If you have real life experience..... list it. Some things look great on paper but don't translate into real life results. Other things test great in animals...... but when used in a human application - shit fails or doesn't work. NOBODY runs EQ by itself..... it's always with other compounds. To get a TRUE reading of what EQ can do for you..... run 600mg's/wk with no test and get blood work done while on it.

    Also..... why not just run test prop for the contest like most guys? I wouldn't want to run eq/tren /mast without test......

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  26. #26
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    go use it ... but remember the op was asking for advise from vets - ppl who know there stuff... and eq is not the gereatest drug for his choice...

    and you brewing it doesnt help him does it? eq is expensive for the results. and that is what it is...

    and whats wrong with me ? hummm nothing much unless your hurt that i call you you a dumb ass?

    and sorry to compliment you but smart move wtih the tren ... if you dont like the sides you shouldnt take it. (specially since all the smokes you go through and tren can give you a little cough on top of you nasty smoker cough... lol)

    yep - if you or any one else was asking if eq should be the first or second choice (behind test) i would stongly suggest not taking it.

    as for growing a pair - i did when i was younger - they are a little small now from all the test and stuff i take but you know what they say...."the smaller the patatos the larger the beef looks"

    lol - deal with it my friend im sure you will live that i dont agree with you adn that i think your advise is no where good(at least on this subject)

  27. #27
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    lol... hehehhe

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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    Eq is not useless at all!AGREED, OF COARSE IT IS NOT, IT IS JUST NOT A GREAT CHOICE FOR MOST PPL AND NOT FOR THE OP. in fact its a great compound to use if you suffer from joint problems or tendonitis because it increases collagen production by 200-300% NEVER HEARD OF ANY ONE USING IT FOR THAT...were as test actually decrease collagen production.

    I think the problem is that most people either dont take a high enouGh dose or they do not run it long doesnt kick in until about week 9 or 10.THat IS THE POINT THAT THE PPL ARE SAYING HERE THAT MEANS IT IS EXPENISIVE FOR THE FINAL RESULTS, OTHER DRUGS WOULD BE A BETTER CHOICE FIRST, OR EVER SECOND OR THIRD. Also the gains are all solid with very light water so no you wont throw on 25lbs in a month but you will keep alot more of your gains once you come off of eq. GOOD USE ANAVAR THEN, A GOOD REASON TO USE EQ WOULD BE DURING A BULKING CYCLE TO RETAIN MORE NITROGEN, HELPING TO USE PROTEIN, (SAYING THIS ALL FROM MEMORY)

    I will be honest I have never used eq before but I think for people running longer cycles who are worried about side effects or joint problems it is a great compound! or perhaps a compound somone could use pre contest instead of test to keep bloat down since it is very anabolic !I WILL JUST SAY THAT AFTER USING EQ I REALLY FELT THAT I WASTED MONEY AND THE BEST ADVISE I COULD GIVE IS NOT TO USE IT... OR TAKE IT CORRECTLY AND YOU GIVE YOU OP
    awms... i agree the profile on the drug sounds promising but my self and other have not found that to be as promising as hoped

  29. #29
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    "I was thinking of running 600mg of eq with 250mg of test for 16 weeks because I have a horrible elbow that has been bothering me for a while! Im afraid test alone might make it worse. "

    6oo-800 of the eq would be fine, the test should be 400 + and why wouldnt you use deca instead of eq

  30. #30
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    no please research the drug...

    what you want is test and deca ... research why that woudl be the right combo for you

    i say that with 6 years of professional cycle(pedal bikes) experence and being hit by cars several times...

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Nope..... I've done 1000mg's/wk for 12+ weeks and it was worthless. Maybe not for everyone..... but for me..... it's worthless.

    There's your problem..... You have ZERO personal experience with something that you are trying to talk about. If you want to post studies..... post em. If you have real life experience..... list it. Some things look great on paper but don't translate into real life results. Other things test great in animals...... but when used in a human application - shit fails or doesn't work. NOBODY runs EQ by itself..... it's always with other compounds. To get a TRUE reading of what EQ can do for you..... run 600mg's/wk with no test and get blood work done while on it.

    Also..... why not just run test prop for the contest like most guys? I wouldn't want to run eq/tren /mast without test......

    hate to say i told ya so but quality ppl saying quality things ... well said haz not just cuz you are agreeing with me - your just stating the truth

  32. #32
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Nope..... I've done 1000mg's/wk for 12+ weeks and it was worthless. Maybe not for everyone..... but for me..... it's worthless.

    There's your problem..... You have ZERO personal experience with something that you are trying to talk about. If you want to post studies..... post em. If you have real life experience..... list it. Some things look great on paper but don't translate into real life results. Other things test great in animals...... but when used in a human application - shit fails or doesn't work. NOBODY runs EQ by itself..... it's always with other compounds. To get a TRUE reading of what EQ can do for you..... run 600mg's/wk with no test and get blood work done while on it.

