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  1. #1
    Habzy is offline New Member
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    Anavar Only Cycle helpp!

    Im on Var 50mg ED, i know you think its stupid probly but its working like a charm.
    My problem is decrease in my libido, should I take tribulus during my 4 week cycle or should I take it as a PCT, im only doing a 4 week cuz Im going away for spring break.

    Thanks a lot guys, and post some of your experiences with var if you could that would be awesome

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    what are your stats?
    how long have you been training for?
    cycle history?

  3. #3
    Habzy is offline New Member
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    5'11 165lbs
    ive been trainin for around 2 years now
    and its my first cycle

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    how old are you?

  5. #5
    Habzy is offline New Member
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    19 years old man

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You shouldn't be using steroids when your hormonal system hasn't fully developed yet, by doing this you could cause yourself some serious sides what you wish you never had in your teens and they can effect you for the rest of your life. You also don't have any base to use steroids you need to build a natural foundation and build some mass and size, its pointless in taking steroids anyway because you don't have any kind of diet to support muscle tissue. My advice stop taking steroids and sort your diet out and build some mass and size for the next 5 yrs at least.

  7. #7
    Habzy is offline New Member
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    well it is kind of too late now right, already on my seconds week and Im not guna stop cuz I did pay for it. All i wanted to know is when to use tribulus, ive heard many times people saying im young, but i know people that are 17 on 50mg of dbol a day and hav been successful so to me age is nothing, I just want a straight answer bro forget my age

  8. #8
    cro's Avatar
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    is that you marcus in avi? and your to young this jepordises your future for some gains you cant keep anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You shouldn't be using steroids when your hormonal system hasn't fully developed yet, by doing this you could cause yourself some serious sides what you wish you never had in your teens and they can effect you for the rest of your life. You also don't have any base to use steroids you need to build a natural foundation and build some mass and size, its pointless in taking steroids anyway because you don't have any kind of diet to support muscle tissue. My advice stop taking steroids and sort your diet out and build some mass and size for the next 5 yrs at least.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    No its not to late, my advice was to stop the cycle because you have no idea what your doing or the damage what can occur to your natural testosterone , you also don't have a diet to support any kind of muscle building so its pointless and dangerous in carrying on the cycle.

  10. #10
    Habzy is offline New Member
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    But I do know what im doing to an extent, im not an expert but ive done my research. My diet is in check and like i said i know 17 yr olds that are perfectly fine even after their third cycle of dbol ..

  11. #11
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Habzy View Post
    Im on Var 50mg ED, i know you think its stupid probly but its working like a charm.
    My problem is decrease in my libido, should I take tribulus during my 4 week cycle or should I take it as a PCT, im only doing a 4 week cuz Im going away for spring break.

    Thanks a lot guys, and post some of your experiences with var if you could that would be awesome
    Its shouldnt be effecting your libido that much. Are you sure your taking ANAVAR ?

  12. #12
    Habzy is offline New Member
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    Yea im taking 100% anavar from northern pharma, its not that much actually just noticeable to me

  13. #13
    _maxpower's Avatar
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    19 may be an early time to start juicing but fact is, when i was 19 nobody was telling me not to do nothing. That being said im going to tell you a couple different options in the hope that you use this as a way to jump start your training instead of the starting you off to use it like a crutch like so many others.
    First off we all react different to steroids , its sometimes hard to know exactly why certain things are happening to some, but not others. In my experienced opinion your loss of libido is due to one of two reasons.

    1. even though you anavar is light on your HPTA and natural testosterone production, you are already feeling the effects of lower than normal testosterone levels than your used to. This will def give you a compromised libido.

    2. Steroids like avavar and other DHT derived compounds can be quite complicated in there methods of action. They tend to have a whole cascade of effects on your body from muscle gain to anti estrogen effects, all of which are not known. Really this just comes down to the user, some may notice these effects and some may not.

    First option is to get some natural testosterone booster , not sure what you have available but ive used battle packs and test freak with success when trying to increase libido

    Second option is to use 20mg of tamoxifen (nolvadex ) per day. It will stimulate the natural production of testosterone. I do not suggest taking clomid as it tends to exhibit more of its estrogen like effects on mood which i never found helped my libido, yet some people are fine.

    There are many other options such as taking stronger more androgenic steroids and drugs, but those will ultimately lead you to the same problem when you stop taking them.

    what ever you do please remember to respect your body and give it the necessary rest it deserves from these drugs or you will end up needing hormone replacement therapy like so many of my friends.

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Habzy View Post
    But I do know what im doing to an extent, im not an expert but ive done my research. My diet is in check and like i said i know 17 yr olds that are perfectly fine even after their third cycle of dbol..
    So you willing to risk low testosterone for life and a limp dick? wooooow good luck

  15. #15
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    So you willing to risk low testosterone for life and a limp dick? wooooow good luck
    He doesn't think there is a risk for that since he knows 3 guys who it hasn't hapened to. Aparantly..... he thinks just like my wife. I tell her over and over that smoking can lead to cancer. We KNOW this..... yet she still does it.

    I understand where these younger kids are comming from.... i've been there and done it..... but they're every bit as stubborn as I was and unfortunately alot of them will have to learn the hard way.

    Last edited by Hazard; 02-17-2011 at 11:55 AM.
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    ^^^ good example

  17. #17
    Fetch is offline Member
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    I wish someone had told me not to do it when I was 19. I was like this guy... listened to the other kids who were doing it. Now, in my mid 20s, I can't get an erection without being on cycle or Cialis. And I got this way from 1 cycle of Dianabol when I was younger. For me, it didn't **** me right away... I had low test after that first cycle and had libido issues when I was 20, but a few years later, and one more lightweight cycle, it was gone. You don't know embarrasment until you have to explain to your 20 year old girlfriend that she's not at fault. You are attracted to her... it's just... you can't get it up. It really is devastating. You end up where you HAVE to inject these drugs for the rest of your life to feel normal. And any girl I end up with that may be long term? Not only do I have to explain the blue pill and needles, I have to let them know that I will most likely not be able to have children.

    Trust me bro, you don't want this.

  18. #18
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Habzy View Post
    Yea im taking 100% anavar from northern pharma, its not that much actually just noticeable to me
    Need an edit on this post.... named a Canadian UGL that pretends its russian

    A lot of good advice here.... OP, you should listen!!

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