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  1. #1
    DIRTYMAX's Avatar
    DIRTYMAX is offline New Member
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    Experience w/ Letrozole reducing gains

    A lot of people run aromasin as an AI during their cycle. I have read a lot about Letrozole how strong it is to shutting down nearly 100% of all estrogen in your body. Question being has anyone experienced any poor effects of running letrozole while on their cycle. For instance a stoppage of muscle gains due to the complete lack of estrogen. My last cycle i used it mid way through due to some slight puffy nipples. When my cycle started it seemed like a got an insane pump and was able to hold it even hours after my workout was finished. Once i introduced letrozole into the cycle (.25-.3 mg ed) It seemed as though i lost that pump and my gains were no where near as rapid. on a side note the cycle its self was:

    600mg test cyp 1-12wk
    50mg ed dbol 1-4wk
    Last edited by DIRTYMAX; 01-09-2011 at 10:03 AM.

  2. #2
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    letro is very powerfull run aromasin at 12.5 eod next time through out.
    Quote Originally Posted by DIRTYMAX View Post
    A lot of people run arimidex as an AI during their cycle. I have read a lot about Letrozole how strong it is to shutting down nearly 100% of all estrogen in your body. Question being has anyone experienced any poor effects of running letrozole while on their cycle. For instance a stoppage of muscle gains due to the complete lack of estrogen. My last cycle i used it mid way through due to some slight puffy nipples. When my cycle started it seemed like a got an insane pump and was able to hold it even hours after my workout was finished. Once i introduced letrozole into the cycle (.25-.3 mg ed) It seemed as though i lost that pump and my gains were no where near as rapid. on a side note the cycle its self was:

    600mg test cyp 1-12wk
    50mg ed dbol 1-4wk

  3. #3
    rombus is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by DIRTYMAX View Post
    A lot of people run aromasin as an AI during their cycle. I have read a lot about Letrozole how strong it is to shutting down nearly 100% of all estrogen in your body. Question being has anyone experienced any poor effects of running letrozole while on their cycle. For instance a stoppage of muscle gains due to the complete lack of estrogen. My last cycle i used it mid way through due to some slight puffy nipples. When my cycle started it seemed like a got an insane pump and was able to hold it even hours after my workout was finished. Once i introduced letrozole into the cycle (.25-.3 mg ed) It seemed as though i lost that pump and my gains were no where near as rapid. on a side note the cycle its self was:

    600mg test cyp 1-12wk
    50mg ed dbol 1-4wk
    As far as Im concered I dont think Letro will reduce gains (if gains meaning muscle and not water/fat). what I do know is it wil actually raise IGF-1 levels. It is 'possible' that you think the gains are not as good because letrozole reduces estrogen,so you are not getting the fat and water retention you would have otehrwise gained frmo the testosterone .

    Again i am not sure if it actually reduces protein syntehsis or activates some sort of catabolic pathway. I sincerely doubt it.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Letro seems to be to powerful for me I would go with a-dex or aromasin , usually letro reduces estrogen to much which can effect gains. You need to balance estrogen whicle taking aas not reduce to low levels.

  5. #5
    rombus is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Letro seems to be to powerful for me I would go with a-dex or aromasin, usually letro reduces estrogen to much which can effect gains. You need to balance estrogen whicle taking aas not reduce to low levels.
    Hi again MArcus

    When you say that letrozole reduces gains, are we talking about water/fat gains or actual muscle gains? How did you know that letrozole was causing lean gains vs the 'dirty' gains ie were you losing strength?


  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rombus View Post
    Hi again MArcus

    When you say that letrozole reduces gains, are we talking about water/fat gains or actual muscle gains? How did you know that letrozole was causing lean gains vs the 'dirty' gains ie were you losing strength?

    I am saying very low estrogen levels reduces gains.Estrogen is also needed for muscle building so reducing it to much will have an adverse effect on your gains, its all about balance

  7. #7
    phil_dee16 is offline New Member
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    I'm still fairly new to the game(working out). Only about 7 months, but within that time..have bulit a fairly solid core, with simply only using protein b4, and after workouts and always have at least one NO2 either b4, or when i was using 2...1 b4 and 1 while working out.
    In this time, I haven't used any sort of anabolics, unless you want to include creatine, which I have just started using and plan on cycling for a while..roughly 20mg's a day, which was directed on the back of the Creatine monohydrate small tub I have.
    Now, i've been quite happy with my gains and because I'm one that has a hard time putting on muscle, more often than not I try to do sets with my max weight, with roughly 6-8 reps per set(sometimes a few more, the odd time a few less).
    Anyways, the only problem i seem to be having is with my muscle definiton, and to be specific in my chest and well I have a hard time losing that bit of belly fat around my waist.
    Soo, I won't get in to the details..but I came accross some Letrozole (Femera 2.5mg capsules)and have only taken 2 so far.
    I've read up on it quite a bit, and the main concencous is that it will get rid of your gyno...but will also reduce natural gains, as most people says it reduces your estrogen TOO MUCH. I have took this into consideration, so instead of taking a 2.5mg dose every other day..I've been taking one every 3rd day, hoping that my Estrogen isn't completely wiped out
    Now like I said...I've only tooken 2 pills so this maybe a bit premature to get an accurate reading...but it seems to be working a bit already, and I like the bit of extra definition i've already noticed, especially in my chest and I can actually see my abs a bit which is nice.
    Does anyone know if this dose of 2.5 mg's every 3rd day will still wipe out all my estrogen completely, or would it allow me to have the best of both worlds and improve my definition a bit, and add gains...or are any gains out the window if I continue to take the Letrozole every 3rd day? Will my size plateau, or is stretching out the dose of 2.5 every three days ok, and of course...will my mass continue to incline or no? Any feedback is helpful, and TY.

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