have a quick question regarding redness, this is my 3rd cycle, ive done test tren , test deca cycles before, im 24, 244 pounds, about 12 percent bf, so i guess im kindof a newb at this, but anyway, 8 weeks into my last cycle of test400 and tren E (800 test 400 tren) i started getting huge red welts where i injected, they were hot to the touch i had a fever and all that nonsense, so i hopped off my cycle got some antibiotics and did my pct. so i start this new cycle of test 400 and tren acetate and dbol (same brand, 400 of test a week, 350 of tren and 50 mg dbol a day) and yet again this is my eigth week and im starting to get red welts, and its not even just where i inject, my shoulder injection felt fine but the redness moved down to the middle of my bicep and it was REALLY sore there, so i thought maybe i somehow got my bottle of test contaminated even though i go through great lengths to keep it clean (spray my hands with alcohol new needles everytime, dont touch anything that comes out of the package etc) so i got a bottle of some sustanon my roomate uses that he has no problem with at all, and yep my tricep is huge and red now, dif bottle brand new syringes, im thinking my body is having a reaction to the shit they use to mix the gear with, anyone have any thoughts on what i can do to stop this from happening?