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Thread: Newbie here!

  1. #1
    aviator0485 is offline New Member
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    Newbie here!

    Hello all,

    Well let me start by telling you guys a lil about myself. I am 25 years 6'0 188lbs. My main goal has always been to trim down but for one reason or another i have not been able to achieve the results i want, i blame my eating habits for the previous attempts. So, at the beginning of this year i decided it was time to make a change. I started the year weighing 208lbs and have managed to drop about 20lbs in this last 3 months, i changed my diet and used some thermogenics to boost my energy and burn more calories. Although i was happy with the results i felt like i had to take it to the next level. I spoke to a friend(who lives in another country) who is more experienced in this subject and he suggested for me to try winni, ive heard many good things about it so i said i was interested but then he told me that the one he uses is for veterinary use. Regardless of that fact, i decided to buy a bottle and just figure out whether to take it or not once i was back in the States. I have mixed feelings about using this product and was hoping you guys could throw some advice.
    Has anyone had any experience with something like this?? I appreciate all comments and thank you guys in advance for your time.


  2. #2
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    dont do winny, dont do a cycle. You have los t20lbs in 3 months with a good diet. Continue on this before thinking of cycling. And dont do winny only for a cycle either, you need a test base to go along with it.

    take it to the next level = continueing your 'healthy lifestyle' for more than 3 months.

    there needs to be much more research done so you nkow what you are doing and what to expect/handle what happens.

    a starting point is for a first cycle doing test only (dont matter the estter) and a good PCT. You need to findout how the test affects ur body and such. then u need a PCT which will get ur balls back.

  3. #3
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    ditto, work on your diet and training. Keep dropping your body weight until you hit a plateau. You can drop a lot of weight naturally. You have to be patient and have discipline.

  4. #4
    SlimJoe is offline Banned
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    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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  6. #6
    aviator0485 is offline New Member
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    Hey guys! Thank you very much for your comments and reccomendations. I also agree that i have to continue a healthy lifestyle for longer than 3 months and have a strict discipline. However, my biggest concern is that i have never been able to achive the results that i want =S and i dont mean in just these last 3 months but even in previous years when i had good runs and i consider my body to be at its best, i still struggled to get rid of some ares.. "lovehandles" etc. Not to mention i have always looked bulkier rather than "cut". Anyways, due to those previous dissapointments is that i have been intrigued to try this Stano to help me get to the results that i want. I understand that this is not to take as a miracle supplement, i know that it will take discipline and hard work from my part in order to get there.
    I am working out 7 days a week an average of 2 hours, my main problem has always been my belly fat and the last month and a half i was doing a circuit training that targets belly fat. I believe it has worked but i still have waaay longer to go. In addition to that circuit which i do MOn, Tue, Thurs and Fri, i try to do at least an hour cardio a day and on the days i dont do the circuit which are Wed, Sat, Sun, i do an hour of mix weights, fixed machines, cables targeting biceps, triceps, chest and shoulders (not all in the same day), i usually do 4 different excercises per muscle doing 4 sets of 15 reps per set with little recovery time. Ive tried to stay away from doing abs as ive heard its better to loose the belly fat first before doing a lot of abs. Is what im doing the right thing for what im trying to achieve? Any suggestions?
    Also, does anyone have any feedback on the Stano (veterinary use) ? Does it work for positively human use?

    Thanks Again!


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