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  1. #1
    ozy is offline New Member
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    1st cycle help with test prop/tren ace

    I am new to this forum but have been reading alot and have decided to do a test prop/tren cycle for my 1st injectable steroid cycle as i am not too worried about sides and dont have the money to do a couple cycles a year just want to do a good strong cycle while i can..

    i am benching, deadlifting and squatting WELL above my bodyweight and feel strong as ever and feel ready dont want to mess around with a test only cycle altough i know it is recommended i want to try tren and if something does go wrong they both got short half lives atleast

    here is what i was planing.

    100 mgs test prop eod with 75 mgs tren ace eod for 8 weeks. with clomid for pct.

    are these doses sufficient?

    how do you mix two steroids into a single syringe without cross contamination of the bottles?

    i am 24 yrs old
    180 cms tall
    76 kgs
    i dont know my bf and dont want to guess i have a small belly not really something thats of concern for me atm.

    my goal for this cycle is to loose the stomach and put on solid muscle as much as my body can without going stupid so an increase to 83 84 kgs would be insanely satisfying dont know how realistic that is tho..

    pinning eod doesnt scare me.

    any advice or help is greatly appreciated! thankyou
    Last edited by ozy; 02-28-2011 at 10:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Eazy20's Avatar
    Eazy20 is offline Member
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    Don't do it. You say you're not worried about the sides because you haven't experienced them. Tren is not a first cycle drug. End of story. Not only because of the side effects to your body, but to your mind as well. If you are prone to aggression with other compounds, Tren will make you that x50 and that's something you won't know. Don't do it. End of story. Not to mention I bet you'd sh*t a brick the first time you get tren cough.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You dont want to do tren for your first cycle, its way to powerful for your first injectable cycle and I advice you to do more research on what this compound is capable of doing.

    You also dont need steroids yet, you have no base or foundation and you need to work on your diet, you need to start eating and putting on some natural mass otherwise your wasting your time taking steroids.If you did ignore me and started steroids you would lose all muscle gained because you dont have a diet to support new tissue so go over to the diet section and post your diet and get some help with it, but your not ready to cycle no matter if you think you are.

  4. #4
    ozy is offline New Member
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    i will consider your advice but i am more the "live and learn" type of person the possibility of the results i want to achieve outweighs the negatives for me atm. i am more worried about the mental sides then the physical but how would i know if i cant handle it if i never try rite? i am naive i realize but i dont want to be cocky wrote here for advise and will take everything onboard

  5. #5
    Eazy20's Avatar
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    It's not a matter of not knowing if you can handle it, it's gaining the knowledge of how your body reacts to other compounds to have some form of an idea of what to expect. Like I said if just test makes you aggressive and short-tempered tren will multiply that by 50. You're not going to get much advice here man, anyone who is knowledgeable about AAS and what they are capable of will tell you that in no way shape or form is Tren a 1st cycle compound. It's like jumping into the deep end of the pool to learn to swim

  6. #6
    ozy is offline New Member
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    the reason i love the idea of tren is the fact that it is powerful haha.. like i mentioned if i dont do it now and spend my money on a test only cycle and post cycle i wont have the financial means to do another good cycle for a long time and i want the results now as wrong as that mite come across i know i wont be satisfied if i dont atleast try..

    my next question i guess is then if tren isnt a good steroid for a first cycle, what makes it better or easier to tolerate its side effects as a second third or tenth cycle?

  7. #7
    ozy is offline New Member
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    just answered my question. thankyou i know what you mean better now

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What is your bodyfat?

    Your 76kgs, this is no foundation and you need to work on your diet. It doesnt matter if you use steroids it will make no difference to you because you will lose everything you gain because you dont have a diet to support new tissue.

    No matter how much anabolic support you have it will be worthless without proper nutrition, food will help build and maintain your valued muscle weather its natural, cycling or in PCT. Adjusting your food intake and consuming muscle building foods coupled with a solid training program will help you achieve your natural limit and foundation before you start AAS use.

    If your not going to listen and would rather learn the hard way why are you even posting and asking questions if your going to do it anyway, sounds the wrong way to do things so I guess I cant help you and i wwill leave your thread, best of luck you will need it.

  9. #9
    ozy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    What is your bodyfat?

    Your 76kgs, this is no foundation and you need to work on your diet. It doesnt matter if you use steroids it will make no difference to you because you will lose everything you gain because you dont have a diet to support new tissue.

    No matter how much anabolic support you have it will be worthless without proper nutrition, food will help build and maintain your valued muscle weather its natural, cycling or in PCT. Adjusting your food intake and consuming muscle building foods coupled with a solid training program will help you achieve your natural limit and foundation before you start AAS use.

    If your not going to listen and would rather learn the hard way why are you even posting and asking questions if your going to do it anyway, sounds the wrong way to do things so I guess I cant help you and i wwill leave your thread, best of luck you will need it.
    that was like a slap across the face but i well needed one i guess i will take ur nutrition advice onboard and wait it out and see how my body react if i start to gain and see where it takes me until i decide if that is enough or do i want to give AAS a shot

  10. #10
    Eazy20's Avatar
    Eazy20 is offline Member
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    Wise decision my friend.

  11. #11
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Stay away from tren on a first cycle. That is a harsh compound and you have no idea what it will do to you.

  12. #12
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    8 kilos can be achieved naturally from your starting point. start a thread in the diet section and lets get that sorted out first, once you start eating properly gains will come and steroids may not even be a desire. trust me natural achievments are more appreciated. ill look for your post in the diet section.

  13. #13
    warlord_wang's Avatar
    warlord_wang is offline Associate Member
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    lol clomid only pct better get some nolva. What about a AI if gyno surfaces while your cycling? Do you even know what a AI is? Do you know what Hcg is?

  14. #14
    ozy is offline New Member
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    Yes aware of AI and hcg .

    I will post on the diets section so any input there would be great

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