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  1. #1
    weissmacht is offline New Member
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    Feb 2011

    overworking muscles during job and workout???

    Ok, after many years of thinking, and the past year reading the forums I have finally decided to do my first cycle. My "guy" ordered my gear but didn't get the exact test (got me sus)I was wanting, and another guy bailed so he threw in his equipoise too. I have read time nd time again to only run test for the first cycle so I intend to stash the EQ for later. My question is, I work a very physical job for a beverage company. I lift thousands of lbs every day I work. Will I be doing too much ? I normally do 4 days in the gym and am looking to move up to 5. I'm 25, 6'2" 205, bodyfat is around 13(jus moved so I gotta unpack my calipers) I have been training since I was 15, seriously since 18 and played college football until I cut a knee. I have a few weeks until I intend to start, I gotta wait for PCT to arrive and I wanna cut to 12% before I start. I jus wanna make sure I'm not wasting my time and money if I'm gonna overwork myself. Thanks for any help, I haven't seen too many threads that address this

  2. #2
    weissmacht is offline New Member
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    I also forgot to put I eat a very clean diet. I used to drink excessively and got up to 230 of fat ass. I got remotivated and cut down to 185 and built back to 205

  3. #3
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    If you are in the states then you would have safety guidleines in place to ensure you do not over due it at work. Or some type of support device for your back or something. I see no reason why you can not work then do your work outs. You will be using different muscles and performing different movements. Be the judge of your own body man. If you feel like you are over training because of the job and gym, then you probabally are.

  4. #4
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    im a mason i kill myself all day then go to the gym and kill myself some more 5 days a week ,and still feel guilty on off i think my job helped shred me up alittle while on cycle ,laying block/skimming is like hard cardio/weight training all day .we go threw a helper every other week .young kids dont have the work ethic...

  5. #5
    weissmacht is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your responses. My workout partner was worried that I wouldn't gain as well because I wold be overdoing it. I was assuming that the extra lifting I do at work would be beneficial, especially since my body is already used to lifting for 10+ hrs at work and then my gym routine. Guess I will have to assess the situation when it arrives and adjust my workouts to suit my what my body tells me. Thanks again.

  6. #6
    weissmacht is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    im a mason i kill myself all day then go to the gym and kill myself some more 5 days a week ,and still feel guilty on off i think my job helped shred me up alittle while on cycle ,laying block/skimming is like hard cardio/weight training all day .we go threw a helper every other week .young kids dont have the work ethic...
    I agree completely. I have had to train so many people my age and some a lil older and they flake out of the job in a week cuz they can't handle the lifting or the hours. Lol I jus wanna tell them grow the **** up. They jus wanna play video games and jerk off all day

  7. #7
    RaZr is offline Member
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    Haha I work for a garden center that does a lot of bulk material and pavers and cement work. we have contests all the time of who can carry the most bags of portland cement from one side of the property to the other. My boss was a power lifter and always beats me with 4, there 94 pound bags and are kind of awkward to hold. He's old as the trees now so I assume in his prime it would have been better,

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