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  1. #1
    Cyclehard is offline Associate Member
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    Cycling/Road Racing


    I'm a cyclist. We are mostly concerned about keeping our weight down and having the ability to flush lactic acid out of our system quickly. This can be done with having a higher hemacrit or RCB. Power is mainly aerobic/anaerobic. Of course muscle is a factor. But it seems as if, other than Masterdon, most guys use hormones to get going. I am thinking about a plain test cycle? Are there any thoughts people could share with me?

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    I'm not sure what your question is? Test will increase your RBC somewhat but there are other AAS that will increase it more. EQ is a good compound for cyclists as long as you're not tested for PEDs

  3. #3
    Cyclehard is offline Associate Member
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    Will it make me bulk up? And will it combat the estrogen effects of test? I was hoping test would work fine one its own. I've also heard that masterdon is good for cyclist because you don't gain a lot of weight.

  4. #4
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    EQ will retain more water then Test. If you want RBC and increase your aerobic/anaerobic endurance there are other ways to increase performance. As a cyclist you want to minimize the oxygen intake into the upper body so you can concentrate the RBC into the lower body that does most of the work. Steroids will build muscle and cause hypertrophy throughout the entire body not just the legs. You could end up using more oxygen because your entire body will get bigger. I know my cycling friends sleep in an altitude chamber at about 10,000 ft. Same effect as blood doping. I know guys that do IV drips with "special" blend to increase the RBC count. If you did a low dose of Test Prop I think that would be your best bet.

  5. #5
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    I'm a hobby cyclist an i've ran eq at 400mg/week and had positive effects on my endurance. I wouldn't mess with blood doping or EPO if i were you. A high enough RBC can kill you

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclehard View Post
    Will it make me bulk up? And will it combat the estrogen effects of test? I was hoping test would work fine one its own. I've also heard that masterdon is good for cyclist because you don't gain a lot of weight.
    Pretty good chance test will make you grow.

  7. #7
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I was a competitive cyclist ages ago so I am somewhat familiar with this stuff. Anyway if you are a professional road cyclist competing in stage races your needs will be completly different from a pseudo-proffesional cyclist competing in criteriums on the weekends.

    If you take steroids while actually competing in multiday events growth will be limited by caloric demands your body is undergoing so it will not be a problem. If on the other hand you train 40 miles a day 4-5 days a week and race on weekends then yes steroid usage could cause some unwanted growth...of course if this is the case you are probably a wheel sucker so it won't be that big a deal since your main goal will be a good kick at the end LOL.

    Really I feel for most competitive cyclists a simple supplementation with Test will provide sufficient improvement in recovery and RBC's to show gains without the long term testing worries of other AAS usage.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 04-13-2011 at 02:50 PM.

  8. #8
    Cyclehard is offline Associate Member
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    I am a weekend warrior these days but less of a wheel sucker and more of someone going for the kill. I just need an edge. I also don't want to try too much as this will be my first time. I have a tenancy to put on weight, too. I use to BB. I'm bigger today, upper-body anyway, than a lot of guys who lift and I haven't touched weights other than legs in years. I'm thinking low test will do, but what about the estrogen effects?

  9. #9
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    Take .25mg adex every other day and it'll hold down the estrogen conversion.

  10. #10
    Cyclehard is offline Associate Member
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    It says here on the blog that Adex doesn't hold off estrogen?

  11. #11
    Cyclehard is offline Associate Member
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    I found other stuff that says otherwise.

  12. #12
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    EQ will retain more water then Test. If you want RBC and increase your aerobic/anaerobic endurance there are other ways to increase performance. As a cyclist you want to minimize the oxygen intake into the upper body so you can concentrate the RBC into the lower body that does most of the work. Steroids will build muscle and cause hypertrophy throughout the entire body not just the legs. You could end up using more oxygen because your entire body will get bigger. I know my cycling friends sleep in an altitude chamber at about 10,000 ft. Same effect as blood doping. I know guys that do IV drips with "special" blend to increase the RBC count. If you did a low dose of Test Prop I think that would be your best bet.
    Definitely not. It converts to estrogen at roughly half the rate of test, so the water retention is minimal. I find that it is basically estrogen-neutral, meaning that it has no visible effect on water retention in a cycle. It doesn't dry you out like a DHT derivative, but it doesn't aromatise enough to bloat you.

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