    Also..... why not just run test prop for the contest like most guys? I wouldn't want to run eq/tren /mast without test......

    I dont need experience to know eq increases collagen synthesis. There are alot of guys who have tired alot of diffrent compounds who still dont know as much as they let knowledge is based my comprehension of how each compound works which is much better then alot of guys in here seeing as I am a kin major and I can understand the science behind how a hormone works with in the body.

    IMO Eq is a great coupound for what its meant to do...its not a mass builder but is very anabolic ! and is great for the joints. Add a little test and its a great cycle for those people who have bad joints and are prone to sides.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    I dont need experience to know eq increases collagen synthesis. There are alot of guys who have tired alot of diffrent compounds who still dont know as much as they let knowledge is based my comprehension of how each compound works which is much better then alot of guys in here seeing as I am a kin major and I can understand the science behind how a hormone works with in the body.

    IMO Eq is a great coupound for what its meant to do...its not a mass builder but is very anabolic! and is great for the joints. Add a little test and its a great cycle for those people who have bad joints and are prone to sides.
    kin major (--- here is your prob, you have a clinical view of this not a realistic view. that explains it all - your age and your comments all add up.

  34. #34
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    man im not here to argue Im here to help people and get advice that is all so if you choose to disagree then thats fine....happens all the time in here.

  35. #35
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    i agree with this somewhat i ran a real low dose of 300 mg eq/300 mg test e and my tennis elbow was killing up till half way through cycle now i have no pain so something worked hopefully.i was happy with this cycle as a first.but as some stated results could be from test alone.
    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    I dont need experience to know eq increases collagen synthesis. There are alot of guys who have tired alot of diffrent compounds who still dont know as much as they let knowledge is based my comprehension of how each compound works which is much better then alot of guys in here seeing as I am a kin major and I can understand the science behind how a hormone works with in the body.

    IMO Eq is a great coupound for what its meant to do...its not a mass builder but is very anabolic! and is great for the joints. Add a little test and its a great cycle for those people who have bad joints and are prone to sides.

  36. #36
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    LMFAO! Good one, FFM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Damn never seen a thread with cheese puffs, potato chips, ciggarettes, and tren in a teashirt sleeve.

    PS I heard Ponyboy used equipose to get jacked and vascular for the movie the outsiders....

  37. #37
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    To the OP: I'm running EQ at 500/wk and test C at 400/wk but my goals are not like most of the people on this board who try to build strength and mass. I'm looking for endurance and strength without the large quantity of mass gained and I'm pretty happy so far. That is just me, though.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    I dont need experience to know eq increases collagen synthesis. There are alot of guys who have tired alot of diffrent compounds who still dont know as much as they let knowledge is based my comprehension of how each compound works which is much better then alot of guys in here seeing as I am a kin major and I can understand the science behind how a hormone works with in the body.

    IMO Eq is a great coupound for what its meant to do...its not a mass builder but is very anabolic! and is great for the joints. Add a little test and its a great cycle for those people who have bad joints and are prone to sides.
    I do respect your opinion...... but i've tried to seach for any study showing Eq helps the joints/tendons and I came up empty handed. All I found was an unpublished article claiming that EQ can increase collagen synthesis but not crosslinking connectivity....... similar to winstrol . What this means is that while the tendon grows and gets larger..... it becomes brittle or frail. If you have anything showing that it helps the joints - i'd like to read it.

    I just don't get why somebody would want to use a high dosage of a compound for a long period of time when anavar does the same thing (according to broscience) albeit adds more mass and is not immunosuppressive. I can understand not wanting to take a 19-nor..... and I suppose maybe the cost of anavar would be the main reason not to use it. Then again..... if you are just looking for tendon/joint health then anavar wouldn't need to be run at higher dosages.

    Last edited by Hazard; 02-17-2011 at 11:31 AM.
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  39. #39
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    Ive definatly gone off the idea of Eq since i started this thread and also other research. This is only my second cycle, and im just guna stick to test only now, had great results from the first one.. So i cant see why i wouldnt again?

    500mg Of SUS PW - pinned twice a week.

    Nice clean diet and train hard. I reckon it will be a winner,

    dont see the need to add another compound on my second course any more, would you guys agree?

  40. #40
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gtgb View Post
    Ive definatly gone off the idea of Eq since i started this thread and also other research. This is only my second cycle, and im just guna stick to test only now, had great results from the first one.. So i cant see why i wouldnt again?

    500mg Of SUS PW - pinned twice a week.

    Nice clean diet and train hard. I reckon it will be a winner,

    dont see the need to add another compound on my second course any more, would you guys agree?
    As long as your diet it up to par you should still make nice gains for sure.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


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