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  1. #1
    incrediblehulk is offline New Member
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    Mar 2011

    HCG Mystery...When to start on Test-E cycle

    Hi Folks

    I am in 6th week of my (first cycle ever) 12 week Test-E cycle. Monday -250mg, Thursday- 250 mg
    Nolva : started taking 10 mg from 3rd week of the cycle, missed 2-3 times in 4th & 5th week…can it cause problems?

    Weight Gain: 4 kg (8.8 lbs) a good 0.75 inches on arms. Rest measurements are yet to be done.

    So my question is, Should I start using HCG now at 250 i.U. or should I take from 10th week until pct starts (i.e. until 14th week).

    The reason to take HCG is ..I am feeling my nuts have shrunk a little bit (say 20%).

    I searched & read a lot about HCG, but some guys say…take 250 i.u. (every 5th day) through out the cycle, some say 500 I.u. (every 5th day) in last 4 weeks of cycle & some say 500 i.u. daily after cycle & until PCT starts.

    So guys, share your experiences about HCG & guide me what to do.
    Last edited by incrediblehulk; 04-19-2011 at 02:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Tlee8769's Avatar
    Tlee8769 is offline Associate Member
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    I started HCG at the beginning of my third week at 250iu twice a week up until my PCT i stop 5 days prior to PCT. A vet who is more experienced will jump in here soon enough but next time on your cycle i would recommend you using throughout with an AI if you dont get a reply ask a question to swifto here he replies really quick with really great info that will help out im taking his PCT protocol. Look through that thread you may find you answer there already. Best of luck.

  3. #3
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tlee8769 View Post
    I started HCG at the beginning of my third week at 250iu twice a week up until my PCT i stop 5 days prior to PCT. A vet who is more experienced will jump in here soon enough but next time on your cycle i would recommend you using throughout with an AI if you dont get a reply ask a question to swifto here he replies really quick with really great info that will help out im taking his PCT protocol. Look through that thread you may find you answer there already. Best of luck.

  4. #4
    incrediblehulk is offline New Member
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    Mar 2011
    Thanks guys....I put my question to swifto & he is helping me out.


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