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  1. #1
    BrunkerVic is offline Junior Member
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    Cutting/Lean Gains cycle finalized - THOUGHTS??


    one cycle behind me

    I'm interested in mild cutting/lean gains cycle. After much deliberation, i've come up with this:

    NPP @ 100mg EOD weeks 1-6 (or 1-8?)
    Primobolan @ 400mg/week weeks 6-18
    Test P @ 100mg EOD weeks 1-18

    NPP is in attempts to aid with some minor joint discomfort

    any thoughts appreciated


  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    I think for your 2nd cycle you dont need to run 3 compounds. You could just stick with the test and make great gains. Imo if you want to run 2 i would run the npp.

  3. #3
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    npp and prop would be a nice combo

  4. #4
    TheTitan101's Avatar
    TheTitan101 is offline New Member
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    18 weeks is a long time to be shut down... esspecially 2nd cycle...

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrunkerVic View Post

    one cycle behind me

    I'm interested in mild cutting/lean gains cycle. After much deliberation, i've come up with this:

    NPP @ 100mg EOD weeks 1-6 (or 1-8?)
    Primobolan @ 400mg/week weeks 6-18
    Test P @ 100mg EOD weeks 1-18

    NPP is in attempts to aid with some minor joint discomfort

    any thoughts appreciated

    From what I understand and have read you did your first cycle at 20? You have done a few since and you had arthroscopic surgery on my right shoulder to repair a severely torn labrum as well as to pin down my unstable biceps tendon most probably due to using AAS to young, lifting to heavy before your body was really ready for it.

    So let me get this straight, even though you have been told in numerous other post you are to young, you didn't listen, you have injured yourself and now you want to compound the issue with another cycle? Did I miss anything?

    Wait I know what I missed. You are the exception to the rule, you know your body and limitations, you know you are (where) done growing, you where/are motivated and you are going to do it anyways so people might as well tell you what you want to hear, right?

    Hmmm.... arthroscopic surgery on your right shoulder to repair a severely torn labrum as well as to pin down my unstable biceps tendon......... Hmmmm Yes you know best... it's obvious.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-01-2011 at 05:46 AM.

  6. #6
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    do you also have a pct planned? and 23 seems a little bit young.

  7. #7
    BrunkerVic is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    From what I understand and have read you did your first cycle at 20? You have done a few since and you had arthroscopic surgery on my right shoulder to repair a severely torn labrum as well as to pin down my unstable biceps tendon most probably due to using AAS to young, lifting to heavy before your body was really ready for it.

    So let me get this straight, even though you have been told in numerous other post you are to young, you didn't listen, you have injured yourself and now you want to compound the issue with another cycle? Did I miss anything?

    Wait I know what I missed. You are the exception to the rule, you know your body and limitations, you know you are (where) done growing, you where/are motivated and you are going to do it anyways so people might as well tell you what you want to hear, right?

    Hmmm.... arthroscopic surgery on your right shoulder to repair a severely torn labrum as well as to pin down my unstable biceps tendon......... Hmmmm Yes you know best... it's obvious.
    My shoulder injury stems from a moderately-severe humeral head fracture at age 16. two months later it was re-fractured and further damage to multiple areas of the shoulder occurred in a car-accident. Since this time, even with physio and through the natural healing process my shoulder never developed stability and was frequently aggrivated (in the gym, while doing jiu-jitsu, in the odd bar-fight, and other non-physical reasons). In the end, the surgical process sowed up the labral tear as well as a subacromial decompression and general clean-up and stabilization of the shoulder joint. I've been off cycle for over 2 years, trying everything out there to bring my shoulder back to 90-100%. Including chiropracters, those who specialize in applied kinesiology, prolotherapy, even naturopaths etc.

    although I was too young when I did my first cycle, it happened. that being said, the only time in the past 6 years of shoulder problems that it actually felt genuinely comfortable was on cycle.

    I've run out of medical options for my shoulder, and unless you've got a better one, then I think the well documented success of Nandrolone on aiding joint recovery (not necessarily on cycle only - i've read many threads that state joint comfort post cycle has lasted as long as years) is worth a shot. I've tried to keep doses low and use the AAS that are generally considered MILD. the tone to your reply is a bit hostile, do yourself a favour and maybe ask specific questions and THEN state your opinion once you know the Real facts, rather than interpreting it all yourself

    Initially I only wanted to do NPP and Test P, the Primo was just a thought as it was considered one of the mildest and in some cases potentially could even counter-act the sides associated with Test.
    Last edited by BrunkerVic; 03-01-2011 at 09:01 AM.

  8. #8
    BrunkerVic is offline Junior Member
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    Initially it was just a Test P and NPP cycle i wanted to do. I've been flirting with the idea of Primo just because its known as one of the mildest steroids and can potentially even counteract sides from Test.

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have had a humeral head fracture due to a skiing accident (good jump, poor landing) and labral tears due to the accident and other crashes on quads etc.

    Only think that has helped me is some time off and...

    Quote Originally Posted by BrunkerVic View Post
    do yourself a favour and maybe ask specific questions and THEN state your opinion once you know the Real facts, rather than interpreting it all yourself
    Or you could give more details next time? Just a though.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-01-2011 at 09:49 AM.

  10. #10
    BrunkerVic is offline Junior Member
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    My recent MRI's show no mechanical problems with my shoulder, although a static scan like MRI sometimes is unable to identify where the pain is stemming from. I haven't lifted in a while, due to rehabilitation attempts. I've had all the ligaments involved with the shoulder worked on, which are looking strong now (my Coracoclavicular ligaments specifically seemed to be an issue). My bone mass and muscle mass are all fine, but there is still some underlying issue which i've really come to a dead end in trying to solve. I've seen Orthopaedics around the world, some of the best in Canada, as well as reputable ones in Europe - they have all run out of options other than feeding me cortisone shots, which from recent study i've realized can actually damage ligament and tendon tissue.

    Thank you for the video - I will incorporate this movement into my training and hope for the best

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I had 3 cortisone shots in my shoulder as well, did little to nothing. They wanted to do surgery, I said NO. My incline bench went down to 1/4 what it was after re injuring it lifting but will a little time off and mostly due to the stretching like in the video which I still dont do enough of it has helped more than anything and I can incline with almost zero discomfort now. Anytime it starts to hurt I just do the stretching and it helps.

    I had nerve test done where they stick several needles in your shoulder, bicep and hand and send electrical charges to test the nerves only showing there was no problem it hurt. I had what felt like a dead bicep or pain through my bicep to my elbow and numbness in my fingers. HEAVY deep tissue massage helped but still mostly it was these exercises in the video.

  12. #12
    BrunkerVic is offline Junior Member
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    I've decided to start light

    50mg Test Prop EOD
    50mg NPP EOD

    Is this too low to expect much, while still shutting down the HPTA? should I boost it to 100mg EOD or should I maintain at this level and see how my body reacts?

  13. #13
    BrunkerVic is offline Junior Member
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    its been almost 7 years bro lol... how long can u expect a guy to wait

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