This list is in my opinion is what you must accomplish to earn the right to use anabolics.

1. you must be at least 21 years old, if you cant buy alcohol then you shouldn't be buying steroids .

2. you must have been lifting/ working out seriously for at least one year. this means that you have been eating correctly 6-10 meals a day for 365 days in a row. and following your training program to a tee.

3. your total for bench, deadlift, and squat needs to brake 1000.

4. when you think you have done enough research do some more.

5. talking to some one who has been using anabolics for more than a year.

6. If you dont know if you can get legit steroids and the drugs to combat the side effects of the steroids on a continuous bases then you havent put enough time into this.