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  1. #1
    scrappydoo is offline Associate Member
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    Help diagnose my Clen symptoms

    Ive been on the ECA stack for years. Usually 4 days on, 4 days off when I am at work, and preworkout... so not really for fatloss, more for energy.
    So anyways, Im on Clen .(its from a Canadian UGL with a man holding a globe on his back) and took Keto the first week with it because of my ECA use.

    Ive done Clen before and i had sweats, and major cramps even with Taurine. This time around im dosing 150mcg and the only symptoms I have are:
    a little bit of hand shake
    Im cold when taking it, mostly my hands feel like theres no blood in them
    my body temp has actually seemed to decrease by a degree
    Minor muscle fires all over the body (not cramps) i have been taking 3g of Taurine.
    and drowzy when taking it
    dreams are more vivid

    i am on a carb restricted diet. When i take ECA im always sweating in my underarms... wet spots.
    I have split my doses, at 100mcg at noon, and 50mcg at 4pm

    Thoughts? would you say its working, or are my receptors shot? or something else?
    Last edited by scrappydoo; 04-16-2011 at 07:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    When I took 60mcg of clen for the first time I was up for two days. LOL, I had no idea my body was going to react like that. As I got used to the clen I upped my dose. You're taking 150mcg and practically nothing happens? I wonder if your clen is dosed correctly. At 150mcg you should really feel something.

  3. #3
    scrappydoo is offline Associate Member
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    I have some old AR-R Clen and tried that also. Same effect. Its a new day, maybe some new thoughts?

  4. #4
    scrappydoo is offline Associate Member
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    I have ordered more Keto and will up the dose to see if this helps. Input about what may be happening gentlemen?

  5. #5
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    You probably aren't getting much response because I doubt anyone has had similar sides. Very strange. I would have said it was the product, but you have ruled that out by duplicating the sides from two different manufacturers.

    So, no help from me.

  6. #6
    Standby's Avatar
    Standby is offline ~AR's Nice Guy
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    i can take 150mcg of clen and only get very little shakes. ive never took taurine or got cramps. i can take it right before bed and still sleep. but my heart pounds out my chest when i workout to the point i get scared

  7. #7
    mrniceguy215 is offline Banned
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    if you read the profile for clen it say that 8% of the population will expirence the opposite effects of what the other 92% will experience. i guess your part of that 8% nothing to worry about bro

  8. #8
    scrappydoo is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrniceguy215 View Post
    if you read the profile for clen it say that 8% of the population will expirence the opposite effects of what the other 92% will experience. i guess your part of that 8% nothing to worry about bro
    I would totally buy that, and end this thread. However, I did Clen about 2 years ago... and I had the typical symptoms. And for curiosity's sake I took an ECA stack today instead and I feel that more. ( I took Benydrl and Keto last night)
    Last edited by scrappydoo; 04-20-2011 at 03:27 PM.

  9. #9
    sixoner is offline Member
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    my guess would be the beta-2 receptors are trashed..forget about benadryl that doesn't work to re-sensitize the receptors...the ketotifen should work but in my experience it takes just over a week @2mg ed to get results consistent with the initial effect of the clenbuteral. but keep in mind every time i went in with clean may want to just lay off of both the clen and ephedra and allow your receptors to recover before resuming.

    150mcg is a brutal dose of clenbuteral if the compound is dosed correctly...and also yrs of continuous use of ephedrine is also seriously extremely brutal gotta lay off sometime bro you cant sprint the whole way the body don't work like that

    let us know how it goes

  10. #10
    sixoner is offline Member
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    also you may be having results from the ECA simply from the caffeine and aspirin also the ephedrine isn't a selective beta-2 adrenoceptor agonist like the clenbuteral so it will still have an effect when the beta-2's are desensitized a scenario in which clenbuteral will have no effect

  11. #11
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    ^^^this is correct. Please read up more on the Clenbuterol profile on the front page of the steroid .com. It explains in further detail how clen works versus ephedra/ephadrine

  12. #12
    wilsonw25's Avatar
    wilsonw25 is offline Junior Member
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    by the end of my 3 week clen cycle I am dosing 200mcg ed and I only experience mild shakes.. RHR is about 110-120 about an hour after taking but your sides are weird.. I think your receptors are shot.. stop sprinting like Sixoner said. if you are that much into getting the ripped look which it seems like you are try a test, masteron , anavar cycle and lay off the other shit for while.

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