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  1. #1
    spyder030 is offline New Member
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    starting first cycle

    I am going to starting my first cycle soon. I am a newbie and I want to know how to go about it the best and most educated way possible. I am a medical major so i am familiar with terms but not sure what to do to prep and what to do PCT. I want to take all precations and preventions possible to maximize cycle and preserve health. Currently 5'10" 170lbs I am getting test ethanate and stanozolol . All help and suggestion welcome and appreciated

  2. #2
    Bigjerdog is offline Associate Member
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    Take some time and read the stickys, board rules etc. You need to provide more information regarding your stats before people will offer you much help

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    ^^ Good answer.

    OP i would suggest you post your full daily diet in the diet forum. Running a cycle without reaching your full potential (this can only be done via diet/training) is a complete waste of time, all you will do is add water weight and then lose it as soon as you've finished your cycle....

    So post your diet in the diet forum and lets help you get on track....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    spyder030 is offline New Member
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    I eat pretty well right now because I am not trying to put on weight i am only consuming about 3200 calories. I eat non treated meats, eat fruit and dark greens like a mad man take a multivatmin every morning. I workout 3 times a week, it is hard to fit in more time right now cause i work and go to school full time. For those three days I hit it hard. Chest, biceps and legs tuesday, 5 exercise each with super sets. Back, shoulders and triceps 5 exercise each with super sets. I drink 3 whey protein shakes a day. The only thing i am behind on his my cardio i will start hitting that hard as well. As for stats i never attempt to max on anything it doesnt benefit except for bragging rights. but here is my basics

    Bench 3 sets 8 reps 155 2 sets 8 reps 155 plus one resistance band
    incline 135 4 sets 8 reps
    cable flys 4 sets 10 reps 20 lbs each side super set yoga ball pushups
    cable lower flys 4 sets 10 20 lbs each medicine ball pushups
    bench cable flys 4 sets 10 20 lbs super set with dumbell pullovers

    preacher curls using cables 4 sets 8 reps 42 lbs super set reverse barbell curls
    preacher reverse grip cables 4 sets 8 reps 35 lbs super set isolation cable curl
    preacher cable rope curl 4 sets 8 reps 35 lbs super set isolation reverse cable curl
    cable hammer curls 4 sets 8 reps 25 lbs super set resistance band curl

    Squats 3 sets 8 reps 215

    that is a portion of how my workout goes, it came from a body builder who suggested this routine to put on weight and strength. i started in august at 155lbs (competed in muay tai and kickboxing for 6 years at 155) i reached 170 in november. I want to put a little more size and strenght but i have been stuck at 170 and my workout partner is 175 and he doubles my weight in everything except squats ( he did cycle of test last year). If anymore info needed i have no problem answering anything else or providing more info. Suggestions and what to do to prepare my body before i start the cycle and what to do on cycle(as far as taking care of my liver and returing my body to homeostasis it would be greatly appreciated. I have read a tone but i would like to hear from people who actually run gear as appose to theories or speculation.

  5. #5
    spyder030 is offline New Member
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    I am sorry forgot to mention i am between 7 to 9% body fat. again i am new to the forum. I have read so much about gear and i am excited to start but want to take the proper approach before i start. I have read some many threads for this forum and i believe the people here have the most knowledge. I appreciate all suggestion and information given

  6. #6
    kelevra is offline Member
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    Terrible dude workout. We got some fixin needs done.
    Get rid of the super setting. If you only have 3 days it is a bit tuff to spin, but let me try something.
    Some ideas for split.
    Day1 Chest, Back / Day 2 Arms Shoulders / 3 legs. Were you place legs depends on the needed breaks. IE: you could do it day 2 if you had enough break from day 1.
    Now for the craze amount of sets. You need to start about 9 working sets for small groups. Bi’s, tri’s, chest, delts. You can do 10-12 for legs and 12-14 for back.
    STOP the Super setting, Do straight sets for now with a rep range of 8-16.
    Put some new ideas together and we’ll continue to help

  7. #7
    5x10's Avatar
    5x10 is offline Associate Member
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    whats your goal?

  8. #8
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    how old are you?

  9. #9
    spyder030 is offline New Member
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    Thank you kelevra will start ur suggestion next week since this one basically over. Tuesday chest and back, thursday arms and shoulders and sunday legs again ty for the suggestion and i will rock this routine and see how it goes. 5x10 my goal is to reach a lean 180 to 185. I am 27 years old and and i have reached a wall in strength and weight.

  10. #10
    spyder030 is offline New Member
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    Any info in regards to preparing my body for its first cycle and what should i take during cycle to ensure least amout of damage and retaining most of the weight

  11. #11
    YoungMan is offline Associate Member
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    for fist cycle stick just to the test save the winstrol for another cycle runn your test enth 400-500mg/week

  12. #12
    spyder030 is offline New Member
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    ty for suggestiong isnt the winstrol to help with definetion? I have been weight lifting for 5 years, just this year i quit muay tai and wanted to get bigger and stronger. I have been stuck at 170 for nearly 7 months. I figure i would state this cause i dont want people here to think i am just picking up gear and running it without prior training. I have been reading for about gear for year and spend almost 3 hours a week reading up on it. I know that isnt much but that is all the time i have considering i work and go to college full time. I just would like input from people who have ran and what they did to take of their body during the cycle as i know it can be very physically demanding

  13. #13
    BoredIRL is offline Associate Member
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    Best of luck on your first cycle.

  14. #14
    YoungMan is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyder030 View Post
    ty for suggestiong isnt the winstrol to help with definetion? I have been weight lifting for 5 years, just this year i quit muay tai and wanted to get bigger and stronger. I have been stuck at 170 for nearly 7 months. I figure i would state this cause i dont want people here to think i am just picking up gear and running it without prior training. I have been reading for about gear for year and spend almost 3 hours a week reading up on it. I know that isnt much but that is all the time i have considering i work and go to college full time. I just would like input from people who have ran and what they did to take of their body during the cycle as i know it can be very physically demanding
    what if you did run into some problems *knock on wood*..... you wouldn't know if it was the winstrol or the test... thats why they say one compound is the best for your first cycle becuase youll learn and understand what sides come with just the test and it will be much easier to control.... if you run 2 you will never know which one it was that gave you these sides... if you get any...

  15. #15
    spyder030 is offline New Member
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    Ah Ty! I was wondering also should i go ahead and run HCG as a precaution during cycle? And what to run PCT to restart my normal test cycle? I have read so many different opinions.

  16. #16
    spyder030 is offline New Member
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