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  1. #1
    Btravb is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010

    Couple questions about tren and my cyp im not to sure about

    Alright first question would be... Im takin 750mgs of cyp and 500mgs of deca . Im gonna start tren here but i was wondering if i should wait till im completly out of deca or start towards the end of the deca. Basically asking if there ok to mix. And i dont mean in the bottle.

    Next... I got this test cyp and it crystalizes after alittle while so i gotta put it in hot water before i run it. Lets say i hit it sunday by wensday its crystalizes again. Not Totally but there in there. What are your takes on this. Ever had this happen. On a side note it is producing some good gains

  2. #2
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Don't you have your cycle/PCT fully planned and mapped out prior to starting?
    Lay everything down you have planned, and your stats(age, height, weight, bf%) before starting, where you are now(including diet). Then we can make informed advice. No smart person can possibly give you advice on what you have given us above.

  3. #3
    Btravb is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010
    Listen tren wasnt originally in the equation, but things change so all i was askin is if tren is ok to start running before im done on deca . I only have a week left on deca anyway and My test will still be going after the deca is done so its kind of a yes or no answer

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think what auslifta is trying to say is before he or anyone else gives advice, we want to know a little bit more about you. There is a reason for this. We aren't getting paid by the question here, but he does want to make sure the advice given is appropriate

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