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  1. #1
    EmreTheTurk is offline New Member
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    3 Week D-BOL Cycle?

    I want to go on a 3 week cycle of D-BOL, strictly a carbs and protein diet no fats what so ever. One problem though when I was 14 I was diagnosed with a Auto Immune Hepatitis virus, my liver results are the same as a normal person now, I want to know if taking D-BOL while im on Prednisone 1mg in the morning and Immuran 50mg at night will affect me at all? And also whats good while you take D-BOL any vitamins supplements so my liver wouldnt get affect at much?

  2. #2
    ty357's Avatar
    ty357 is offline Member
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    somewhere near you
    whats you stats???

  3. #3
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Im thinking this isn't a very good idea......

    I'll see if I can get TheGodFather into this thread..... he'll probably know the ins and outs to this question.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  4. #4
    Fetch is offline Member
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    I'm not entirely sure a 3 week cycle of DBol only would be worth it for anyone. As for vitamin supps, most people suggest Milk Thistle. What are your stats?

  5. #5
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think it's probably a bad idea. A it's a proposed oral only cycle which can yield results but odds are will be lost once done and you will be disappointed. B. Although your liver results are normal now (keeping a normal lifestyle) adding in an AS that is harsh on the liver to begin with is def going to produce some kind of effect on the liver enzymes(not a chance i'd like to take with hep. knowing that i'm already at a disadvantage in the liver dept.)

    Both the meds you are on are prescribed to suppress your immune system to prevent it from attacking your liver.. AS can have an affect on immune system.. not to mention the affects on the liver already mentioned. I'd steer clear.

  6. #6
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Dianabol + Prednisone: Caution Advised: Combination may increase risk of Hypercalcemia, Edema, and other adverse effects (ADDITIVE EFFECTS).

    You are playing with fire by combining Anabolic /Androgenic steroids with the long term use of Corticosteroids. Additionally, you are immunocompromised, which poses many additional problems. I'm bust at the moment, but I'll add more to this topic later.

  7. #7
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    He is 18. Enough said.

  8. #8
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    He is 18. Enough said.
    Me, Haz, and probably 20 or 30 other respected members on this board did steroids when we were 18. Thats not enough said. When you respond to kids with "You're 18, nuff said, steroids cause your dick to shrink," and other shit like that, they tend to shrug off your "advice" and tell you to go screw yourself. Presenting them with hard facts stands a much better chance of having them listen to your advice. Not to mention, that the rampant parroting on this board about the dangers of using steroids "before you're 25 years old," is such bullshit, that one person after the other just repeats ad nauseum, without ever really presenting peer reviewed research to back up the wild claims about doing permenant damage to the HPTA, which has NEVER been proven.

    The main concerns about doing steroids at a young age <25, is closing of the epiphyseal plates due to excessive amounts of estrogen. Other then that, it really comes down to maturation of muscle and personality. 99% of people who use at the age of 18, have no ****ing clue what they are doing, how powerful these hormones are, etc. However, that does not mean we should spread misinformation, or parrotted information from one person to the next, about alledged 'dangers' of using that age, with no scientific information to back it up. Other then the premature closing of the epiphyseal plates, there really are not that many significant risk factors above those present for anyone else of any other age who chooses to use AAS to enhance their physique.

  9. #9
    EmreTheTurk is offline New Member
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    Im 70kgs and about 1.70m tall, well instead of the 3 week cycle how about a 5 week cycle and mixing Prednisone and D-BOL is that more like putting more petrol on top of a fire because I want to know everything before I start.

  10. #10
    Eazy20's Avatar
    Eazy20 is offline Member
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    You have a problem with you're liver; you're considering taking an AAS that is liver toxic and will to one degree or another suppress you're immune system...Just don't do it...It really isn't worth the risk.

  11. #11
    EmreTheTurk is offline New Member
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    Instead of D-BOL is there anything I can go on which isn't as liver toxic?

