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  1. #1
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    Clen effects.....opinions needed please!

    I started back on clen today at 60mcg ED and working my way up to 160 ED on week 6.
    Odd thing though. I have the crackhead shakes but no sweating/heated feeling like i normally get. Anyone else have this problem or have a clue as to why?

    I have my water intake at 18 glasses of water a day.

    I have tried T3 but never really saw any added gains over my successful Clen cycles. Any opinions on how I should dose the T3?

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    I hate clen personally because as you stated i feel like a crack head. I would much rather run eca, i can focus, i do not shake, i can sleep and i feel it works better for me. When is the last time you ran clen?

  3. #3
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    well this is the odd thing. I had some old clen laying around from last summer. Took it and felt no affects. Started to take Benadryl and nothing still. Stopped taking clen last friday at like 80mcg. Took just one nights worth of Keto and tried clen the next day and holy shit did I feel the sweats and shakes and I could hear my heart beat in my ears or the pulse in my head.

    Stopped and restarted today at 60mcg.

  4. #4
    kleaver's Avatar
    kleaver is offline Associate Member
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    everyone has a different reactions to clen at different doses. take your BP, make sure it doesn't get to high. if you have bad sides, you can spread out the dose throughout the day stopping before 4pm... unless you don't want to go to sleep.

    gains? hope you didn't mean muscle gain. if you meant fatloss-gains (which sounds counter intuitive... be it's fatLOSS, not fatGAIN), then you probably weren't doing it right. pair it with a good diet and cardio and you'll lose weight. i made the mistake on a clen cycle once of not doing cardio b'c i thought the clen would do it for me... not so true.

  5. #5
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    Gains as in what will I gain out of taking T3 with Clen versus just Clen...(was typing on my cell phone)
    Last edited by jtuner77; 04-21-2011 at 06:12 PM.

  6. #6
    mrniceguy215 is offline Banned
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    this dude needs a tutor, gains like muscle mass weight thats what hes trying to figure out.

  7. #7
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    ^^^Coming from the guy that pm's me 10 times about taking Clen but hasn't a clue what he is doing or what he is taking or how to take it and why and when to take it.

    I am not trying to figure out muscle mass weight. Man you just inserted foot in mouth there didn't you?

  8. #8
    yungone501's Avatar
    yungone501 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrniceguy215 View Post
    this dude needs a tutor, gains like muscle mass weight thats what hes trying to figure out.
    Correct me if im wrong but, doesnt clen have an anabolic effect...or was it anti-catabolic?
    Last edited by yungone501; 04-21-2011 at 06:35 PM. Reason: CLEN not CLEAN!

  9. #9
    mrniceguy215 is offline Banned
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    clen heads cant live with them cant kill em.

  10. #10
    kleaver's Avatar
    kleaver is offline Associate Member
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    in animals, when the beta2 receptors were downregulated, the beta3's were active with the clen ... this was the "anabolic " effect in the animals... unless i'm wrong.

    but human receptors are in different quantities, so chances are, for a HUMAN, it'll never be anabolic... but it's great at lipolysis

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