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  1. #1
    tigerfuel is offline New Member
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    250 to 500 test cyp

    About to finish week 6 of a 250 a week test cyp cycle. Plan on going 12 weeks. Thinking about upping to 500 a week which I know is standard for most for a 12 week cycle. Anyone think its a good idea to go to 500 for the last 6 weeks or just a waste of time?

  2. #2
    SMcB is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigerfuel View Post
    About to finish week 6 of a 250 a week test cyp cycle. Plan on going 12 weeks. Thinking about upping to 500 a week which I know is standard for most for a 12 week cycle. Anyone think its a good idea to go to 500 for the last 6 weeks or just a waste of time?
    Wow, we're almost in the exact same boat! I've been running 300 mgs./week of test cyp for almost 6 weeks (wanted to start conservatively and see how my body would react to the stuff). I've been slowly gaining and put on a little bit of weight and strength but nothing dramatic. I also contemplated upping my dose, but at this point I have decided to stop and begin PCT soon. The reason is because I noticed an increase in hair shedding the past week (unfortunately I'm prone to that shit and didn't realize that a small dose of test would effect my hair that dramatically). I also noticed a little bit of testicular atrophy from the fourth week (kinda sad considering the low dose I was on). How much have you gained so far? Have you noticed any sides yet?

  3. #3
    tigerfuel is offline New Member
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    I've only gained about 5-6 lbs and have gained some strength but not as much as I would like. The only sides I've had so far were a little acne on my triceps area but believe it or not stridex pads took care of that. I'm wondering if I should just be more patient but from all the info I have received you start seeing good gains around weeks 4-6 and I haven't...maybe it just takes longer for some. How old are you?

  4. #4
    SMcB is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigerfuel View Post
    I've only gained about 5-6 lbs and have gained some strength but not as much as I would like. The only sides I've had so far were a little acne on my triceps area but believe it or not stridex pads took care of that. I'm wondering if I should just be more patient but from all the info I have received you start seeing good gains around weeks 4-6 and I haven't...maybe it just takes longer for some. How old are you?
    I'm 36. I actually have gained about the same amount as you, although I am taking in a slightly higher dose. I definitely feel a difference on this stuff, though. Better pump and more vascular, but yeah I hear you, I was expecting way more. But like I said, I'm prone to male pattern baldness and am finding out the hard way that even a little external test will affect my hair. If it weren't for my stupid hairloss I would have bumped up my dosage to 400 mgs./week to finish off the cycle.

  5. #5
    tigerfuel is offline New Member
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    Yeah, I'm 38. I was just wondering if it may take a little longer to kick in the older you are. So no one can tell me if I should bump it up??

  6. #6
    SMcB is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigerfuel View Post
    Yeah, I'm 38. I was just wondering if it may take a little longer to kick in the older you are. So no one can tell me if I should bump it up??
    I don't think age makes a difference in terms of how fast the test will kick in. From my experience as well as alot of other users, you'll start to gain and feel the difference from around the fourth week. You say you've gained a little bit so obviously it's kicking in and working. If you want to see more gains, you'll probably have to increase the dosage (which may lead to more side effects). I don't think it would hurt to bump up the dosage if you have only been running 250 mgs./week. Just be careful not to be on for too long. 12 weeks seems like a long time for a beginner.

  7. #7
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    IMO i would just finish up the cycle,do your PCT and when you do your next cycle,go with the higher dose.....are you pinning once or twice/week?

  8. #8
    tigerfuel is offline New Member
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    Once a week.

  9. #9
    tigerfuel is offline New Member
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    Anyone else think it is good/bad to up to 500 for the last 6 weeks?

  10. #10
    Chris J's Avatar
    Chris J is offline Associate Member
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    I am 44 yrs old and was blasting 500 mg's a week. Pinning twice a week. Hell at four weeks I was just starting to feel good. At six weeks I was loving life. At 12 weeks I was most certainly feeling so good I didnt want it to end. At about week 15 or 16 I think my gains stopped. I bumped up the dose a little and at week 20 the party was over. I am chilling now and taking some advise I got on here. Looking forward to better game plan on my next cycle. Sorry to hear about your rapid hair loss, that sucks to say the least. Nut shrinkage will happen to most. It was a small trade off for me. No punn intended.

  11. #11
    tmtulcs is offline Junior Member
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    Not a waste of time to increase. But, how is your diet and lifting going. Are you keeping up? Do you have AI on hand? If you feel good about everything else I would go up. I would still stop at 12 weeks. I am 38 running 500mg test e weekly. Have seen good results; up 11lbs and strength is way up just finished week 4. I usually notice gains starting after 2 weeks. First cycle in 10 years, so this was like running a first cycle.

  12. #12
    tigerfuel is offline New Member
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    What would you recommend for AI? I have been on such a low dosage I haven't been running any but no sides....but if I increase I think it is a good idea. Will probably use ar-r . What would you recommend?

  13. #13
    tmtulcs is offline Junior Member
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    I have been using Arimidex and have had good look. Had some itchy nipples in week 2 and started at .5mg EOD for 4 days, increased to .5 ED for about 10 days and back down to EOD this week.

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