I've been on here as a member for a few months now and lurking for a while before that! I am looking for recommendations now.

I am a 35 yr old with 15 years lifting experience. Currently weigh around 205 at around 14% bf. One year ago I was in a serious accident were I injured my leg and due to the injury and the preceding surgeries I lost a lot of weight. Dropping to around 169 lbs.

Now after approximately 8 months of hard lifting and a clean diet heavy on protein I am now back up to within 5 pounds of the pre accident. All of the muscle has bounced back great except the injured leg. It has certainly made some progress however roughly half the strength of my good leg.

So I am now looking for suggestions on what a cycle could do to help me now. Besides one cycle with prohormones about 10 years ago I have no cycle experience but I do understand PCT and what it would require. I guess I am curious what the best compound for my situation would be.

Thanks for all help and advice