  12. #12
    Eazy20's Avatar
    Eazy20 is offline Member
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    Anavar is incredibly mild on the liver, but if I were you I really wouldn't risk it at all, but hey, you're going to do what you want to do. Just voicing my opinion.

  13. #13
    EmreTheTurk is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eazy20 View Post
    Anavar is incredibly mild on the liver, but if I were you I really wouldn't risk it at all, but hey, you're going to do what you want to do. Just voicing my opinion.
    Fair enough then, on my 5 week cycle I might not take any of the Prednisone and Immuran im prescribed to and while I take the D-BOL I'll probably get on some Milk Thistles so I dont hurt my liver as much.

  14. #14
    RaZr is offline Member
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    You have a medical condition... I'm no expert on anything really but logically what about this seems worth it?

  15. #15
    EmreTheTurk is offline New Member
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    thegodfather, any more new information. my liver had scarring from the auto immune hep but now it's back to full conditions. i really dont care about it that much anyways, and im looking at oral steroids at the moment no injections..

  16. #16
    fender99 is offline Junior Member
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    phew.... if i were you, and my liver/overall health is under duress due to an AI disease, I would avoid AAS all together; you might benefit yourself to train and keep a good diet just in the interest of your health. However, if your mind is set on using AAS, no one can voice otherwise unless you allow it. In this case I would strongly recommend avoiding all oral steroids as they will be extremely taxing on a healthy liver, much less yours. Instead, muster up the gut to inject yourself, or have a friend help if u have one that would participate, and try a low dose of Test Propionate (250mg/wk spread into injects every day or every other) it will clear your system fast if you start to notice any bad reaction, your gains will be very noticeable with excellent training and well executed diet, and it wont be nearly as liver toxic as that three week dbol run. GL and be safe in whatever you decide.

  17. #17
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    This isn't a wise decision to take, you need to stop and understand that you don't need steroids at your age you need to learn how to eat and gain mass first. Starting steroids at your age can have some adverse reaction in areas you really don't want, some changes can be irreversible and you many damage your HPTA which would result in low test for life and trust me you don't want that at your age.

    You have a very high amount of natural testosterone floating around in your body what can give you some great gains if you sort your diet out, steroids are not the answer at your age. Don't listen to other kids advising you on steroid use listen to experienced members who understand what is the right direction for someone like you to take.

  18. #18
    Bigd89's Avatar
    Bigd89 is offline Senior Member
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    Bad idea, bro.

  19. #19
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmreTheTurk View Post
    Fair enough then, on my 5 week cycle I might not take any of the Prednisone and Immuran im prescribed to and while I take the D-BOL I'll probably get on some Milk Thistles so I dont hurt my liver as much.

    You might not take your medications which is prescribed to keep your already disadvantaged liver functioning properly??? That right there is reason enough to know you are not ready for any form of AS. We get that your young and wanna get "jacked" for chicks, but you gotta face it your liver is key to living! If i were you (we were all young at one time and i'm sure this is in one ear and out the other cause nobody wants to put in hard work and wait for results..) I would get my diet in order (I'm betting it's way off at your age) and learn how to train properly. Then in all reality when your older and you have fully developed and stopped growing (mid-late 20's and you've reached close to your genetic potential), talk to your doctor and tell him what you're considering. He will be able to monitor your blood work and then you will fully be able to track how it is affecting you...

    You have to realize the seriousness of what you want to do the combination of the AS, your medications, and your age could have profound long term effects on you that may not be desirable (getting big is no good if it kills you in the process)

    Last edited by magicstick2003; 02-28-2011 at 09:50 PM.

  20. #20
    EmreTheTurk is offline New Member
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    I read through all your post guys thanks heaps, so basically anavar is the only oral steroid thats mild risk level the rest are bad? cause people are telling me to jump on dbol + deca but I guess I will just wait and ask my doctor at my next session.

  21. #21
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    The people who are telling you these things (jump on deca and dbol ) have no regard for your health... you have to understand even though we don't know you we are honestly trying to look out for your long term best interest.. stick round and browse the educational and diet forum there is loads to be learned here.


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