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  1. #1
    highgear is offline New Member
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    Feb 2011

    newbie lookin for some help

    lm looking into starting my first cycle and am thinking about going with Deca 200 and sust 270 with clem as a pct for a 10 wk cycle. Does any one have any thought on this as a first run.

    30 years

  2. #2
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    Yea, no.
    Drop the deca , never even heard of sust 270 but whatever, run test only.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    i dont like it for a first cycle..i would stick with a single compound to start out with so you can monitor any side effects first before jumping in head first imho...and clen is not a pct option but you can run it durring pct if it fits in with your goals...go to the pct forum and read will need a more aggresive pct if you do run test and deca ...

  4. #4
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    yeah mate better check out pct you wanna recover as fast as possible to keep maximum gains...

  5. #5
    highgear is offline New Member
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    like i said im a newbie so i appretiate the help from everyone.So it would be better off to start with just test as a first cycle instead of both test and deca ?and for a pct i was trying to say clomid not clen mixed em up. havent picked anything up yet just trying to get a safe first cycle put togeather for now.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    How tall are you?
    How long have you been training?
    What is your diet like?

    Stick with one compound for your first cycle Test only. You need to do more research in the pct section because clen isnt going to do you much good at kickstaring your natural test back into action, your better off with nolva/clomid combo.

  7. #7
    Panamera is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by highgear View Post
    lm looking into starting my first cycle and am thinking about going with Deca 200 and sust 270 with clem as a pct for a 10 wk cycle. Does any one have any thought on this as a first run.

    30 years
    As per everyone else- please don't be offended by this but this is a TERRIBLE cycle. Run one compound ONLY- and if you REALLY must run something like dbol or anavar . You would be much better off with one compound to start with though because you can gauge your reaction to it specifically should you have any adverse sides. ALSO- there are many posts on here advocating 500 mg test E for 10 weeks - this is generally because test e comes in a 250 mg / ml concentration, and is very easy to dose throughout the week. You are much better off reducing your dosage to 300-400 mg per week for your first cycle. Your androgen receptors are going to be very responsive, and this will be more than sufficient to trigger some really great gains in strength and size. If you run more than this on your first cycle you will most likely experience a lot more sides than necessary. The cost begins to exceed the benefit when running too much of this stuff. FINALLY- read up on a few things:


    You MUST make sure you have PCT locked down, as well as any on cycle support- the steroids part is the easy part- the challenge is knowing what to do during and post cycle to prevent estrogen related sides: this entails reducing testicular atrophy while on cycle for more effective post cycle recovery, and maximizing your natural test production post cycle to keep those gains and make the cycle worthwhile, and of course avoiding gynocomastia which by all accounts is painful and largely unnecessary.

    I would like to mention that by no means am I a vet here- nor have I run a cycle yet, but I have researched my first cycle plan extensively, and am 100% confident that it is safe and will be effective.

    Could you post additional stats- Height? Training history? Diet? I suspect that at 14-16% bf you might be better off getting your weight up naturally to 190-195 (Assuming you are around 6ft tall) and 10% body fat. You will be less prone to estro related sides with less body fat going in to a cycle.
    Last edited by Panamera; 02-27-2011 at 02:55 PM.

  8. #8
    highgear is offline New Member
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    Training: im ex military so i have had alot of cardio and endurance training over the years and am currently running in the mornings and working out at home and ive started a high protein low fat diet

  9. #9
    jayral24 is offline Junior Member
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    For a first cycle do test only, you will see great results!! Dont over do it for th efirst time, you wanna se how your body is going to react to gear!!

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